The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 396 Wu Luomin: There is a price to be paid for talking behind the scenes!

Chapter 396 Wu Luomin: There is a price to be paid for talking behind the scenes~!

"Although I have acquired several companies in the Sun Country, the Bangzi Country doesn't have a good impression of the companies in the Sun Country, so it's more appropriate for you to come forward."

"And according to my plan, CJ Entertainment will integrate all the entertainment companies under my name in the future, and you need to continue to come forward, and even serve as the CEO of CJ Entertainment headquarters!"

"Wait... Let me be the CEO of CJ Entertainment headquarters?... You haven't mentioned it before, and I haven't agreed yet!"

Hong Zhiqing was a little dumbfounded. Originally, Chen Daojun just said that she would come to Bangziguo to help Runhai Film and Television Company to expand the entire group in the name of investment, but Chen Daojun didn't mention anything to her about the content and plan behind~ !

"Didn't you mention it before?... Cough cough, it's officially announced now~! Believe me, when you become the CEO of CJ Entertainment, you will find that the market size and prospects of the entertainment industry are extremely broad. The industry is not inferior at all, and even surpasses~!"

Hearing that Chen Daojun praised him so well, Hong Zhiqing was a little suspicious, how can the entertainment industry make such money?Can it be compared with real estate? !
She is well aware of the huge profits in the real estate industry!A large number of residential areas, office buildings, and commercial plazas in Pengcheng City were bought during the financial crisis two years ago. The current market prices have already increased by 2-3 times. In the following two years, the rents collected each year can reach Close to HKD 6000-8000 million.

According to the current rising housing prices in Pengcheng, they only need to sell all the residential areas in their hands, and then collect 4-5 years of rent, and they will be able to recover all the original investment costs~!

If the entertainment industry can make money like this... It seems that it is not impossible for her to be the CEO of CJ Entertainment...

Seeing that Hong Zhiqing didn't reply, Chen Daojun thought she was trying to reject his proposal, and then he said, "Of course, our beautiful Hong Zhiqing will come all the way here. I should do my best as a landlord. Let the driver first Drive to Shuguang Law Firm, I will take you to eat the delicious food of Bangzi Kingdom later, and take you to see the beautiful scenery of Seoul~!"

"That's what you said~! I'll let the driver come over here~!" Originally, Hong Zhiqing was about to agree, but Chen Daojun suddenly proposed an invitation for a dinner party and a tour with him. Don't Don't do it for nothing~!

"..." Chen Daojun hung up the phone helplessly, did this woman become smarter?Why do you feel like you've been caught? !

More than half an hour later, Hong Zhiqing, who was dressed in a black suit and short skirt and had her hair slicked back, came to the front desk of Shuguang Law Firm.After expressing his purpose in English and the receptionist at the front desk, the receptionist quickly called Chen Daojun's office.

After learning that Hong Zhiqing had arrived, Chen Daojun quickly called for Yong Jingwen and asked her to bring him over.

The other people in the office area of ​​the law firm were very curious when they saw the appearance of Yujie, who was dressed in black and had a cold temperament. They were all guessing, which domestic company such a "strong woman" is in charge of?They seem to have never seen or heard of it~!


Chen Daojun looked at the familiar face in front of him and said with a smile, "We haven't seen each other for more than a year. The aura of our Hongda beauty is getting stronger and stronger. No wonder some people say that 'power is the best skin care product for women', Zhi Qing, you seem to be looking better than before~!"

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Hong Zhiqing's face was filled with a smile, but her tone was still a little cold, "You guy, you really know how to find a reason~! You are obviously quite a shopkeeper, and you can make up such a reason to make people happy~! My mouth is like honey~!"

"Heaven and earth conscience, I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do~!" Chen Daojun looked very hurt, and Hong Zhiqing couldn't help laughing, "Tsk tsk tsk, it's been more than a year No, not only has he become more mature, but also more glib~!"


After sorting out the materials, Chen Daojun walked out of the office with Hong Zhiqing and walked towards the underground garage.After the two walked into the elevator, the lawyers in the office area started discussing in an instant.

"Lawyer Wu, you have been with our boss for the longest time. Who is this woman with such a strong aura? It can't be the boss's fiancée, right?" The young lawyer on the side asked first.

"Absolutely not. The boss's fiancée is Mou Xianmin, the deputy director of SBS TV station. I have seen it once or twice in newspapers and TV news. She doesn't look like this~!" Another senior lawyer shook his head and denied it. The other party’s guess.

Wu Luomin looked at the enthusiastic lawyers in front of him, shook his head helplessly, and said slowly, "You guys are talking nonsense behind the boss's back, aren't you afraid that Assistant Yong will report to the boss?... Or should I? , you feel that your wings have become stronger, and you plan to change jobs from a law firm and start a business?

Wu Luomin's words made everyone shudder unanimously. When they were chatting, they did omit Assistant Yong Jingwen.If Yong Jingwen went to make a small report with Chen Daojun, then they would probably be finished~!

My boss has a very vengeful character~!Baobuqi will secretly wear small shoes for himself, turning over old accounts~!

"Hehe, Assistant Yong, are you tired after working for a long time? I ordered afternoon tea, and you must treat yourself to a taste later~!" The veteran lawyer with a quick mind reacted instantly, and hurriedly ran to greet Yong Jingwen , for fear that she would write it down in her notebook.

"Yes, Assistant Yong, I have also ordered afternoon tea. Let's all taste it together later~!" The young lawyer also reacted and imitated others, trying to muddle through.

Yong Jingwen looked at the lawyers who came forward to please her, with a playful smile on her face, "I'm not interested in afternoon tea. But tonight, I think it would be a good idea to invite the lawyers from the law firm to have a barbecue together." Choose~!"

Wu Luomin's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he immediately got up and patted the shoulders of the two lawyers happily, "Assistant Yong, that's a good proposal, but we haven't had a group dinner for a while. I'm sorry that I always asked the boss to pay the bill." Yes. Since the boss is not here today, we don't have to be so restrained!"

The faces of these two lawyers froze, good guy, if this is agreed, then the two of them will be the ones who pay the bill and lose money today~!

But if you don't agree, maybe Yong Jingwen will report to the boss today, right? ... Which is more important, how to choose, the two had a fierce ideological struggle in just a few seconds~!

In the end, the older lawyer barely showed an ugly smile, "Lawyer Wu is right, we should get together and have a barbecue together later~! Today we two pay the bill~!" Then he stretched out his hand and pulled The trousers of the young lawyer at the side signaled the other party to advance and retreat together.

"Yeah, it's really a good idea to have dinner together and eat barbecue~!" The young lawyer wanted to cry but had no tears, so he could only bite the bullet and agree, feeling very annoyed in his heart. Woolen cloth?If you insist on discussing the boss and that high-cold girl, this is great, you can save money and eliminate disasters~!

(End of this chapter)

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