The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 399 Thanks to the Federal Reserve, the Nasdaq index was brought down

Chapter 399 Thanks to the Federal Reserve, the Nasdaq index was brought down...

In the end, Chen Daojun did not object to the matter with the Morgan family. Chen Daojun did not refuse James' proposal to go to the beautiful country, but said that he would go to the beautiful country when he was free in March.


After Chen Daojun ended the meeting, he came to Wu Shixian's office.Looking at Chen Daojun who had arrived late, Wu Shixian asked with some confusion, "Boss, didn't the meeting just end early? I thought you went back after finishing just now."

"No, James asked me a few words." Chen Daojun shook his head and explained.

"By the way, what's the situation with our own Internet company?" Chen Daojun remembered the Internet company downstairs that had been established for more than two years. Presumably it was not listed, so there should be no problem, right?

"They are doing well~! People say that Miracle Technology Company is the subsidiary of our Miracle Group with the best treatment~!" Speaking of Miracle Technology Company, Wu Shixian also felt a burst of emotion.

The original intention of Miracle Technology was to build an Internet shopping platform, and then put the products of many department stores such as Tesco Department Store, Shanshang Department Store, Yuetian Department Store, and Shunyang Department Store on the Internet for sale.

At the same time, three logistics companies including Hanjin Land Transport, Yuetian Logistics and Shanshang Department Store's Zhongyu Express were used to act as the main responsibility for the delivery and delivery of the online shopping platform.

At the beginning, because it was known that this platform was mainly used by working elites, the number of users was not large.However, in the past two years, with the Miracle Group's advertising and the continued popularity of computers and broadband, more and more people have registered and become registered users of their Internet trading platform website.

Last year, in order to celebrate the number of registered users of the Internet trading platform’s website exceeding 60, Miracle Group specially organized an online shopping celebration event. If you buy online shopping over 20000, you can get 2400 off, and if you buy over 60000, you can get 7200 off. It’s full of sincerity The routine of shopping full of discounts has directly attracted a large number of users to buy, buy and buy online~!

In just one day, the total amount of orders transacted on the trading platform reached an astonishing 900 billion won (approximately 7500 million U.S. dollars), directly setting a new single-day sales record in the retail industry.Many domestic retail companies were shocked by the amazing data of Miracle Technology's Internet trading platform.

It's just a pity that Miracle Group seems to be very fond of this technology company, and has no plan to list it at all. Even if their investment institutions are very optimistic about this Internet company, they can only watch helplessly, greedy Gotta drool!

After learning about the situation of Miracle Technology Company, Chen Daojun breathed a sigh of relief.It was originally considered that after the listing, the company's equity would be diluted, and other shareholders would point their fingers, affecting the technology company's subsequent work.Chen Daojun has been suppressing Miracle Technology and Tesco Department Store and has not allowed these two companies to go public.

"President Wu, now that the shopping platform built by Miracle Group has seen results, we can consider letting Miracle Technology enter new markets~!" Chen Daojun smiled mysteriously and proposed a new plan!
"Enter a new market?!" Wu Shixian was a little dumbfounded. In his opinion, wasn't this miracle technology company originally established just to build an online shopping platform?What, can there be other new uses now? !


"Now that the economy continues to improve, more and more foreigners come to our Bangzi country for tourism. We can integrate domestic flights, travel agencies, resort hotels, and scenic spots. Led by Miracle Technology, we will create an online booking hotel, flight, The platform of the travel agency... should be able to make a lot of money!" Chen Daojun moved out the profit model and routine of the later generations of "Xiecheng", which is definitely an unprecedented innovation in this era when online booking services are almost zero. !
After hearing Chen Daojun's plan, Wu Shixian nodded repeatedly, "This is indeed a good idea. If it can really succeed, then this online booking website will definitely create a new market!"

"...It's just that it's not that easy to convince airlines, travel agencies, resort hotels, and scenic spots to join in!"

"It depends on the charm of our President Wu~! Thinking about it, with the status and influence of our Miracle Group today, it is not difficult to convince these companies and institutions. And if it is really impossible, we can also Ask the Blue House for help~!”

"In the past two years, the amount of taxes our Miracle Group has paid is not a small amount~! No matter how unhappy Mr. Jin is, he can't refuse!" Chen Daojun looked very confident.

Speaking of which, the situation in Bangzi Country is similar to that in Pretty Country. If the government wants to implement new policies and systems, it will inevitably need the strong support of domestic chaebols/consortiums, and cooperation between the two parties can achieve a win-win situation.And once there is a disagreement between the two sides, or there is a confrontation between the two sides, then no matter which side it is, the result will not be much better.

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Wu Shixian grinned, "If the Blue House can support me, then I should be able to handle it easily~!"

------Dividing line------

Time flew by and it soon came to early March.

As Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan announced the second round of interest rate hikes, the day before, that is, March 3, the Nasdaq Composite Index closed at a record 10 points, up 5048.62% from the beginning of the year and setting a new all-time high~ !

However, as the news of the second round of interest rate hikes spread, the entire American stock market turned from a sharp rise to a sharp fall in just over two hours. It was realized that the Federal Reserve was playing a ruthless game and wanted to completely suppress it. Financial institutions and investors in the runaway Internet industry are scrambling to sell their shares in the stock market, wanting to cash out.

It's just that, after everyone realizes that Internet companies are about to be "targeted", who would be willing to act as a taker (taker) and undertake a large number of sold stocks in the stock market? !

Suddenly, the market was full of stocks that were sold in large quantities, and no one cared about them at all.This also caused the Nasdaq index, which had originally reached 5048.62 points, to fall sharply, which intensified the panic in the market. Everyone was selling at a lower price, trying to cut their flesh and leave the market!

In the CEO office of Goldman Sachs Group, James looked at the old friend Bruce who looked frightened, laughed and joked, "How is it? Isn't it exciting?! In just half a day, we made a short bet on the Nasdaq index The contract has already earned us hundreds of millions of dollars~!"

"...That Chen is really brave~! He actually chose to short the Nasdaq index and invested so much money at once~!" Bruce said with emotion.

"Old man, I don't think so! This boy Chen is very cautious!"

"Although I can't disclose the amount of assets he currently owns, I can tell you clearly that the money he invested in short selling is less than 1/15 of his entire net worth... so you still think he is not a good marriage partner. What?... You have to know that he is only 21 years old this year~!"

(End of this chapter)

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