The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 381 The Reaction of Chen Dongji and Chen Yongji

Chapter 381 The Reaction of Chen Dongji and Chen Yongji
Chen Hengjun was a little reconciled, he opened the heavy laptop beside him, wanting to verify the authenticity of the millennium bug crisis.

But when he saw that the computer was still turned on as usual, and the familiar startup interface popped up, Chen Hengjun was completely dumbfounded. There is no problem at all? !What about the Y[-]K crisis?That's it? !

Chen Hengjun, who had already realized that he had been fooled, shouted angrily, "Nostradamus, this damn liar~!"

Chen Daojun on the side yawned, and said with a smirk, "Brother Heng Jun, it's almost enough, go to bed quickly. You don't want to make too much noise and wake up others, which will be even more embarrassing, right?"

"Axi... You kid, can't you say something good?!" Hearing Chen Daojun teasing himself like this, Chen Hengjun replied angrily, but obviously controlled his voice, not very loudly.

Chen Daojun was a little funny, but shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked towards his room. He has important matters to deal with tomorrow, so he doesn't have time to continue messing around with this stupid old man!


The next morning, as soon as Chen Daojun arrived at the law firm, he received a call from Wu Shixian, "Boss, we are going to make a lot of money this time! The Y2K and Y[-]K crisis that those entrepreneurs promoted did not happen. Our There’s no problem with turning on the computer~!”

Wu Shixian was very happy. It was exactly what Chen Daojun had expected. This millennium bug crisis was more like a false lie concocted by some liars. It was alarmist.As for the massive one-year Y[-]K insurance they previously sold, it seems that no compensation is required, and all the insurance money can be pocketed~!

You must know that in order to ensure that the millennium bug crisis will not have a huge impact on them, these companies in Bangziguo have bought a lot of insurance. !As long as there is no need to pay, there is no difference between this TM and the 4500 million US dollars for nothing~!

Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Congratulations to our President Wu~! Although there is nothing to do today, we still need to pay attention to it in the follow-up time. According to my guess, the millennium bug crisis is mainly aimed at areas with underdeveloped Internet technology .In our Bangzi country, the Internet technology is still good. There should be no possibility of a large-scale outbreak.…”

"Okay, I will let people pay attention!" Wu Shixian nodded in agreement, although the millennium bug crisis was on January 1st, there was indeed no problem.But this year is still a long time, no one can guarantee that there will be no troubles in the follow-up time~!


The subordinates of Shunyang Fire Insurance Company walked into the president's office with the latest investigation materials.

Seeing this, Chen Dongji, who was sitting in the boss's chair, quickly asked, "How is it? Has the millennium bug crisis erupted this time? Are there any companies that have problems?"

Seeing that the president was so eager, the subordinates quickly said, "President, I have let you down. Our colleagues in the office have already called more than ten large companies, and they all said that they went to work today and turned on the computer to work, but they didn't encounter any problems. Question~!"

This reality frustrated Chen Dongji.Before, he was still laughing at the fact that Miracle Group and Wu Shixian had to suffer from brain convulsions to do such a stupid thing, selling Y[-]K-related insurance services to domestic companies.

Now it seems that he is the shrewd one, who had expected such a result long ago, but he was limped by those idiots, and actually believed that the Y[-]K crisis would erupt on a large scale, causing immeasurable losses !Chess missed a move!

The angry Chen Dongji subconsciously looked at Executive Bai beside him, remembering that some of his previous predictions were quite accurate.Then he asked, "Manager Bai, how is my luck this year?"

Executive Bai paused, then waited for two or three seconds, and said, "President, I haven't calculated your fortune this year. The cycle is a bit long. It will take about a week."

"Then hurry up~! By the way, help me calculate the fortunes of Miracle Group Vice President Wu Shixian, my eldest brother Chen Yongji... Chairman Chen Yangji~!" Chen Dongji thought for a while and named several names in succession.

Now he has figured it out. Now that the Miracle Group is in full swing and earns money by doing what they do, then he should follow them to pick up some benefits, right?They eat soup, and he can make a lot of money by taking the last train to eat some leftovers!
When Executive Bai heard what Chen Dongji said, his face immediately collapsed, "President, you have asked for too many people to count. I'm afraid it will take a lot longer~!"

Although he is a professional magic stick and possesses high calculation skills, but if there are so many measurements at once, if there is a deviation in the calculation, then he will lose his professional magic stick and master's signboard~!You have to push it as soon as you can, and be wise and protect yourself~!

Chen Dongji didn't expect that Executive Bai would drop the pick. He originally wanted to use Executive Bai's calculations to determine the next plan~!

"Executive Bai, don't be in a hurry to calculate the fortunes of the other people, just give me the calculation results before the end of February. Just work hard in the past two months, and I will ask the accountant to give you three times the salary in these two months ~!"

Hearing that Chen Dongji offered a generous reward, Executive Bai was obviously shaken. He has been by Chen Dongji's side for so many years, and even helped him calculate his fortune. Isn't it because of the generous reward?He can't get along with anyone, and he can't get along with money~!

"Okay, I'll try my best to finish~!" Bai Changwu gritted his teeth and said.


Shunyang Product Company, inside the president's office.

Chen Yongji looked at his son Chen Xingjun, whose skin color had turned a lot darker in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh, and asked with some sympathy, "Xingjun, what are your plans next?"

"What else could I have planned?" Chen Xingjun laughed self-deprecatingly, "I was arranged to get married before, but it turned out that the daughter of Doosan Group was the girlfriend of Wu Shixian, the vice president of Miracle Group. Why didn't you investigate clearly at the beginning?! Was it intentional to kill him? Me?!"

Hearing what his son said, Chen Yongji's face darkened, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

It turns out that Chen Xingjun has been flustered since two years ago when his black material was inexplicably revealed.But when he was relegated to the construction site as a coolie to reflect, he gradually realized that someone must be plotting against him, otherwise the news media would not have dared to act rashly after knowing his true identity.

It's just a pity that although he hired some private detectives to find out the news, they couldn't find out the results.An unexpected news came suddenly.Park Chung Hee, the daughter of Doosan Group, and Oh Se Hyun, the vice chairman of Miracle Group, got married~!

This news instantly woke up Chen Xingjun~!The person he wanted to ask to go before was the daughter of the Doosan Group, the granddaughter of the chairman!Now that the other party is married to the vice president of Miracle Group, did they already know each other?Then he just wanted to poach Wu Shixian's corner?No wonder I was inexplicably fixed~!

(End of this chapter)

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