Chapter 398 James: Chen, thank me~!

After Chen Daojun's words, James and the four were silent for a long time. Finally, George, Chen Daojun's die-hard supporter, laughed and said, "Since Chen is so confident, what do we have to be afraid of~! I will also vote 1. Billion dollars, shorting the Nasdaq index!”

Seeing that George expressed his opinion so quickly, James let go of his worries, "Since Chen is so confident, Goldman Sachs will also invest 10 billion, and I will also invest 1 million US dollars, which is also 5 times leverage~!"

As soon as James finished speaking, the others smiled meaningfully.Chen Daojun chuckled at the three people beside him and reminded, "If you are willing to place a bet, you can also ask Eric to help him short the Nasdaq index. If nothing else, you can earn 3-5 times. The income is still no problem!”

Wu Shixian and Rachel's eyes lit up. Isn't this the "welfare" they have been looking forward to for a long time?Although shorting the NASDAQ index will have certain risks, Chen Daojun has already given them a very clear analysis. It will not be long before all the Internet companies in the beautiful country will suddenly collapse, and the NASDAQ index will definitely do the same. The one who was brought into the ditch~!

It's just that it's hard for them to invest billions of dollars like Chen Daojun. It's better to be cautious and invest tens of millions of dollars or [-] million dollars and that's about it~!

On the other hand, Su Canping was a little dumbfounded. She was still immersed in the conversation just now and hadn't recovered yet.What did she just hear?My boss Chen Daojun wants to take the lead in shorting the Nasdaq index?Spent 50 billion US dollars at once? !

This... Could it be that she heard it wrong? !Although he already knew that Chen Daojun, the big boss behind the scenes, was very rich, but he never thought that the other party has become so arrogant~! Converting 50 billion U.S. dollars into Korean won, this is about 60000 trillion Korean won!Even if it is the assets of Daying Group or Shunyang Group, it is about the same amount, right? !
"Boss... I, can I follow the investment and go short?" Su Canping asked nervously, for fear that Chen Daojun would refuse.

"Of course, it's just that you need to decide how much to short the Nasdaq index. But I don't recommend investing all of your net worth, 1/5-1/4 is enough!" Chen Daojun explained with a smile road.

Su Canping has followed Wu Shixian for many years, and they can see both his ability to handle affairs and his degree of loyalty.This girl is now capable of taking charge on her own. In Chen Daojun's idea, if she opens a subsidiary company later, she can definitely consider sending Su Canping down as the person in charge!

Su Canping nodded happily, and if Chen Daojun didn't object, it would be much easier!As for the short-selling funds, although she doesn't have much savings, she can borrow from her grandma!They knew that the Bai family was a giant in the private lending industry, and she was Bai Fuzi's only granddaughter and the only heir to the Bai family, so naturally there would be no problem~!


After discussing the content of the meeting, everyone gradually dispersed. James called Chen Daojun who was about to leave, and explained, "Chen, there is something I want to discuss with you~!"

"James, if you have anything to say, you might as well just say it, it's not your style to be coy!" Chen Daojun said jokingly.

"...It's like this. Although you have now joined the nationality of our beautiful country, you also understand the policies of the beautiful country. They are not very friendly to people of other skin colors, and I am too old. I don’t know how long I can stay in this position.”

"The old fellow Bruce and I proposed to let him marry you. He seems to be tempted~! When you get on line with the Morgan family, plus our Goldman Sachs Group, it will be enough to protect your many interests in the beautiful country." James said earnestly.

The reason why he chose to help Chen Daojun, a very outstanding up-and-comer, besides admiring him, was that he felt that this young man had a good character. It was because Chen Daojun would not forget his friends from the same camp when he made money.

This made James realize that as long as he can help Chen Daojun, he will have a good relationship with him.Even if he retires from the position of CEO of Goldman Sachs Group, or even passes away, Chen Daojun will still miss his old relationship and take care of his family. In this way, his family can continue to invest and manage money with Chen Daojun. The days to come won't be any worse.


"Marry with the Morgan family?" Chen Daojun was a little dazed, he looked around subconsciously, and saw that several other people had left one after another, he was relieved, "But I already have a fiancée, and I will be married in May this year." Married! If I want to abandon the woman I love for profit, I can't do such a thing~!"

"Hey, it's my fault that I didn't make it clear. What I mean is that the Morgan family should choose a woman to marry you and be your lover. In exchange for benefits, when you make an investment decision, take them with you. ." James smirked and explained his "results" to Chen Daojun!
"How's it going? Isn't this a great idea?! I took the initiative to propose this to the old guy Bruce. Although he was still very stubborn, I could see that he was already interested! I have asked about it, and the Morgan family also There are still 2-3 unmarried young girls, and they are all very beautiful. You are very lucky, hahaha!"

"...Ahem, James, are you sure that old man Bruce will agree?!" Chen Daojun was a little speechless. In his opinion, the Morgan family is also one of the top five consortiums in the beautiful country. This kind of unscrupulous thing should not be done, right? !
"Chen, you underestimate your current strength!" James changed the subject and explained to Chen Daojun seriously, "Although your current assets have not exceeded 1000 billion US dollars, it has exceeded most of the financial institutions in the beautiful country. Investment institutions. Even small chaebols!"

"Although the assets of the Morgan, DuPont, Macmillan... and Walton families are astonishing, most of them are real estate, and the cash flow will never be as exaggerated as yours! Moreover, the Morgan family is mainly engaged in financial investment. Domain, if you can come together, it will definitely be a win-win situation!"

What James said made Chen Daojun suddenly realize, no wonder the old man James would contact Bruce to discuss this matter, so this was the idea? !But if it really succeeds, as James said, it will be a good thing for both parties. After all, both parties are in the field of financial investment. With strong alliances, they will definitely be able to earn more. profits!
Moreover, Chen Daojun has invisiblely added the Morgan family as an ally. Even if someone in the beautiful country wants to deal with him, relying on the extensive contacts of the Morgan family and the Goldman Sachs Group, it will be much easier to deal with it!
 It's a bit difficult without saving the manuscript... I probably only know the plot 2-3 hours earlier than the brothers...

(End of this chapter)

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