The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 388 Chen Daojun: Grandpa Agree

Chapter 388 Chen Daojun: Grandpa Agree

Zheng Xin Zhai.

Chen Yangji, who was originally checking the group's latest work report in the study room, heard the commotion and saw Chen Daojun, whom he hadn't seen for several days, standing at the door. He then smiled and said, "It turns out to be Daojun~! Why do you have time to come and see it this weekend? me?!"

Chen Daojun did not answer, but pulled Mou Xianmin behind him in, then looked at Chen Yangji, smiled and said, "Grandpa, I came to Zhengxinzhai this time to talk to you, Xianmin and I plan to get married in May Already!"

Chen Yangji was very surprised by this sudden news, and then quickly regained his composure, laughing and saying, "Hahaha! I didn't expect that our Daojun would also get married~!... Time flies so fast~!" "

Looking at the pair of handsome men and beautiful women in front of him, Chen Yangji felt quite satisfied.When Chen Daojun met Mou Xianmin when he was studying, he was very proactive and said that he was attracted to this girl. They, the elders, always thought that this was just children playing house. Maybe after a few years, their ideas changed. Feelings will change, so I don't care.

Until two years ago, Chen Daojun came to him with Mou Xianmin and said that he wanted to get engaged. At that time, he was very touched.According to his original plan, he was thinking of arranging a marriage partner for Chen Daojun, the grandson of the Chen family in Shunyang.

But seeing how seriously the two of them take their relationship, they have persisted for more than ten years.This little guy Chen Daojun had the courage to bring Mou Xianmin to him and categorically said that he wanted to get engaged to her.

In Chen Daojun's body, he vaguely saw the good years with Runji's mother when he was middle-aged, but unfortunately, he didn't have the courage to abandon everything and stay with the person he loved the most for a lifetime, and finally let her die in depression.

He didn't want the regrets he had experienced to happen again to his grandson Chen Daojun, so he chose to make it happen!

"Daojun, you are getting married. Grandpa will definitely give you a gift. Is there anything you want?" Chen Yangji asked with a smile.

Chen Daojun shook his head and replied, "I don't want anything. My law firm, game company and amusement park are doing well, and I have plenty of funds on hand."

"...You child, you still have to give gifts. Otherwise, wouldn't you be ridiculed by outsiders, I am a partial elder?" Chen Yangji said with a smile.

Chen Yangji was not surprised that Chen Daojun did not make any request.After all, he had talked several times before, wanting to draw Chen Daojun into the Shunyang Group, and even handing over one or two companies to Chen Daojun to manage, but he rejected them all.


After Chen Daojun and Mou Xianmin stayed in the study for a while and chatted with Chen Yangji, Chen Daojun greeted Chen Yangji and left the study with Mou Xianmin.Mou Xianmin, who has always been shrewd, soon realized that the "gift" Chen Yangji mentioned just now might be the shares of a company under the Shunyang Group, right?

When Chen Xingjun got married before, Chen Yangji gave Chen Xingjun a part of the shares of Shunyang Properties as a gift.Could it be that he also plans to prepare such a "big gift" for Chen Daojun, his little grandson?

"Daojun, grandpa just now..." Mou Xianmin asked softly in Chen Daojun's ear, wanting to discuss with Chen Daojun.As a result, Chen Dao stretched out his index finger and put it in front of his mouth, and said softly, "The wall has ears, if you have something to say, you can talk about it when you go back."

Seeing this, Mou Xianmin nodded, took Chen Daojun's arm, and walked downstairs slowly.


Chen Runji, who was waiting in the living room, saw the two coming down, and asked nervously, "How about it, did your grandpa agree?"

Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Grandpa agreed. He was able to agree to our engagement in the first place, so naturally he won't object to our marriage now."

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Chen Runji felt relieved. He was a little worried that the old man upstairs had done something wrong and refused to agree to the marriage of Chen Daojun and Mou Xianmin. Then there would be trouble. .After all, Chen Daojun and Mou Xianmin have been engaged for more than two years. If they can't get married smoothly, they may be criticized by many people~!

Seeing that Chen Daojun got his father Chen Yangji's approval so easily, Chen Runji felt a little bit embarrassed.In order to be able to marry Li Hairen, he had a big quarrel with his father Chen Yangji, and was eventually kicked out of the Chen family in Shunyang. Only then did he successfully marry Li Hairen.But because of this, he became the shame of the Chen family and the laughing stock of the high society in Bangzi Country.


"If your grandpa agrees, then I'll be relieved. This old man has always been very stubborn. If he doesn't agree, he'll be in trouble." Li Biyu, who was sitting on the sofa, said.

Ever since Chen Xingjun, the unfulfilled grandson, was exposed to a lot of scandals, Li Biyu's attitude towards Chen Xingjun and his eldest son's family has also become somewhat indifferent.One is lax in raising his children, the other is doing whatever he wants, and all of them are "the mud cannot hold up the wall", which is really disappointing to him!
How much did he pay and how much did he lose in order to let the Shunyang Group be handed over to Chen Yongji, the eldest son, and Chen Xingjun, the eldest grandson?As a result, these two people played a good hand of cards and played poorly. With this virtue, what if they inherited the Shunyang Group?Most likely I can’t hold on~!


"I will have to trouble you, grandma. We have no experience in arranging Xianmin and I's wedding. We need more guidance from grandma." Chen Daojun led Mou Xianmin to Li Biyu and said respectfully.

Seeing Chen Daojun being so respectful to her, Li Biyu smiled and nodded, "This is a big event for our Daojun, and grandma will definitely help you arrange it."

"Mom, it would be great if you could help." Chen Runji on the side saw Chen Daojun's "performance" and imitated him, saying very politely.

The respectful attitude of Chen Runji and his son made Li Biyu very useful, and she thought to herself, "It's a pity. If the child Runji was my biological child, and the Shunyang Group passed it on to him, and then handed it over to Chen Daojun, it would be better than passing it on to Chen Daojun." Yongji, this unsatisfactory guy, is much better!"

As for the second child, Chen Dongji, Li Biyu has always been unfavorable.After all, in Bangzi Country, it is still a male-dominated society, and the status of women is not high.If the Shunyang Group is passed on to the second child, Chen Dongji, wouldn't it be cheaper for outsiders in the end?Chen Dongji, who only has daughters and no sons to inherit the property, has obvious flaws~!


On the way back, Chen Runji, who was sitting in the back row, couldn't help but ask, "Daojun, why did you think of asking your grandma to organize your wedding? Aren't you afraid of her rejection?"

Li Biyu, an old lady, was not a light-hearted person, and her attitude towards his illegitimate son was far from being as good as she seemed.Mou Xianmin, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at Chen Daojun curiously when he heard his father-in-law say this, wanting to know what the other party was planning.

(End of this chapter)

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