The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 383 NewData continues to skyrocket, bet

Chapter 383 NewData continues to skyrocket, bet

If we estimate its enterprise value based on data, the current stock price is already too high and a lot of bubbles have been generated. If one day it suddenly plummets and the stock price is cut in half, it would not be surprising~! "Another Shunyang Securities manager on the side analyzed with a solemn expression.

Chen Huarong was shocked by the manager's analysis, with an expression of disbelief~!

"You...Are you sure that the stock price of NewData Technology will plummet? It will be so exaggerated?!" Chen Huarong speculated suspiciously with his eyes wide open.

"This... is just my speculation..." Before the manager could explain, another mature and prudent manager interrupted, "I'm sorry, President Chen Huarong, can we ask how much money you invested?" "

"How much money do I invest? Do I still need to report to you?!" When the other party asked him, Chen Huarong ignored his inner worries and replied forcefully.

"Of course not. Sorry, we made a mistake." The manager apologized quickly.

"Aren't you an investor in the securities industry? Why can't you judge the future trend of NewData Technology? Will this stock rise to 30 in the future?!" Chen Huarong asked a little dissatisfied.

The two managers of Shunyang Securities looked at each other, but did not dare to answer.This made Chen Huarong a little annoyed. She had invited the two people here just to confirm whether NewData Technology could break through the 30/share mark. This was related to her worth and future plans!


After the two managers of Shunyang Securities left, Chen Huarong finally made a decision after a lot of internal entanglement and weighing the pros and cons, "Executive Ren, sell half of my NewData technology stocks."

Seeing that although Chen Huarong was only willing to sell half of the stocks he held, Executive Ren sighed and didn't say anything more.


The office of the vice president of Miracle Group.

Wu Shixian was staring at the TV, focusing on the latest news broadcast on it.

"Today, the KOSDAQ index hit a record high of 2834 points. The stock price of NewData Technology continues to soar. The current closing price of the ring is 28..."

"Boss, it's exactly what you said. The stock price of NewData Technology has risen to 280000/share! Will it really plummet tomorrow? Looking at this trend, it seems that it will rise to 300000/share!"

"At this point, I think those guys should also realize that the situation has gradually gotten out of control. If it were me, I would just accept it as soon as it was good and cash out." Chen Daojun on the side said calmly.

"I don't think so. The stock price of NewData Technology is no longer determined by the market. It is determined by the times. Now is the IT era. If the previous Y2K crisis theory was caused by people's uncertainty about the future Panic. Then people’s unlimited desires can trigger a wave of NewData technology or venture capital.”

"And now is the beginning of the millennium, this enthusiasm will only become more and more intense~!" Unlike Chen Daojun's mourning, Wu Shixian is more optimistic about the stock of NewData Technology. If it fell, how could it explode all the way to 280000/share, such an exaggerated price? !

Holding the coffee cup in his hand, Chen Daojun said with a smirk, "If President Wu doesn't believe it, we can make a bet! If I guess right, President Wu will treat guests to a big meal for a week~!"

"If I guess wrong, then I will treat you to a big dinner for a week~!" Chen Daojun said confidently. In his opinion, he is sure to win this bet. This week's big dinner is a free prostitute. Got it~!

Rachel and Su Canping, who were watching the excitement from the sidelines, had expressions of joy on their faces.For these two helpers, whether Chen Daojun or Wu Shixian wins, they will definitely make a profit. If Wu Shixian doesn't agree, they will lose!

"Teacher, please promise him~! The boss must have made a wild guess this time. So many experts said that this NewData technology can break through 300000/share, and the boss is not an expert!" Rachel encouraged from the side, while secretly poking her body. Su Canping next to him.

Su Canping, who got the hint, instantly understood, and said to Wu Shixian, "Chairman, I also think that if the stock price of NewData Technology can rise to 300000 per share, the boss will definitely lose!"


After hearing that the two women supported him, Wu Shixian became more confident, "Since the boss said so, let's take a gamble. If you lose, boss, you will treat the three of us to a big dinner every day next week!"

Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Of course I have no problem. It's just that if our president Wu loses, will he still have money to treat guests to a big meal? I heard that since our president Wu got married, he will The salary has been handed in~!"

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, the two women on the side were a little uneasy.If what Chen Daojun said was true, if Wu Shixian lost, wouldn't their feast be lost? !
"Boss, look at what you said. My salary has been handed in. But the money I earned from investment and financial management is still with me~!" Wu Shixian didn't panic at all. Counting on that dead wage?
Over the years, he has made various investments with Chen Daojun, but he has made a lot of money.That is, the stocks of Internet companies that I invested in before have made a lot of money, which is worth hundreds of millions of dollars in income.The salary income of hundreds of millions of Korean won is handed in as soon as it is handed in. For him, it has no effect at all~!

Seeing Wu Shixian mentioning investment and financial management, Su Canping couldn't sit still. Rachel chatted with her before and inadvertently revealed that she had made a lot of money in investment and financial management.

At first, Su Canping didn't take it seriously, after all, she herself is a student of financial investment.But after learning that they invested in the stocks of Pingguo, Amazon, Microsoft and other Internet giants in the beautiful country, she was not calm at all.

She knows how awesome these well-known Internet companies in the beautiful country are!Microsoft with a market value of more than 6000 billion US dollars, Amazon with a market value of more than 1000 billion, and the Internet miracle whose market value has skyrocketed from 3 million to tens of billions—Pingguo Company...

She was a little sad because her colleague actually bought shares of Pingguo Company two years ago, and now she has become a rich woman with assets of hundreds of millions of dollars~!Why didn't you tell her about such a good money-making opportunity? !Ahem, even though she is the heir to the Myeongdong Bai family, she doesn’t have much pocket money~!


"President Wu, if my sister-in-law knew that you had hidden so much money, wouldn't she be at odds with you?" Chen Daojun's eyes lit up. Wu Shixian said this himself, and they weren't instigated by them!

Wu Shixian said with a cheeky face, "Ahem, I put the money here, and I can invest it to earn more income. If it is all given to Zhengxi, she will just deposit all the money in the bank, which is too wasteful." .”

"President, do you have any investment suggestions and directions recently? If you have any, please bring me one too~!" Su Canping, who was on the side, took the initiative to ask.

Chen Daojun said meaningfully, "Of course there are investment opportunities, but not now, we have to wait for a while~!"

(End of this chapter)

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