The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 382 Chen Huarong's Confidence and Plan

Chapter 382 Chen Huarong's Confidence and Plan

At that time, Chen Xingjun was full of remorse. If he had known that Park Zhengxi had a boyfriend behind him, Wu Shixian from the Miracle Group, how could he be fooled by the lard back then, so he had to miss Wu Shixian's girlfriend? !


However, Chen Xingjun was even more surprised and regretted by his former wife Jin Xiuzhu and the Daewoo Group.Although in 1999, Daewoo Group's subsidiaries were sold off from more than 40 companies and closed down all the way, it was reduced to 12 companies, and it was only a short distance away from bankruptcy.

Although the Daewoo Kim family has fallen with the collapse of the Daewoo Group, but to everyone's surprise, Jin Xiuzhu, the only daughter of the Jin family, unexpectedly got a lot of financial support from nowhere, and the Daewoo Group's son Companies such as Daewoo Shipbuilding, Daewoo Electronics, Daewoo Finance and other subsidiaries have been acquired to form a new Hyundai Daewoo Group and serve as the CEO of this group.
The prosecutorial agency of Bangzi Country specially conducted an investigation into this special organization.It turned out that the holding institution behind the group was a financial institution from the beautiful country, and Jin Xiuzhu was more like an agent who was pushed to the front to handle the daily affairs of the group.

Although the inspection agency did not find any abnormalities, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Daewoo Group is quite slippery in this way!Before Daewoo Group went bankrupt and when it was reselling its assets, it borrowed another financial investment institution to absorb subsidiaries with good performance, reorganized a group, put it to death and then survived, and the operation was very exciting~!


In just two years of hard work, the abandoned woman who was divorced by him and kicked out of the Chen family suddenly became a senior executive of the group, 30 years in Hedong, 30 years... Bah, two years will turn the world upside down!
He, the grandson of Chen's parents who hate the poor and love the rich, turned into a clown instead, and missed such a capable wife for nothing, alas~!


Chen Yongji looked at his son and couldn't help but said, "Two years have passed, why don't you and your grandma discuss it again and arrange a marriage for you?"

Chen Xingjun saw Chen Yongji's sympathetic gaze, anger welled up in his heart, and he refused coldly, "You don't need to worry about my marriage~!"


Shunyang Department Store.

Chen Huarong came to his office with a happy expression. When he saw Executive Director Ren who was already preparing various matters in the office, he smiled and greeted him, "Executive Executive Ren, Happy New Year~!"

"Happy New Year, President!" Executive Ren held the document in his hand and bowed to Chen Huarong with a smile.

"I'm going to bother you this year, Standing Committee Ren!" Chen Huarong walked towards his seat, while not forgetting to make a playful gesture towards Standing Committee Ren.


"The 2000 annual business strategy meeting, which will be attended by the directors of each region of Shunyang Supermarket, will be held at 9 o'clock in the large conference room on the 11th floor..."

Before Executive Director Ren could finish speaking, Chen Huarong interrupted her, "Cancel this meeting for me!"

Executive Ren at the side was stunned, "What? President, did you just say...?"

"I want to meet the managers of Shunyang Securities... This is a private itinerary, so it cannot be made public!" Chen Huarong turned to Executive Ren and told him.

"But...President, in order to attend this morning meeting, some directors from the Gwangju and Busan areas came to Seoul yesterday. If this is cancelled..." Executive Ren said a little embarrassed.

Chen Huarong's face gradually turned cold, "So...? Do they have to pay for their own transportation and accommodation expenses? Aren't they fully reimbursed and subsidized by us?"

"Principal Ren, do you have any questions?" Chen Huarong said with some dissatisfaction.In her opinion, the money tree of NewData Technology is much more important than those regional ministers in Shunyang Supermarket. NewData technology can bring her a lot of benefits every day.And these guys are eating her and using her, so what's the problem with letting them wait another day? !

"Compared to the total revenue of all the subsidiaries of Shunyang Distribution Group last year, NewData Technology brought me more revenue~!" Chen Huarong said proudly.

There is a 60-year-old man named Buffett in the beautiful country. Because he can continue to make profits in the stock market for a long time, and his net worth has long been at the forefront of the world's richest list, he is called the "Stock God" by some good people.

And she, Chen Huarong, relying on the sharply rising assets and social value of NewData Technology, her investment skills and vision are not much inferior to this Buffett~!Maybe it won't be long before she can become such a stock market investment expert!


"In the future, you have to use your brain more when doing things and understand the limited order of things!" Chen Huarong told Standing Committee Ren.

"Yes——!" Executive Ren realized that he had made a mistake and bowed to Chen Huarong, who was lying on the sofa, to express his apology.

"President... Now that you have made so much money from NewData Technology, can you cash out these stocks?" Executive Ren reminded kindly.

"Cash out now?! Did those entrepreneurs say that the stock price of NewData Technology can rise to 300000/share?!" When mentioning this matter, Chen Huarong said angrily, "I have to earn more income before I can move it to [-] per share?!" Let’s get back all the shares of the department store and Yuetian Hotel that were mortgaged to Miracle Group! Moreover, Shunyang Supermarket and Shunyang Hotel still need funds to maintain...!"

"As long as the stock price rises to 300000/share, I will sell all these stocks! Then there will be sufficient funds! Enough to solve all the problems!" Chen Huarong revealed all his plans.

If you are not in charge, you don't know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive. In the past, he held the hen that lays golden eggs in Shunyang Department Store, and his life was quite nourishing.How is it like now?Although there are more companies under management and greater power, the resulting liabilities and the need to use funds have increased several times!Even a rich woman like her can't bear it!
Executive Ren at the side heard that the president insisted on this, so he didn't say anything more.It's just that in his heart, it was too risky for Chen Huarong to do so.

After all, before this, the stock price of any company in Bangzi country has never been able to reach 100000/share, 200000/share or even 300000/share. Such an exaggeratedly high level?If this suddenly plummeted, the consequences would be really unimaginable~!


"30?... With all due respect, no company has ever been able to achieve this in the history of our securities company! So we can't predict whether it will reach this level in the future...!" The manager of Shunyang Securities Company listened. After finishing Chen Huarong's description, he said with a solemn expression.

(End of this chapter)

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