The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 400: The Internet bubble bursts and the curtain begins completely

Chapter 400: The Internet bubble bursts and the curtain begins completely
"...I agree with your previous proposal!" After weighing the pros and cons, Bruce finally agreed to James's original proposal. After all, all they had to pay was a female member of the collateral line, but what they gained was a lot. A young man with strong financial resources and extraordinary investment ability!

How is this deal calculated? Their Morgan family is not losing money in blood. As for the woman sent out, they can't marry Chen Daojun?This is actually not important, they just need Cen Daojun's investment advice and prediction.Of course, if she can have a child with Chen Daojun, that would be great~!

"Then you have to hurry up and decide on a good candidate~! Chen will come over in about mid-to-late March." James reminded casually, letting the other party take care of it.

"Well, I've already made a decision. I'll inform the family members when I get back~!" Bruce replied calmly. The right to speak is still very important.

"Of course it couldn't be better~! ...By the way, don't disclose this action of shorting the Nasdaq index to the outside world. I wonder if those guys who invest in Internet companies know that we are taking advantage of the situation, will they become angry?!" James The conversation changed and he reminded the other party.

"Haha, old guy, you're not talking about Schrader (chairman of Citibank), William (chairman of Bank of Merrill Lynch) and Richard (chairman of Lehman Brothers), are you?  … Tsk Tsk tsk, those three old fellows probably want to kill people now, hahaha!"

Bruce quickly remembered that someone contacted these three units last year and transferred a large amount of Internet company shares. Many investment institutions are curious about which company's fool can do such a thing and continue to make profits. Internet company shares are all sold off, do you think money is hot?Now that I think about it, it's probably the work of Chen Daojun and James!

"Whether they want to kill people, I don't know, but if you go out and talk nonsense, you will definitely cause unnecessary trouble~!" James did not answer directly, but reminded repeatedly.

"Don't worry old man, my mouth is very strict~!" Bruce replied with a smile.


Affected by the plunge of the NASDAQ index in the beautiful country, a crisis against Internet companies soon swept the world.The stock prices of many listed companies in the Internet industry fell in response, and the decline was very alarming.None of them imagined how much fun they had playing and how easy it was to make money before, and how miserable their end would be~!

When the Internet industry is booming, the extravagance and ability of these companies to spend money can be seen.Although the bosses of many companies come from writing codes, this brain-intensive industry requires a large number of programmers.

However, in the Internet sector, which has only been developed for less than ten years, the number of programmers on the market is too small. These companies have to offer high salaries to recruit programmers, casually offering annual salaries of US$8 and US$10. , it is no exaggeration to describe it as throwing money.

In addition to the sky-high salary, there are also various extravagant parties. Money is not a problem, as long as everyone is happy.A party is held when the company is established, a party is held when the company changes its name, a party is held when the project is launched, and a party is held when the product is launched. Silicon Valley holds more than 20 parties every week, where you can drink freely and even invite celebrities to sing. Passers-by who have nothing to do with these companies can come to join in the fun, and a party can easily spend 10,000+ dollars.

Secondly, the degree of burning money for Internet promotion is completely unrestrained!If you want others to use your products, you must first let others know about your products, and you have to spend huge sums of money on advertising every day.There are many ways to advertise. At that time, it was nothing more than TV advertisements, print advertisements (billboards) or sports event advertisements. These were the mainstream advertising methods at that time.

At that time, the most amazing thing was, a vertical e-commerce company selling pet products. The cost of advertising in the first year of operation was almost 20 times the company’s revenue. Now you may think that the boss of this company May have gone mad. launched advertising campaigns in more than a dozen cities at the same time. Its mascot - Pocket Puppet Dalmatians - appeared in various TV shows and magazines. It also made a giant mascot to participate in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York. , the most awesome thing is that they also spent 120 million US dollars to buy the 2000 US Super Bowl commercial!


Most companies did not invest money in the construction of technology and products like Amazon and Google did at the time, but only stayed in the money-burning model of advertising, attracting newcomers, and occupying the market depends on expensive advertising and mergers and acquisitions. .


On March 3, the news that the Sun Country, Asia's number one economic power, had entered a recession again caused a sell-off in technology stocks in the international market, and investor concerns began to heat up.

On March 3, the famous financial magazine "Barron's" published a cover article called "Burning Up", which revealed the current poor status of these Internet companies and completely debunked it. Hornet's nest!
The article clearly stated: Among the 207 Internet companies surveyed, 71% had negative profits, and 51 companies would run out of cash within 12 months.Even the Internet idol unit Amazon's cash flow can only last for 10 months. Many founders and early investors of Internet companies are doing their best to cash out. The funds flowing from the old economic system to the new economic system are about to be exhausted. Internet companies with no money to burn and no money to make are about to fall from the altar!


As soon as the news came out, Internet company investors and shareholding financial institutions around the world were completely shocked.They began to sell their Internet company stocks in a panic. Beautiful countries, Europe, Sun countries, Bangzi countries... the same scene happened in all countries with listed Internet companies.


Miracle Group, in the vice president's office.

Wu Shixian was very excited. They invested and bet to short the NASDAQ index before. I am afraid they are going to make a lot of money~!Judging from the current situation, Internet companies are "unlucky". The Nasdaq index, which was originally unattainable, has been falling for several days like taking laxatives~!

The short-selling funds they invested before have almost earned them more than double their profits in just a few days~!

"President Wu, calm down. This Internet bubble burst will last for a long time~!" Chen Daojun sipped the coffee in front of him with a very calm expression, "Next, I need to go to a beautiful country. What investment opportunities and projects do you have? I entrust you with the affairs of Bangzi Kingdom~!"

(End of this chapter)

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