The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 397 Betting, Chen Daojun's plan

Chapter 397 Betting, Chen Daojun's plan

Inside a western restaurant in Jiangnan District.

Hong Zhiqing happily enjoyed the sumptuous Western food and asked casually, "I heard before that the cuisine in Bangzi Country is unique. Why did you bring me here to eat Western food? Although the Western food here tastes good..."

Hearing this, Chen Daojun paused the knife and fork in his hand, with a smirk on his face, "The special dishes here in Bangzi Country, besides kimchi, are fried chicken and barbecue...Of course, if you are used to eating, you are not afraid of getting fat. I'll take you to experience it in a while."

"Fried chicken, grilled meat, and kimchi?" Hong Zhiqing was a little confused, this was not the same as the Korean food in her impression~!

"Don't... I think western restaurants are good~!" Sensing that Chen Daojun had another bad idea, Hong Zhiqing hastily rejected it. Delicious western food and greasy barbecue and fried chicken, she still thinks the former is more in line with her taste buds.As for kimchi and other things, it is really difficult for her to treat them as delicacies...


"By the way, what's the situation in Xiangjiang over there now? It's been almost two years since the previous financial turmoil, and it should have all recovered?!" After the meal, the two were resting in a coffee shop, and Chen Daojun casually asked The current status of Xiangjiang.

"The situation is not good. Although Xiangjiang withstood the short-selling impact of foreign institutions in the previous financial crisis, a large number of foreign capitals have gradually withdrawn, and Xiangjiang has also been severely damaged."

"Those real estate companies that were in full swing at the beginning have not been able to slow down until now~! The stock prices of old real estate companies such as Sun Hung Kai, Hung Kai Properties, New World, and Wharf have almost recovered to the peak period of 80-90% %about……"

"Currently, only Cheung Kong Enterprises and Hutchison Whampoa in Lijiacheng have not been affected by the financial turmoil and their stocks have plummeted. The stock prices of these two companies have completely slowed down a year ago, and now their stock prices have even surpassed the original~! It's surprising~!"

When mentioning Cheung Kong Holdings and Hutchison Whampoa, Hong Zhiqing felt a little emotional. If Chen Daojun hadn't reminded him in advance, no one would have thought that in the financial crisis that affected the entire Hong Kong, Li Jiacheng would be the one with the least losses and even the biggest winner. This real estate "junior" who joined in halfway!
"It's as I expected. Then, in the second half of the year, Hutchison Whampoa's prices will skyrocket~!" Chen Daojun smiled mysteriously, as if everything was under his control.

"Daojun, you are still the same as before, mysterious and mysterious. And it seems to be able to predict the prophet, it feels like... a prophet, yes it is a prophet! Your guess, it seems that you haven't missed it!" Hong Zhiqing teased with a smile road.

"Haha, I was seen through by you~! Then I won't pretend anymore, I'm a prophet, so I can correctly predict the future trend every time, and deploy in advance!" Seeing Hong Zhiqing say this, Chen Daojun replied road.

Hong Zhiqing was amused by Chen Daojun's weird answer, "You guy, aren't you too serious? It's fine to be a shopkeeper, but now you're even talking so mischievously, do you think I'll believe you?!"

The corner of Chen Daojun's mouth raised, and then he said with a smile, "Then do you want to take a gamble with me? If I lose, I will give you all the assets of Starlight Investment Company as a gift. If you lose, you will give it to me." I’ll be my lifelong lover! Do you dare to bet?”

Seeing Chen Daojun's confident appearance, Hong Zhiqing hesitated in her heart.Although Chen Daojun's previous investment has been going smoothly, and he even predicted the coming of the financial turmoil, he even suggested that she buy the real estate in Pengcheng.

But in her opinion, Chen Daojun must have obtained some inside information, so she made a judgment in advance, and it is absolutely impossible to be a prophet~!And he is obviously greedy for his body? !If this is agreed, wouldn't it be a tacit consent to the color approval?No, I have to teach him a lesson to improve his memory~!

"I agree, don't regret it~! If I lose, Starlight Investment Company will belong to me~!" Hong Zhiqing finally agreed to Chen Daojun's proposal. If she wins, she can become a company with billions of assets It's the big boss, if you lose... In the worst case, I will be a little boy to Chen Daojun... Bah, my old lady won't lose!
------Dividing line------

Miracle Group, meeting room.

Chen Daojun, Wu Shixian, Rachel, and Su Canping were sitting at the conference table, looking at the big screen in front of them. Opposite was the conference room of the Goldman Sachs headquarters. James, George, Eric, and Le Yan were old acquaintances.

"Chen, according to the latest news we have received, probably in early March, on the 3th or 8th at the latest, the Federal Reserve will carry out a second round of interest rate hikes. By then, the stock prices of those Internet companies will probably experience a flash crash! We What needs to be done?" James went straight to the point and asked Chen Daojun about his next action plan.

"It's not just the Internet companies that have collapsed, maybe the Nasdaq index~!" Chen Daojun said calmly, "I plan to spend 50 billion US dollars and increase the leverage by 5 times to let Eric short the Nasdaq index!"

"Short the NASDAQ index? Increase leverage by 5 times?! Hey——, BOSS, are you kidding me? The risk is very high!..." Eric hesitated, he didn't expect Chen Daojun To come up with such a risky idea, if the short-selling fails, their losses will be too great!
Rao George and Leyan didn't expect that Chen Daojun would make such a "crazy" proposal. At the same time, they didn't understand why Chen Daojun would risk unknown Risks making this decision?
At that time, James seemed very calm, as if he would have such an idea when he met Chen Daojun a long time ago.He asked, "Chen, how sure are you? What if you lose?"

Chen Daojun smiled and replied, "99% sure, the Nasdaq index will not only fall, but also plummet~!"

"Now the market value of Internet companies in the beautiful country is the key to supporting the continuous rise of the Nasdaq index! Once these Internet companies with rising market value explode, the Nasdaq index will be like duckweed without roots. Falling in response, even cut in half!"

Chen Daojun recalled the tragic results of the Internet giants when the Internet bubble burst in his previous life, and felt a little bit embarrassed.Although many investors lost their fortunes due to this thunderstorm, for him who is familiar with the plot, this wave of operations is definitely a surefire profit!

The reason why I didn't choose to invest more funds and higher leverage was mainly because of the repayment ability of Pretty Country Securities.If he bets too much, those securities companies can't pay out so much money, then the fun will be great!Baobuqi, what will happen to this group of guys in order not to fulfill the short-selling contract?

As for the tens of billions of compensation, although the amount is huge, if it is divided among multiple securities companies and exchanges, and if you tighten your belt and squeeze, you can still complete the payment!
(End of this chapter)

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