The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 368 Furious Chen Dongji, witty Mou Xianmin

Chapter 368 Furious Chen Dongji, witty Mou Xianmin
Many institutions that are waiting and watching are starting to go crazy~!It is because of their hesitation and caution that they missed the good investment opportunity~!

They could have bought early to enjoy this wave of benefits and benefits, so they missed it, and watched New Data's stock from more than 4000 per share to nearly 7000 per share~!

Especially those "sand sculpture" organizations that obeyed Miracle Group's words and earned the first wave of bonuses so quickly, this is more uncomfortable than killing them~!

After all, their situation is too small, and it is Miracle Group that "distributes benefits" to them, but they are not sure~!

When they came to their senses and bought shares of NewData at a high price in the market, they found out in despair that the company's shares had become a hot commodity, and no one sold them.


Chen Huarong, Ma Jiachang, and Song Cailin, who had listened to the news from Miracle Group early on, were all happy now.

Especially Chen Huarong, as a partner of Miracle Group, she once again realized the benefits that "leg sex" can bring, it is so fascinating~!

Shunyang Department Store, the president's office.

Chen Huarong was full of pride. After receiving a call from Rachel, Chen Huarong called his subordinates almost without thinking too much, and asked him to contact the securities company to buy NewData's stock immediately.

The subordinates thought they had heard it wrong. I don't know where the president heard the news. He didn't even know what this NewData technology company was doing. How did the boss know?

Until NewData's stock continued to rise, and its market value tripled in just one week, subordinates who didn't understand it at first were completely convinced.

"President, you are so amazing that you can fall in love with the stock NewData at a glance~!" The subordinates praised Chen Huarong without hesitation.

The 200 billion won they invested at the beginning, according to the current stock price, has reached a scale of more than 600 billion won~!

"It's not that I'm good, it's that Miracle Group is good~!" Chen Huarong said with great emotion.

Originally, when he received a call from Rachel, he was still a little hesitant.She subconsciously contacted her husband Cui Changji, wanting to know how to deal with it.

After Cui Changji knew about this, he told her decisively, "We are partners with Miracle Group. Since they dare to say that, they must be absolutely sure~! This stock will definitely rise from 4000 to 40000." , definitely can’t go wrong~!”

The husband who is the mayor of Seoul said so, so Chen Huarong didn't hesitate any longer.Judging from the results now, it is quite gratifying!If this continues, it will reach 2000 billion won, which is one month's work.

Such a high profit is almost reaching the net profit of Shunyang Department Store in the past 2 years~!


Shunyang Fire Insurance Company, in the president's office.

Chen Dongji was very annoyed. He had received the news from the undercover agent of Shunyang Department Store that "Miracle Group suggested investing in the shares of NewData Company".

But Executive Bai and several other close subordinates told him to be more cautious and not to act so hastily. If this was a trap, then they would have fallen into it~! .

Chen Dongji felt that his subordinates' considerations were reasonable, so he didn't buy NewData's stock at the first time, but sent someone to investigate the background and detailed information of this NewData.

But it was such a delay, and when the subordinates brought the detailed information, the stock of this NewData technology company seemed to have taken Viagra, and it kept rising, breaking new highs~!

"Axiba~! Didn't you tell me to be cautious?! Now that NewData's stock price has risen so much, do you know how much money I have lost?!" Chen Dongji's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes and he roared angrily.

Seeing this, the subordinates at the side could only remain silent. He had no idea that he would actually do something bad with good intentions, hindering his own president's plan to make a fortune, and he felt even more embarrassed.

When Chen Dongji saw this subordinate pretending to be an ostrich without saying a word, his angry eyes glanced at Executive Bai next to him.

Seeing Chen Dongji looking at him, Executive Bai took the initiative to say, "President, have you forgotten? I have done calculations for you this year, and your fortune this year is not good, and your work will not go well. If you are not careful, it will be very difficult. There might be trouble~!"

Hearing what Bai Changwu said, Chen Dongji was immediately embarrassed. That's what Bai Changwu told him at the beginning, but now the opportunity to make money is in front of him, and if he just watches others make money, he will make a lot of money. , how could he be willing~?

He took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and continued, "Now that the investigation has been completed, there is nothing wrong with this NewData. Can I invest in it?!"

Although I won’t be able to get the first wave of dividends, according to the news leaked from Shunyang Department Store, the stock price of NewData still has a lot of room to rise. If I chase the rise now, I won’t be able to eat big meat, but it will still be okay to drink soup. What a problem~!

"Since it is confirmed that there is no problem, this investment is naturally acceptable." Executive Bai said calmly, as if he was not at all frightened by Chen Dongji's angry eyes.

Hearing what Executive Bai said, Chen Dongji turned to his subordinates and shouted angrily, "Then why are you still standing there? Why don't you contact the securities company and buy NewData's shares?!"

"Yes, President!" The subordinate quickly agreed, and left the office as if fleeing.


The news that the stock price of New Data technology company has continued to rise and its market value has doubled within a few days has also attracted the attention of Bangzi Country's financial circles and upper-level dignitaries.

Before getting off work, Chen Daojun received a call from Mou Xianmin.

"Daojun, I have something to ask you... are you convenient now?" Mou Xianmin said hesitantly.

"Of course it's convenient. Since when did sister Xianmin be so polite?" Chen Daojun said with a smile.

"...that NewData technology company, do you know? My mother called me today and said that her relatives wanted to invest but didn't have enough funds, and wanted to borrow some money from my mother. I want to ask about the investment of this NewData company. Value..." Mou Xianmin said hesitantly.

"Invest in NewData? You have to persuade my mother not to let her get involved."

Chen Daojun complained in his heart, "The mother-in-law's relatives want to borrow money to invest in NewData? The news is so closed, and the response is so slow, it is a ghost to make money~!"

Those well-informed and quick-response investors and investment institutions have already gotten into the car and received dividends, and now they are thinking about entering the market. Whether they can buy NewData stocks is still a matter of opinion, even if they buy and hold them until when they will sell them. Can they hold it?
Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Mou Xianmin reacted instantly, "Daojun, how do you know so clearly? Could it be that this NewData company has something to do with you and the Miracle Group?!"

(End of this chapter)

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