The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 380: Jubilee is coming, a false alarm

Chapter 380 The arrival of the millennium, a false alarm

As the midnight bell rings, January 2000, 1 is approaching.In order to celebrate the arrival of the millennium, Chen Yangji called all his four children and their families to attend the banquet.

However, due to the Y2K crisis, many people at the banquet were a little preoccupied.Beside Chen Yongji and his wife, Chen Xingjun, who was "assigned" to the grassroots for training for more than two years, his skin has darkened a lot, and he has become a lot dull. He just sat on his seat without saying a word, looking at the faces of other people. The eyes are a little more unfriendly.

And Chen Daojun, who was sitting in the corner of the banquet table, had a calm face, whispering to Mou Xianmin beside him from time to time.

At this time, Chen Yangji, who was sitting in the main seat, said with a smile to the children and juniors in front of him, "In five hours, it will be the millennium. In this year, our Shunyang Group, with the joint efforts of everyone, Below, we have achieved good results... Cheers!"


In the study on the second floor, Chen Daojun was called up by Chen Yangji.The grandfather and grandson watched the special New Year's Eve program on TV and were silent for a long time.

Chen Yangji looked at his little grandson in front of him and asked with deep meaning, "Daojun, there is something that grandpa wants to ask you."

"You have a game company under your name, so you must be familiar with the Y[-]K crisis, right? What do you think of this Y[-]K crisis?"

"Grandpa, you think highly of me too. Although I have a game company, I am not in charge of things. I am only in charge of Shuguang Law Firm." Chen Daojun said with some embarrassment, "However, there should be no Are the bricks on TV so exaggerated? After all, decades have passed, and computer programming technology has developed for so many years, so it should be able to solve it?!"

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Chen Yangji was stunned for a moment, and then a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he murmured, "Yes, decades have passed, it's impossible for programming technology to stay where it is?!"

"No wonder the Miracle Group was so bold in selling insurance services for the Y2K crisis. Was that the original plan?! This Wu Shixian has such a vicious vision~!"

Chen Yangji expressed the emotion in his heart. In his opinion, Wu Shixian, the vice president of Miracle Group, is really amazing~!Unexpectedly, he was not affected by many public opinions from the outside world at all, and he was definitely a ruthless person to propose such an insurance service for the Y2K crisis against the trend!Compared with the founders of the older generation of chaebols, they are not much inferior~!

Listening to Chen Yangji's praise of Wu Shixian, Chen Daojun also smiled on his face, but if Chen Yangji knew what he was thinking, he would probably be furious~!

"Grandpa, if you knew that I was the one who proposed this plan, and Wu Shixian opposed it at the beginning, would you be shocked and have a heart attack?!"


On the New Year's Eve of the millennium, the men of the Chen family in Shunyang all chose to watch the night, wanting to see if the Y2K crisis that had been rumored before would really break out?
As for the women of the Chen family, they are not interested in this.From their point of view, if the sky falls, the tall man will hold it up, and if the Shunyang Group has a problem, there will be men like them supporting them, so they don't need to worry about it.

As for Chen Runji's family, since Zhengxin Zhai did not reserve enough rooms, Chen Daojun and Chen Runji had a brief discussion and planned to go back to Chen Runji's villa and watch the night together.

Chen Hengjun, who is convinced that the Y2K crisis will break out, is very satisfied with it. His parents, younger brother and himself are all together, which is naturally the best, so that the crisis really breaks out, and their family can take care of each other.


Not long after returning to the villa, Li Hairen, who was a little tired, called Mou Xianmin away, planning to take his daughter-in-law to wash and sleep first, so as not to let her stay up late with the three rough men outside~!

Mou Xianmin gave Chen Daojun an apologetic look, and then followed Li Hairen out of the living room.Seeing how sweet his youngest son and his prospective daughter-in-law were, Chen Runji couldn't help but said, "Daojun, you and Xianmin have been engaged for more than two years, and it's time to get married. I've been with you for so long, so I have to Give me an explanation, right?"

Before Chen Daojun could speak, Chen Hengjun on the side said first, "Yes, yes~! You have been in love for more than ten years, if you don't get married, you are a heartless person~!

Chen Daojun didn't expect that his brother would not forget to "add insult to injury" at this time, which made him somewhat unhappy.

"Dad, don't worry. I originally planned to officially marry Sister Xianmin on May 5 of this millennium. It's just that I haven't told her and you yet!"

Chen Daojun had an idea and quickly came up with a response. Then he looked at the booing Chen Hengjun with some contempt, "Brother, you are already a grown man. In the past two years, your parents have been making arrangements for you and introducing blind dates. When you arrive, I don’t even have a girlfriend now, isn’t it too perfunctory?!”

"Well! Daojun is right, Hengjun, you are just fine~! You are already 24 years old. If you keep delaying like this, your grandfather will really drag you into marriage~!" Chen Runji said to Chen Daojun He was very satisfied with his answer. When he heard that Chen Hengjun was still single, his face became solemn again!
"...?! Dad... I don't want to either!" Hearing that Chen Hengjun suddenly turned his gun and turned the topic to himself, and his father Chen Runji also noticed him, Chen Hengjun suddenly felt bad. I'm on fire~!

"What's your reason?! I'm not joking~! Your grandpa is really going to arrange a marriage, and you really have no choice who you want to marry! Look at your cousin Chen Xingjun, it's over Unsatisfied with the marriage and divorced without authorization, you were dispatched by your grandfather to the construction site under Shunyang Construction, two full years of hard work~!"

"If you can bear this crime, I won't urge you to get married~!" Chen Runji said with some hatred for iron.

"...I, I know." When Chen Hengjun heard Chen Runji mention the "miserable experience" of his cousin Chen Xingjun, his guard instantly broke.How could he, with his thin arms and legs, be able to bear this crime? !He doesn't want to be dragged into a marriage, let alone get divorced and be "exiled"~!


As President Kim Dae-jung announced the arrival of the new millennium on the TV, the square was reminded of fireworks, and the year 2000 finally arrived~!

It's just that it was pitch black outside the villa, and there was no movement.This made Chen Hengjun a little dumbfounded. Didn't those experts say that there would be a catastrophe?What is the situation now? !

"As I expected, nothing happened. It seems that some incompetent bricklayers are just spreading rumors!" Chen Daojun leaned on the sofa and said with some disdain.

"Okay, since there is nothing else to do, you should go to rest too." Chen Runji stood up and patted the shoulders of his two sons, and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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