The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 401: Ambiguity at the airport, sneak shots in the corner

Chapter 401: Ambiguity at the airport, sneak shots in the corner

In the afternoon of the second day, Chen Daojun dragged his luggage a little tiredly, with dark circles under his eyes, and took the special car to the airport with his assistant and bodyguard Yong Jingwen.Mou Xianmin's department last night

Chen Daojun couldn't help but yawned, and fell directly on Yong Jingwen's lap. Feeling the softness on the back of his head, Chen Daojun subconsciously arched his head, and then said softly, "I can't bear it anymore, so I'll just take a moment." When we arrived at the airport Wake me up again."

"Okay." Yong Jingwen looked at Chen Daojun, who was leaning on her lap like a cat in her arms, with a blush on her face, and her delicate body couldn't help but tremble slightly.

The driver saw the ambiguous behavior of the two people in the back row, adjusted the rearview mirror, and continued driving without looking sideways.


"Boss, we've arrived at the airport~!" Yong Jingwen shook Chen Daojun, trying to wake him up.

"Well, are we here already?" Chen Daojun opened his hazy sleepy eyes and asked subconsciously. He lay on the female assistant's strong long legs and squinted for a while. The soft touch made him very comfortable, and he forgot the time for a moment.

Yong Jingwen helped Chen Daojun up, then straightened his collar, and said calmly, "Yes, we're here. We should get off the car and check in~!"

However, Chen Daojun took out all his luggage after getting off the car. Seeing that Yong Jingwen had not been able to get off the car, Chen Daojun stepped forward and curiously asked about the situation. Yong Jingwen explained with some embarrassment, "My leg... is numb. Boss, can you do it?" Can you help me?"

Chen Daojun smiled and said nothing, Yong Jingwen was a little disappointed, thinking that Chen Daojun was unwilling to help her.But before she could react, Chen Daojun hugged the princess directly, carried her out of the car, and closed the door casually.

"Boss, you... you put me down quickly!" Yong Jingwen was a little embarrassed, she noticed that many people nearby were watching the two of them~!

Chen Daojun looked at her, and asked seriously, "Didn't you just say that your legs were numb? If I let you down now, I'm afraid you fell down right away?!"

"..." Yong Jingwen was a little speechless, she was so shy, she forgot her current situation, if Chen Daojun really put her down, she would probably lose her footing and fall down, right? !
"Speaking of which, it's still Chen Daojun's fault~! If he hadn't been leaning on his legs for more than an hour, his legs wouldn't be numb..." Yong Jingwen complained secretly in her heart.

Chen Daojun lowered the suitcase beside him, and then gently placed her on top of the suitcase.

"Is the leg still numb? Or, I'll rub it for you!" Chen Daojun asked with concern.

"No... no need, just wait for another 2-3 minutes..." Yong Jingwen said with a red face. She had never had close contact with men in the past, but after smelling Chen Daojun's strong male scent, her body felt a little... Hotness.If Chen Daojun really rubs her, she might really collapse...

Chen Daojun looked at the time and saw that there were still nearly 40 minutes before their registration time. It was not enough, so he stopped urging and waited quietly.It's just that Chen Daojun's eyes will look at Yong Jingwen's stretched long legs from time to time before turning to other places...


After nearly 22 hours of flight and transfer, Chen Daojun and Yong Jingwen finally arrived in the beautiful country of New York smoothly.After receiving the news, George and Leyan also waited at the New York airport in advance.Soon the two sides met~!

"Hey, George, I haven't seen you for more than a year. Your round belly seems to have shrunk a lot?!" Chen Daojun was a little surprised, he was very impressed by George's round beer belly before~!Why haven't I seen you for a while, this guy seems to have lost weight? !

Seeing Chen Daojun being so surprised, George chuckled, "I've been exercising to lose weight recently~! The abdominal muscles are about to come out~! How about it, when you have free time at night, go to the gym to practice?!"

"By the way, who is this beautiful woman next to me? I don't think I've seen it before, but she seems to have a very good figure~!" George quickly noticed the tall and cold beauty in a lady's suit beside Chen Daojun, his eyes were on Chen Daojun's Hovering between the handsome and the beautiful woman, as if thinking of something, his expression was a little turbulent.

"She is my personal bodyguard and assistant, Yong Jingwen. She is very skilled. If you offend her, be careful to be beaten~!" Seeing George winking, Chen Daojun explained angrily, "Let's go, take us first Go to the hotel and check in.”

"BOSS, we have already booked a luxury room at the Four Seasons Hotel." Le Yan on the side took Chen Daojun and Yong Jingwen's suitcases and said with a smile.


It's just that the four of them didn't notice until they left. In a corner on the second floor, there were two people with cameras, and they took several photos of them before giving up.

"Minister, are you sure that young man is the grandson of Chairman Chen Yangji of our Shunyang Group?" the subordinate asked suspiciously.

"It's absolutely true. I met him once at the Zhengxinzhai banquet. They are exactly the same!" Minister Cui explained, "It's just that those two people are clearly from Goldman Sachs~! Especially the fat man, he is The famous foreign affairs chief of Goldman Sachs could they have been doing this for a while?"

"Minister, what shall we do next?"

"...Fax the photo back to the secretary office of Shunyang Group. As for what happens next, it has nothing to do with us~!" Minister Cui made a decision after thinking for a moment.

"Yes, Minister~!"

------Dividing line------

After arriving at the hotel, George and Le Yan did not leave immediately, and Twenty sat in Chen Daojun's room for a while.

"Chen, what James said earlier, it seems that a welcome party will be arranged for you tomorrow night. Members of the Morgan family are also specially invited. Do you understand what this old man wants to do?" George asked directly, as if he didn't care Out of the doubts in my heart.

In his opinion, no matter how good the personal relationship between James and Bruce is, it also means that the Morgan family has a good relationship with their Goldman Sachs Group~!Chen Daojun is obviously the core figure of their Goldman Sachs Group. Shouldn't they just welcome him within the Goldman Sachs Group?Why did you invite some "outsiders" over?
Hearing what George said, Chen Daojun had already guessed the points, but he still said calmly on the surface, "Maybe you want to introduce me to some people? These old foxes are very shrewd. Let's see then. , show off your skills~!"


"By the way, if you have nothing to do tomorrow, take me to Marvel. I haven't visited this company since I bought it~!" Chen Daojun said with a smile.

"No problem, anyway, the two of us have nothing else to do these two days, we can accompany you for a walk~!" George said happily, patted his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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