The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 377 Chen Huarong buys NewData again, the year bug crisis is approaching

Chapter 377 Chen Huarong bought NewData again, and the millennium bug crisis is approaching
In Bangziguo, as the stock price of NewData Technology continues to rise, more and more investors choose to continue chasing the rise, intending to take advantage of this wave of market conditions to make a fortune!
In Shunyang Department Store, in the meeting room, the senior management of the department store is holding a regular work meeting for the fourth quarter to discuss the next work deployment.

As the president, Chen Huarong didn't care what her subordinates were saying, she just kept staring at the computer in front of her, feeling very bad.

Looking at the rising K-line chart on the screen, Chen Huarong's face became even more ugly~!

Now the stock price of NewData Technology has successfully reached more than 8, and some "senior" experts jumped out to promote that the stock of NewData Technology has not reached its limit yet, and is likely to rise to 20 or 30 per share!

After the meeting, Chen Huarong gritted her teeth with hatred. If she had been more determined at that time, she would have earned more than 200 billion won from the 3400 billion won she originally invested~!

With so much money, even Shunyang Department Store, Yuetian Hotel, Shunyang Hotel, Shunyang Golf Course, Shunyang Supermarket... and even the entire Shunyang Circulation Group combined together would not be able to make money in a year. So much!
Moreover, she still owes 6000 billion Korean won to Sunyang Group, so she is under a lot of pressure. If she can earn more in the stock market, her pressure will be relieved a lot!


Looking at Chen Huarong, who missed so much money every day, his eyes were red, and he asked Executive Ren beside him, "How much money can be mobilized in the book now?!"

"Excluding the maintenance of normal operations of several companies, the payments that need to be made to major suppliers next month, and the three months of employee wages reserved, the funds that can still be used on the books are probably less than 800 billion won~ !" Standing Committee Ren thought for a moment and replied.

Chen Huarong was very dissatisfied with Ren's answer!Most of the US$3 million that he and Miracle Group borrowed as collateral mortgages were used to repay debts owed by several companies before, and there was not much left at all.

There are also renovating the Shunyang Hotel, renovating the Shunyang Golf Course, and the Shunyang Supermarket... Each of these is a big money maker, and tens of billions of Korean won have been taken away from her.


"Ren, take all the 800 billion won and buy shares in NewData Technology!" Chen Huarong said with bloodshot eyes, as if he was crazy.

"President, this move of yours is too risky! The stock price of NewData Technology has risen very high. No one is sure whether it will continue to rise?" Executive Director Ren is a little embarrassed. The president of his family is obviously in trouble now. .

If you misappropriate the company's remaining funds to speculate in stocks, there will be no problem if you make money.But if the stock trading fails and you lose a lot of money, you will be in trouble in the future~!

If you are unable to allocate enough funds to deal with emergencies and difficulties, it can easily cause the company's stock price to plummet, or even go bankrupt!

"Executive Ren, I am the president! You must obey my orders unconditionally!" Chen Huarong did not expect that this subordinate who usually obeyed him would dare to go against him, which made her so angry!

"If I hadn't made 2000 billion won in NewData Technology to relieve the pressure, these companies would have been unable to support themselves and went bankrupt~!"


Hearing Chen Huarong talk about her difficulties, Executive Ren gradually understood.Isn't their newly formed Shunyang Circulation Group a big debtor?

Several companies that were spun off from the original Shunyang Group are all burdened with considerable debts~!

The Sunyang Hotel and Sunyang Golf Course alone need to repay the Sunyang Group’s debts of more than 1400 billion won, plus the poorly managed Sunyang Supermarket...

Although she didn’t know where Chen Huarong got the nearly 4500 billion won to repay most of the debt, nor did she know what price she paid.

But she also understands that the huge sum of money borrowed must be repaid.Most of the president of the company wants to take advantage of the good market of NewData technology to make some extra money, so as to reduce the financial pressure.

As a female business leader who can achieve this step, she still admires Chen Huarong~!

"President, I understand~! I'll make arrangements right away!" Executive Director Ren took a deep breath and decided to cooperate with Chen Huarong's request.

Chen Huarong felt relieved a lot when he saw Executive Director Ren agreed to her request.She was very dissatisfied when she recalled how Chen Dongji was gloating about the company's reorganization and division.
She is also the child of Chairman Chen Yangji, and her two paws can get a share of a company that has good performance despite being in debt.

And she, Chen Huarong, can only get some "leftovers" with extremely high debts and poor performance? !Also said that Chen Yangji was optimistic about her, and it was a test for her?

Haha, nothing more than patriarchy!In the heart of her father (Chen Yangji), she, a married daughter, is not worthy of being in charge of the core company of Shunyang Group!
------Dividing line------

As time goes by, November comes soon.

As the year 2000 approaches, the predictions and dangers of the "Y[-]K crisis" on the Internet and in news broadcasts have become more and more serious, and many companies and people in the country have panicked.


In a villa in the Jiangnan District, the TV is broadcasting something about the millennium bug crisis.

"The problem caused by the computer's inability to recognize the year 2000, that is, Y2K, is still one month away from the year 2000. The world cannot relax its vigilance at the possible Y2K millennium bug crisis. Because computer malfunctions may lead to accidental launch of nuclear bombs and nuclear missiles causing unprecedented tragedy..."

Seeing the host's "scaremongering" on the TV, Chen Hengjun on the sofa became more and more frightened.At this moment, the lights in the living room flickered, which frightened him a lot, "What's going on? What's going on? What should I do now?... The world... the end of the world is coming~ !"


After a while, the lights that had been tripped turned back on brightly. Chen Hengjun saw his mother Li Hairen coming to the living room. Chen Hengjun seemed to see a savior, "Mom, I was scared to death~! I thought the end of the world was coming~ !"

Li Hairen looked at his nervous and helpless eldest son, and then looked at the Millennium Bug crisis that was still being broadcast on TV. Li Hairen quickly realized that this not very clever eldest son had been fooled by the comments on TV. Ah~!

"What those experts say may not be right. You don't have to be so nervous~!" Li Hairen sighed and comforted patiently, "If you feel uneasy, you can contact Dao Jun and ask him. What does he think about the Y[-]K bug?"

(End of this chapter)

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