The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 393 Wu Luomin's surprise, the Fed's interest rate hike is coming

Chapter 393 Wu Luomin's surprise, the Fed's interest rate hike is coming
"You really don't have any impression? A few days ago, there was a TV station that reported on her!" Chen Daojun reminded from the side, Wu Luomin is usually very shrewd, why is his reaction so slow now?
"Boss, are you talking about that Jin from Hyundai Daewoo Group... hiss! Why did she come to our place?!" Under Chen Daojun's reminder, Wu Luomin quickly realized that the lady should It is the CEO of Hyundai Daewoo Group - Kim Soo-joo!

It's just that the current Daewoo Group is not dead anymore?Where did Jin Xiuzhu get the funds to form a large group like Hyundai Daewoo Group?

And didn't she divorce the eldest grandson of the Chen family in Shunyang?The relationship with the Chen family in Shunyang should be very bad. Why did you suddenly find Shuguang Law Firm, and even specifically find Chen Daojun, a direct descendant of the Chen family in Shunyang?Is it possible...

"Boss... Didn't you and her... have an argument?" Wu Luomin couldn't help but ask. In his opinion, this Ms. Jin came all the way, maybe she was just looking for trouble, so it's better to be cautious .

"Lawyer Wu, what are you talking about?! This Ms. Jin is a major client of our law firm~!" Chen Daojun retorted righteously, dispute?He and Jin Xiuzhu had no grudges, so what was there to argue about?
On the contrary, people spend a lot of money to seek legal advice from him~!Nearly [-] million won were transferred in two hours. I haven’t met such a generous customer for a long time~!

"Ah?! She's still our big client?!" Wu Luomin went down again, didn't start a dispute, and became a big client of our law firm?What kind of divine unfolding is this? !

Chen Daojun took out the bank card he received just now, "He paid 4 million won in consulting fees in one go, so arrogant~! Lawyer Wu, if I'm not here in the future, Ms. Jin, please come and receive me." Now, you can’t offend people~!”

"I understand, Boss, don't worry~!" Wu Luomin was very happy, being able to serve such a big client with a lot of money, the benefits he could get would definitely be huge!
------Dividing line------

In the next ten days or so, George and Leyan cooperated quite tacitly as a partner. Under a combined offensive of confessing interests and money temptations, they successfully persuaded Perel and Stan Lee, and successfully acquired Marvel. company.

Then a shocking news spread to the entire global financial market. In February 2000, Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan believed that the Internet bubble was too big, and the Nasdaq price-to-earnings ratio had reached an astonishing 2 times, and announced a substantial interest rate hike.

As soon as the news came out, many financial institutions quickly had new ideas.Because they found that Internet technology companies with huge stock price increases in the past two years, except for their super high market value and a large number of registered users, their profitability has not reached the lucrative profits that the company advertised.

In addition, the listed companies in the beautiful country will pay dividends to investors according to the tradition of dividends every quarter.But the investors of these Internet companies have become taken advantage of. They obviously hold a lot of shares, but the share income they get is pitifully small!Holding shares worth 1 million US dollars, the dividend may only be 2-300 million US dollars or even 100 million.This TM is not as good as buying beautiful national bonds and depositing them in the bank for a fixed period of time, both of which have higher returns than this~!

After realizing the problem, the investors and financial institutions who gradually became frustrated, unanimously reduced their positions and cashed out, and gradually withdrew from the Internet industry.


For this abnormal move, Goldman Sachs Group, a professional investment bank, naturally noticed this abnormal change.Eric, the director of the investment department, reported this discovery to James immediately.

James frowned, and quickly realized that Greenspan had pierced through a hornet's nest~!After the Federal Reserve raised interest rates by a large amount, the funds originally invested in the stock market will inevitably be withdrawn in large quantities. As for when there will be a sudden thunderstorm, it depends on how clever the withdrawal methods of those guys are~!

"As for those Internet companies that have been promoted to the cloud, I'm afraid they will be destroyed by this old thing~!" James sighed a little, and it really happened as Chen Daojun expected before, the bubble of mutual forgiveness is about to burst~ !

"Eric, you continue to pay attention to the changes in the Nasdaq market, and report to me in time if there is any trouble."

"Okay, boss~!"


After Eric left, James thought for a while, then dialed the phone and contacted Bruce, an old friend of Morgan Bank.

"Old buddy, have you seen the news? This time the Fed raised interest rates by 50 basis points, and there may be more interest rate hikes in the future~! I am afraid that the market of Internet companies will come to an end here... If I had previously raised those Internet companies I sold all the shares to you Morgan Bank, you might hate me now~!" James brought up the old story again, explaining his original decision to his old friend.

"...I have asked my subordinates to sell the shares of those companies as soon as possible!...James, tell me honestly, did you expect such a thing to happen last year?!" Bruce was a little puzzled. The investment strategy can be predicted more than half a year in advance. This is not science, but theology, right? !
"Of course~!...Speaking of which, we would also like to thank Chen Daojun, our top investment partner of Goldman Sachs! A lot of bubbles, let us clear the stocks in our hands in time to avoid falling into the pit~!"

When it comes to Chen Daojun, James is very proud. Since their Goldman Sachs Group and Chen Daojun joined hands, the investment of their Goldman Sachs Group has been smooth sailing.Especially in the past two years, I followed Chen Daojun to invest in an Internet company and made a lot of money. The rate of return reached an unprecedented 240%, which can be called a miracle in the investment industry~!

"...James, do you have any plans for the next step? And after the Internet bubble burst, what are the prospects of these Internet companies? Is there any value in investment?" Bruce asked immediately.

After knowing that it was Chen Daojun who reminded Goldman Sachs to reduce its holdings and cash out the stocks of Internet companies as soon as possible, Bruce was completely convinced.

The investors we hire with high salaries are usually better than the others, but at critical moments, no one is reliable~!Prior to this, they all advocated that the stocks and market prices of Internet companies could last at least several years, and encouraged them to continue to invest more.

Now that the Federal Reserve has made such an announcement, it is no less than an official statement. They hope that the Internet industry can cool down and restore calm.As old drivers in the financial investment industry, if they listen to the analysis of those experts, they will really lose a lot of money~!

(End of this chapter)

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