The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 378 Wu Shixian: Boss, are you sure you want to do this? !

Chapter 378 Wu Shixian: Boss, are you sure you want to do this? !
Miracle Group, Vice President’s Office.

Wu Shixian looked at the report brought by his subordinates, and his expression gradually became serious.After a while, he asked Chen Daojun who was sitting on the sofa, "Boss, the Y[-]K crisis seems to be getting worse, should we take some measures?!"

Wu Shixian is a little worried. Although the Y[-]K crisis predicted by the Bricks has not yet arrived, it has already caused panic among people. If they continue to let things go like this, their subsidiaries are likely to be affected too~!

Chen Daojun, who was sitting on the sofa, took a sip of strong coffee and replied calmly, "President Wu, don't be so nervous. Miracle Technology, a subsidiary of Miracle Group (an Internet company established by Miracle Group in 97), is not a listed company. , there will be no major problems."

"It's just that it's time to sell our remaining NewData technology stocks in batches~!" Chen Daojun took another sip of his coffee and said comfortably.

"In addition, we can provide these domestic companies with Y[-]K insurance services. As long as the companies that have purchased the insurance service suffer losses during the Y[-]K crisis, Miracle Group can fully compensate them~!"

Chen Daojun's words shocked Wu Shixian. He could understand the selling of NewData Technology stocks in batches, but what did it mean to provide insurance services related to the Y[-]K crisis?

"Boss~! Is this decision too risky?! If the millennium bug crisis is really as serious as those experts say, then the amount of compensation we Miracle Group needs to pay will be an astronomical figure?!"

If he hadn't seen that Chen Daojun's expression remained unchanged, he would have suspected that Chen Daojun had gone crazy or had his head caught in the door, so he came up with such a "bad idea"?
"President Wu, don't be so nervous~! Maybe this millennium bug crisis is not as serious as those bricks said?!" Chen Daojun continued, "It has been decades since the discovery of the possible existence of the millennium bug crisis. After so many years of development, there is already a gap between heaven and earth compared to that time!"

"With the existing means, it is not difficult to solve the problem of the millennium bug~!"

Hearing Chen Daojun's confident answer and analysis, Wu Shixian, who was originally tense, relaxed. His boss's analysis was not unreasonable. Technology is developing so fast. If the so-called "Millennium Bug" crisis still cannot be solved after decades, It’s somewhat unjustifiable!

"...Boss, since you are so sure, I will gather people to prepare to set up an insurance company tomorrow~!" Wu Shixian, who was calm in the past, soon had a plan.

"President Wu, don't forget to dispose of our remaining NewData technology stocks as soon as possible. Now that the price has risen to 250000 per share, it is almost over. If you want to sell it later, it will not be so easy~!"

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Wu Shi jokingly said, "Boss, those experts in the securities industry predict that the stock price of NewData Technology can rise to 300000 per share! Don't you think about holding it?"

Chen Daojun put down the coffee cup in his hand, and said playfully, "When will the predictions of these brick experts be accurate? If you guessed right, it's just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse~!"

"Although the next millennium bug crisis may not cause much harm and impact, it will also calm down the financial institutions that invested in it before. People will realize that the development of Internet technology is still in its infancy, and many The model is not mature enough, and many problems have not been solved.”

"And when the enthusiasm gradually dissipates, and we see poor performance, significantly higher revenue than expected, and even Internet companies that have lost a lot of money, I think the huge bubbles that have arisen in the Internet industry over the past few years will be ruthlessly burst. The Internet company with unlimited glory will become an existence that everyone despises..."

"It turns out that there is still this factor~! Did he expect it before?" Wu Shixian looked at the young Chen Daojun in front of him, and was quite shocked. The young man in front of him who had just turned 20 was able to speculate based on some information. to so many things.How many investors dream of such a powerful analysis ability and accurate prediction ability, but they can't dream of it~!


While Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian were chatting, Chen Daojun's phone suddenly rang.Chen Daojun answered the phone, "Hello, I'm Chen Daojun, who are you?"

"Hey, is this Daojun? I have something to ask you~!" Chen Hengjun's voice came from the phone, which surprised Chen Daojun.It sounds like my brother is a little panicked. Could it be that he is in some trouble?

"Brother Hengjun, what's the matter? Speak slowly and don't be anxious." Chen Daojun said softly.

"Did you see the news about the millennium bug crisis? It seems to be very serious. A nuclear bomb may be launched due to a mistake~! Should we stock up on more supplies and don't go out when the time comes..." Chen Hengjun said more and more Excited, thinking more and more extreme.

Chen Daojun couldn't help laughing when he heard Chen Hengjun say this.He still doesn't understand that this old man of his has been deceived by those people on TV who advocated the Y[-]K crisis~!

"Hey, Daojun, what are you laughing at, kid?! I'm telling you something serious~!" Hearing Chen Daojun's loud laughter, Chen Hengjun was a little annoyed. What does Chen Daojun mean by this younger brother? Insect crisis, such an important thing, what's so funny? !
"Brother Hengjun, do you think there is a possibility that this Y[-]K crisis is just a gimmick and no major disaster will happen?" Chen Daojun said with a teasing look on his face.

Listening to Chen Daojun's chat, Wu Shixian quickly guessed the other party's identity, but Wu Shixian didn't dare to compliment Chen Hengjun, the boss' brother.

Chen Daojun, the younger brother, is so good, why is the older brother so defeated?Could they really be brothers?

In response to Chen Daojun's question, Chen Hengjun retorted, "Daojun, this is what the Zhuan family said personally. And it was reported on the news TV station, so it's absolutely not wrong~! You have to believe me~!"

Hearing Chen Hengjun say so persistently, he gave up the idea of ​​arguing with the other party, "Okay~! Since you are so persistent, then just do what you want. However, as a younger brother, I can remind you, If you get beaten by dad, don’t say I didn’t persuade you~!”

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Chen Hengjun's face turned dark instantly. Look at this guy, is he speaking human language? !How can you "bless" your brother like this? It's too much~!

(End of this chapter)

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