The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 392 Jin Xiuzhu’s sudden arrival and testing each other

Chapter 392 Jin Xiuzhu’s sudden arrival and testing each other

"Sister-in-law? Why are you here?!" Chen Daojun was very surprised. The lady in front of him was none other than Chen Xingjun's ex-wife, daughter of Daewoo Group, and CEO of Hyundai Daewoo Group——Jin Xiuzhu.

When Jin Xiuzhu heard Chen Daojun call her that, she smiled and said, "Chen Xingjun and I have been divorced for more than two years, and Mr. Chen doesn't need to call me that anymore."

Chen Daojun calmed himself down, and then said with a smile, "Then call you Sister Xiuzhu!"

"Sister Xiuzhu came here this time, what's the matter?" Chen Daojun asked curiously. He had no contact with the daughter of the Daewoo Group on weekdays.
"I heard people say that Shuguang Law Firm is extremely professional in business mergers, disputes and finance, so I want to come here for consultation." Jin Xiuzhu said in a calm tone with a calm look.

"In recent months, our Hyundai Daewoo Group has encountered quite a bottleneck in our corporate development. We want to acquire some companies, but the debt problems of the other companies seem to be serious, so I want to consult a professional lawyer."


Hearing what Jin Xiuzhu said, Chen Daojun was shocked, "This Hyundai Daewoo Group still has plans to acquire?! Didn't they already swallow up 1/4 of the original Daewoo Group's subsidiaries? And those with relatively strong profitability Core subsidiary~!"

Chen Daojun secretly speculated that if what Jin Xiuzhu said was true, then the target of the acquisition would most likely be the surviving Daewoo Group~!Moreover, the remaining subsidiaries of the Daewoo Group are heavily indebted and have mediocre profitability, so buying them is not worth the loss?
Chen Daojun said meaningfully, "If the debt of the company to be acquired is too high and the revenue capability is unsatisfactory, we will generally advise the employer to stop such a meaningless acquisition plan."

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Jin Xiuzhu's expression froze. Did the young man in front of her see her plan and remind herself not to acquire other subsidiaries of Daewoo Group?This...should be a coincidence, right?She hasn't said anything yet!

"Sister Xiuzhu, you guessed right, I'm referring to the Daewoo Group..." Chen Daojun saw Jin Xiuzhu's "guilty heart", and then said.

"...Okay. Daojun, how did you guess it?...And, why did you remind me?" Seeing that her thoughts were exposed in person, Jin Xiuzhu no longer hides, and simply opens the skylight to speak honestly. He directly asked his doubts.

Chen Dojun looked as if he was like this, and continued, "Didn't Hyundai Daewoo Group successively acquire a number of subsidiaries that were originally owned by Daewoo Group? I half-jokingly talked with a few friends at the time, maybe this was the escape of Daewoo Group. Plan~!"

"Although starting a new one is a good choice, I'm afraid the effect will not be as satisfactory."

"The reason why the Daewoo Group went bankrupt has a lot to do with the poor management of those subsidiaries and the heavy debts. According to the current situation, the debts of the remaining subsidiaries are still high, which has fully reflected this. Their The profitability is seriously insufficient, even if it is bought by force, it is impossible to create enough profits for the new company in a short period of time, but it will become a burden for the new group.”

Hearing Chen Daojun's analysis, Jin Xiuzhu nodded thoughtfully.She also had this idea at first, but her father Jin Yuzhong still fantasized about keeping all the subsidiaries as much as possible, completely ignoring their current capital and strength, they are no longer as powerful as they used to be~!

"If it were you, as the head of a group, how would you run it? What kind of company would you acquire?" Jin Xiuzhu couldn't help but ask, completely forgetting that the person in front of her was the ex-husband's cousin whom she hated. younger brother.

"Ahem, sister Xiuzhu, your question is not within the scope of free consultation services! Although I can answer it, I don't do business at a loss~!" Chen Daojun coughed lightly, and then said calmly , Want to get a whoring plan from him for nothing?He Chen's time is very precious... unless you add money~!

Chen Daojun's tugging directly filled Jin Xiuzhu's curiosity. Anyone who was trying to reach the goal soon, was suddenly stopped by someone and had to pay to proceed to the next step, and felt unhappy.

Jin Xiuzhu immediately took out a bank card from her bag and slapped it on the table, then said in a strong tone, "Then I bought all your time today~!"

"Since sister Xiuzhu said so, there is no problem. Wait a minute. I'll ask my assistant to pour you a cup of coffee. Let's talk in detail on the sofa beside me~!" Chen Daojun said with a smile.


In the next two hours, Chen Daojun turned into a self-study class question answering teacher, answering Jin Xiuzhu's various questions attentively.Even many issues have gone beyond the framework of the legal provisions, involving business management.

After Chen Daojun hesitated for a moment, he looked at the golden bank card and gave a pertinent suggestion.


Jin Xiuzhu said with some emotion, "Dao Jun, are you interested in coming to our Hyundai Daewoo Group as a legal advisor? I can give you a very high reward~!"

Chen Daojun pouted, what did Jin Xiuzhu think?Let him leave the big boss of the law firm as a legal adviser to a newly established group?This is too beautiful, right? !
Chen Yangji asked him to work at Shunyang Group before, but he sternly refused~!He, Chen Daojun, is not short of money now, so why should he ask for trouble and become a pawn for others~?


Chen Daojun said with some regret, "Sister Xiuzhu, you have also seen it. My law firm has a lot of lawyers, and I have taken a lot of cases. I really can't get away~! Or, take a look at our law firm Which lawyer do you like, I can arrange for him to stay at Hyundai Daewoo Group, and the price is easy to negotiate~!"

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Jin Xiuzhu took a deep look at him, and said with some dissatisfaction, "Forget it, I will come to you if there are any problems in the future~!"


After Wu Luomin outside saw Jin Xiuzhu leaving, he knocked on the door and came to Chen Daojun's office.Seeing that Chen Daojun was still sitting on the sofa, he immediately asked, "Boss, did that lady look familiar just now?"

Chen Daojun grinned, "You have met this lady~! You discussed her with me two days ago!"

"I've seen it? We discussed it two days ago?!" Wu Luomin looked confused. In his opinion, if he knew this woman, he must have recognized her~!But now he doesn't recognize it at all...

(End of this chapter)

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