The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 384 The Stocks Crashed, Three Different People

Chapter 384 The stock collapsed, three completely different people
Starting from the next day, a series of shocking scandals occurred in NewData Technology, and the stock price plummeted~!

"President Ren Yongzhu of NewData Technology has been investigated by the prosecution for being suspected of accounting fraud~!"

"Sunyang Electronics, which originally had a technical cooperation with NewData Technology, has completely canceled the cooperative development plan!"

"The merger plan between NewData Technology and One Road, the largest communications company in the country, ultimately failed..."

"The stock price of NewData Technology has plummeted day after day, and the KOSDAQ 520 point mark has also collapsed..."

"NewData's stock price fell to a new low of 5500 per share today, and it has fallen by 98% compared to the highest point!"


A series of news was like a barrage of news, directly confusing investors who held NewData technology stocks~!How proud I was at the beginning, how miserable I am now~!

In just one week, bad news continued to pour out. The huge bubble of NewData Technology was ruthlessly burst, and the stock price plummeted from more than 28 per share to continuously falling to the limit.

Investors and investment institutions that sensed something was wrong sold off one after another, but it was too late. NewData Technology's stock has become a hot potato, and no one is willing to take over and be taken advantage of~!

Shunyang Department Store, inside the president's office.

Chen Huarong sat with a dull expression and looked at the news in front of her. She did not expect that NewData Technology was exactly what the two managers of Shunyang Securities described, and it really collapsed suddenly~!But they probably didn't expect that this is not a stock price cut in half, this TM can be uprooted~!The stock price plummeted by 98%, what is the difference between the money invested and TM losing all? !

Looking at Chen Huarong who was still in a daze, Standing Manager Ren on the side spoke to comfort him, "President, fortunately we sold half of the stocks you held before, and recovered 1000 billion won. There was no loss, only a loss of 1000. The income of [-] million is already a blessing among misfortunes..."

Hearing what Executive Ren said, Chen Huarong felt a lingering fear and looked a little panicked.Just a little bit~!If she had been stubborn at the time and hadn't chosen to sell half of the stock, then the 800 billion won that she invested in later would have lost 80 billion won now~!

"Ren, the investment in NewData Technology this time is classified as confidential, and no word should be revealed to the outside world~!" Chen Huarong gradually regained his composure. Although she did not cause any losses this time, she even made a lot of money.But once word spreads about misappropriating company funds to speculate in stocks, he, the president of a department store, may be subject to great criticism and criticism.

"Yes, President, I understand~!" Executive Director Ren replied solemnly.


Compared with Chen Huarong's escape, Chen Dongji of Shunyang Fire Insurance and Zhu Mengxian of Daying Group were not so relaxed.

Shunyang Fire Insurance Company.Inside the president's office.

Chen Dongji was angrily smashing various furnishings in the office at this moment.This time, NewData Technology's plunge was so sudden that they didn't even have time to ship. NewData Technology's stock fell directly to the limit, and for 5-6 days in a row, they didn't have a chance to cash out by shipping on the [-]th. , I can only watch myself being stuck, watching the stock price plummet every day, and losing money.

"This time, we lost more than 3500 billion won (compared to the market value of NewData at its peak), Executive Bai, what should we do now?" After venting, Chen Dongji asked the full-time assistant at the side in a daze, wanting to get more from him Method.

"President, things are not as bad as you imagine~!" Executive Bai said calmly, "And our loss is not 3000 billion won, but 300 billion won, isn't it?"

Chen Dongji was obviously stunned by Bai Changwu's words, not 3000 billion, but 300 billion? !

After a few seconds, Chen Dongji immediately realized that their actual loss was 300 billion won? !They bought NewData Technology relatively early, and later increased their positions and bought a wave. In fact, it is not as exaggerated as hundreds of billions of Korean won, but the increase in this stock is really shocking.

"If it is 300 billion won, we can still find a place to raise the money. As long as it lasts for half a year, whether it is Sunyang Chemical, Sunyang Fire Insurance or other subsidiaries, they can make enough profits to smooth out the money. A huge loss!" Executive Bai went on to explain that he did not expect that NewData Technology, which was in a great situation before, would collapse so quickly and so powerfully!
Fortunately, when Chen Dongji bought it, he didn't invest a lot of money, otherwise the problems they would have to face would be even more difficult~!

"However, the bank's loan approval is much stricter than before, and the interest rate of the loan is very high...I'm afraid I haven't applied for a loan in this way." Chen Dongji, who calmed down, soon realized other problems, although the loss this time There is not so much money, but there is no small trouble in filling the loopholes.

He was a little envious of his mediocre elder brother, who had an in-law who made loans in Myeongdong. If there were financial problems, he could ask his in-laws for help.And his wife is the daughter of the former Minister of Economy. Although she knows a lot of chaebol companies, if she wants to borrow money from these companies, I am afraid that before she can get the loan, the vice president of Shunyang Group will be short of money. The rumor is spreading~!

Since bank loans are not enough, private loans can only be considered. However, those who can provide large loans at one time must be those mortgage giants in Myeongdong.

After thinking about it for a while, Executive Bai finally thought of a key person, "President, maybe we can contact Bai Fuzi from Baidong~! I heard that this old lady now has more funds than the Sun family and Zhang from Baidong. Home~!"

"Then go get in touch, as long as the other party is willing to provide a loan, and the request and interest are not too excessive, then agree!" Chen Dongji gritted his teeth and said.

"Yes!" Executive Bai said respectfully.


------Dividing line------

Daying Group, inside the vice president's office.

Zhu Mengxian listened to his subordinates report on the NewData technology stocks he held, and he was furious in his heart!
"Axiba! The 1000 billion Korean won I invested in has already lost 20 billion?! Didn't you say that NewData technology can still rise? Let me not rush to throw it away?!" Zhu Mengxian roared angrily.

When the share price of NewData Technology rose to more than 20, he planned to run away. However, these guys swore to himself that NewData Technology would definitely be able to break through 300000 per share, and he believed their lies!

Now that all the money has been lost, where is he going to raise funds to fill the 1000 billion won hole? !
(End of this chapter)

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