The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 395 Hong Zhiqing's Investing in Runhai Film and Television, Chen Runji's Hesitatio

Chapter 395 Hong Zhiqing's Investing in Runhai Film and Television, Chen Runji's Hesitation
Runhai Film and Television Company, conference room.

A lady in a small black suit with a curly back and an indifferent expression was sitting on the sofa.Chen Runji looked at the "very domineering" lady in front of him with some embarrassment, and muttered in his heart, "Where did this guy Dao Jun find the investment institution? Why does the woman in front of him look so young? Why is she so aura?" Strong?!
The assistant at the side was translating for the two of them, "President Chen Runji, our Starlight Investment Company is willing to invest 2 million US dollars in Runhai Film and Television Company, but you need to change its name to CJ Entertainment and at the same time need to exchange 60% of the shares. .”

"At the same time, our Starlight Investment Company will establish branches in Xiangjiang, Sun Country, Beautiful Country and Europe, and develop the new CJ Entertainment into a multinational entertainment group in one fell swoop, becoming the number one entertainment company in Asia!"

Chen Runji frowned a little. Although it was indeed a big deal to get 2 million US dollars, the other party's offer was too high, right?If he agreed to take 60% of the company's shares from him, wouldn't he, the president of the film and television company, become an empty shell? !


Chen Runji thought for a while, and then suddenly asked, "President Hong, I want to ask, what is your relationship with our Daojun?"

The assistant on the side translated it truthfully. Hong Zhiqing, who was originally indifferent, suddenly blushed, and then said nervously, "Chen Daojun and I are partners... and also very good friends. This time I was invited by him. , came to Bangzi Country to invest in Runhai Film and Television Company."

While listening to the assistant's translation, Chen Runji observed the changes in Hong Zhiqing's demeanor, and noticed that when the other party heard Chen Daojun's name, his demeanor was a little unnatural. Chen Runji had some doubts. Could the girl in front of him be the confidante of his own son? bosom friend? !

Chen Runji forcibly suppressed many thoughts. For the sake of caution, he decided to contact Chen Daojun on the phone to confirm the investment matters to ensure that everything was safe.

Then Chen Runji said seriously, "Ms. Hong, please wait a moment, I'll make a phone call to confirm, 5, 3 minutes will do~!"

After the assistant translated Chen Runji's words, Hong Zhiqing nodded in agreement.


In the corridor outside the conference room, Chen Runji quickly dialed the number of his youngest son Chen Daojun. Before the other party could speak, he took the lead and started the conversation, "Daojun, what are your plans? How can you let investment institutions?" The representative took away 60% of the shares? Then wouldn’t I become a puppet? "

"...So, you are thinking that the other party will invest 2 million US dollars to acquire 10-20% of the shares of Runhai Film and Television Company? Guess what grandpa, uncle, and second uncle will think? Will they believe that there are such stupid people, investing Do you need so much money to acquire so few shares?" Chen Daojun said coldly.

"...But Runhai Film and Television Company is the hard work of me and your mother..." Although what Chen Daojun said is true, it is somewhat difficult for him to accept that he and his wife have to sell more than half of their decades of hard work to others at once. .

"Dad, according to what you said, Shunyang Group is still grandpa's hard work, so does he hold 100% of the shares of Shunyang Group's subsidiaries? Not even 50%, right? But he is still a member of Shunyang Group Chairman?!" Chen Daojun explained earnestly that many times, part of the shares are sold in order to attract external capital investment and increase the company's vitality and support!
"Of course, if you can't accept it, then let go of the proposal to expand the film and television company. I'll let Hong Zhiqing return to Xiangjiang later~!" Chen Daojun was a little helpless. At this time, he couldn't bear to make small profits. How to raise money successfully and double the market value ? !

Just like the current Internet companies that have reached their peak, if they are not listed for financing and are favored by financial institutions, how can they reach a market value of tens of billions and a billion dollars just by relying on their money-losing performance and revenue that "cannot be supported by mud?" Hundreds of billions of dollars? !

"...I... think about it again..." Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Chen Runji was silent. He knew what his son said was true, but let him accept that he sold his "children" for better development. It was the first time he experienced He is somewhat unable to turn around...

In the conference room, Hong Zhiqing looked at the watch in her hand, and frowned slightly. Didn't Chen Runji say that it would only take 3-5 minutes?Why is it almost 10 minutes now and you haven't come back yet?What does this mean? !If he wasn't Chen Daojun's father, according to her temper, she would just get up and leave~!

"How long will it take for President Chen to come back?!" Hong Zhiqing asked patiently.

"Sorry, Mr. Hong, Mr. Chen may have encountered something, and he should be back soon. Please wait a little longer..." The assistant in charge of the translation was very embarrassed.

"Chen Runji, the leader of the company, is too unreliable. Letting her stay here as an assistant will make her take the blame, right?" the assistant complained inwardly.

At this moment, Chen Runji pushed open the door of the conference room and walked in quickly, "Sorry for keeping Ms. Hong waiting~! I agree to the proposal just now, and we can sign the contract now~!"

Chen Runji readily agreed, which surprised Hong Zhiqing, who looked reluctant before, could it be that Chen Daojun persuaded him when he went out to make a phone call just now? !
Hong Zhiqing's expression remained unchanged and she still said coldly, "Since President Chen agrees, we can sign the contract now."

As soon as Hong Zhiqing finished speaking, a subordinate on the side took out the investment contract he had prepared long ago from his briefcase and handed it to Chen Runji.


After leaving Runhai Film and Television Company, Hong Zhiqing quickly dialed Chen Daojun's phone number, complaining in a somewhat dissatisfied tone, "Daojun, you called me over from Xiangjiang this time, and made me a bad guy?! …Uncle’s face looks ugly, doesn’t he want to hit me?”

Hearing Hong Zhiqing's somewhat exaggerated remarks, Chen Daojun on the other end of the phone smiled and comforted, "My dad has never experienced this kind of thing before, so he can't adapt to it for a while. It will be fine in two days when he thinks about it~ !”

"Originally, I was thinking about asking the Goldman Sachs Group from the beautiful country to send people over to invest in Runhai Film and Television. But after thinking about it carefully, it was not appropriate for Goldman Sachs to come forward. After all, Runhai Film and Television Company is well-known in Asia and has a reputation in Asia. Europe and the United States are not ranked at all~! If Goldman Sachs comes forward, it will only arouse suspicion from others!"

"Although this reason sounds good, it is still a bit untenable~! I remember that you should have investment and holding companies in the Sun Country next door, right? Why don't you let them come to invest in Runhai Film and Television?" Hong Zhiqing obviously didn't So easy to fool, he continued to ask Chen Daojun.

(End of this chapter)

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