The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 389 Investing in Runhai Film and Television

Chapter 389 Investing in Runhai Film and Television
"Although we have no intention of competing for Shunyang Group and have no interest in those half-dead companies, we can't guarantee what they want. We'd better be polite and sell well, lest they get too full and start plotting against us again. Come." Chen Daojun calmly explained while driving.

In his opinion, he really doesn't like the current Shunyang Group. After all, even though Shunyang Group has a big plate, there are 60 or 90 subsidiaries (mostly small companies), which are huge in scale, but Debt remains high.[-]% - [-]% of the debt at every turn, to put it bluntly, this TM is not much different from a shell company~!

Hearing what Chen Daojun said about the subsidiaries of Shunyang Group, Chen Runji twitched unconsciously several times, even though he was calm and stable.This kid is really floating, he doesn't even pay attention to Shunyang Group~!

"...By the way, Daojun. How much assets do you have now? Surely the companies in your hands are not only Miracle Group, Disneyland, law firm and Disneyland?"

Chen Runji quickly thought that since this guy was so confident and even looked down on Shunyang Group, he must have bigger assets on hand!
Mou Xianmin in the passenger seat was also interested. Although she had known for a long time that Chen Daojun would be rich, she never asked how much money he had now, nor did Chen Daojun take the initiative to mention it.

Chen Daojun thought for a while, and then said, "About 1000 billion? I haven't calculated the exact amount."

"Pfft! 1000 billion? Dojun... couldn't you be joking? How could it be only 1000 billion won?...Wait, you didn't mean Korean won, right?" Chen Runji was a little stunned, he always felt that there was What's wrong, the market value of the Miracle Group is clearly over trillions of Korean won, how could it be only 1000 billion? !Unless the unit of currency...

"Dad, it should be U.S. dollars~! In the past two years, Daojun's net worth has exceeded 100 billion U.S. dollars!" Mou Xianmin explained from the side that this little man of his own was hiding too much.

No one would have thought that the richest man in Bangzi Country is not Zhu Yirong of Daying Group, let alone Chen Yangji of Shunyang Group, but the young lawyer in front of him~!

"Oh Mo (my god)! You kid has earned so much money, why didn't you tell your parents?!" Chen Runji said excitedly, as if Chen Daojun had done something shocking to the world.

Chen Daojun looked at the agitated Chen Runji in the rearview mirror, and said with a smirk, "Dad, if you knew about it earlier, would you be able to hold back your silence? If you spread the news, then our family will You will become the target of everyone's criticism, and An Sheng's life will never be over!"

Chen Daojun's words severely stimulated Chen Runji.He wanted to retort, but in the end he remained silent.

Indeed, it is difficult for a person with his "upright" personality to hide things in his heart.If such an important matter is leaked and spread, then the troubles of their family will not be small!
Mou Xianmin at the side saw such an interesting scene of "Father is kind and son is filial piety", and quickly covered his mouth with his hands, for fear that he could not help laughing out loud.


"Daojun, since we want to keep a low profile in China. But overseas, your grandfather can't do it... So, I want to develop Runhai Film and Television Company overseas, what do you think?" After some thinking, Chen Runji finally proposed got a new idea.

Chen Runji's words gave Chen Daojun a new inspiration. Although there is Shunyang Group in the country, he should not make a big splash and cause unnecessary troubles.

But how to develop and expand overseas can be shirked to foreign investment institutions!

Chen Daojun, who had figured out the key point, said with a smile, "Since you have said so, Dad, you should prepare for it in the next few days. I will let foreign investment institutions come to invest. However, since it is going to expand overseas, the company The name needs to be changed...just call it CJ Entertainment?!"

"Ah? Do I need to change my name when investing?...Can't I keep my name?" Chen Runji was a little surprised. He always thought that Runhai Film and Television Company was very good, and it was a testimony of his relationship with Li Hairen...

"Ahem, isn't this to cater to the overseas market? Runhai Film and Television Company, this business scope is too small, with my financial support, the future CJ Entertainment will not only be the number one in Asia, but also the number one entertainment company in China. Right?!" Chen Daojun said confidently.

"To go to the world, the name is of course the fashion point!" After Chen Daojun finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows at Mou Xianmin, who instantly understood.

"Father, Dao Jun is right. The name CJ Entertainment is simple and easy to remember, and it is easy to open up the market abroad. Our SBS TV station also uses the English abbreviation name." Mou Xianmin said confidently.

"Is that so?...I'll go back and discuss it with your mother." Chen Runji was a little moved, but he didn't agree, and planned to go back and ask his wife's opinion.


Back at the residence, Chen Daojun sat on the sofa and couldn't help yawning. He "worked overtime" until the early hours of the night and woke up early. After running around for a long time, he felt a little sleepy when he touched the sofa.

"Daojun, I still don't understand. With your current strength, as long as you announce it, you are definitely the most powerful force in the Bangzi Kingdom. Why do you continue to hide it?"

Just now when Chen Runji was in the car, although Mou Xianmin had doubts in his heart, he never asked. Now that it was only her and Chen Daojun when they got home, Mou Xianmin had nothing to shy away from.

"There is an old saying in the Yanxia Kingdom, which is called 'If a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it; if its conduct is higher than that of others, the people will be wronged', which means that if a beautiful tree grows in the forest, the strong wind will definitely uproot it; If a person's virtue is higher than others, others will speak ill of him."

Chen Daojun held Mou Xianmin in his arms and said with a smile, "I am only in my early 20s now, and my grandfather and elders are still here. If it is exposed rashly, do you think they will have some ideas that they shouldn't have?! "

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, the smart Mou Xianmin reacted instantly and broke into a cold sweat, "You mean grandpa and those uncles and aunts will attack you?"

Chen Daojun scratched Mou Xianmin's nose with his finger and said with a smile, "It's not just them, other people will do it too. After all, it has assets of nearly 1000 billion U.S. dollars, and the foreign exchange reserves of the entire country are not that high! And there are How many people wouldn’t be jealous and envious?!”

(End of this chapter)

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