The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 402 Chen Daojun: You have to be responsible!

Chapter 402 Chen Daojun: You have to be responsible~!

I have to say that George, the old driver, still has good eyesight, and the luxury suite booked for Chen Daojun is really good.The obviously costly European-style decoration and the soft leather sofa made Chen Daojun reluctant to get up.

Yong Jingwen on the side was a little embarrassed. She wanted to ask just now, did that George do it on purpose?Why did you book a deluxe room?And there's only one bed? !
Chen Daojun looked at Yong Jingwen standing still in a daze, distracted, Chen Daojun laughed and teased, "I haven't showered for more than a day, can you bear it? Aren't you my personal bodyguard? Don't you still plan to ask me to open another The room? You live far away?!"

"..." Yong Jingwen, who had been told off by Chen Daojun, felt inexplicably hot, and cursed George for hundreds of times in her heart. This guy definitely did it on purpose~!

"No need~!" Yong Jingwen said a little arrogantly, and then she went straight into the bathroom.


It's just that when Chen Daojun woke up the next day, he quickly realized something was wrong.It was as if something was crawling into his arms, holding him tightly.Last night, it seemed that Yong Jingwen and him both slept on the bed, right?The one in the arms should... probably be her, right?

Chen Daojun tried to shake her to wake her up, but the girl was still talking in her sleep, "Big bear girl...don't move...let me touch again~" While talking, he unconsciously grabbed a certain part of Chen Daojun's body~ !

This made Chen Daojun very helpless, this woman, could it be that she regards me as a girlfriend? ...Big Bear?Could it be Li Yanhe? !

But guesses are guesses, Chen Daojun did not choose to sit and wait for death, but fought back.


Yong Jingwen was gradually awakened by Chen Daojun's actions, and found that Chen Daojun's face was close at hand, and looking at her curiously, Yong Jingwen thought she was hallucinating, and then screamed "Ah!"

"Shouldn't you let me go before yelling?!" Chen Daojun was a little speechless, obviously you were holding me, and when you woke up, it seemed like I did something to you?Cough cough, although he also took advantage of the opportunity...

" oh..." Yong Jingwen's cry stopped abruptly, and she finally realized what Chen Daojun said. The current situation seems... a little different from what she imagined? !
Looking at this posture, it seems that she is holding and lying on Chen Daojun... Could it be that she "slept" the boss? !No, what happened to the hands that did evil to me just now? !It must be that Chen Daojun is not very honest~!

Yong Jingwen was making guesses in her heart, but this conclusion was too shameful... She vaguely remembered that she seemed to be holding Li Yanhe, and rubbed her several times. Why did she become like this when she woke up? Chen Daojun? !
After Chen Daojun put his clothes on neatly, he looked at Yong Jingwen who was still on the bed with a playful expression, "Jingwen, you have to be responsible for what happened~!"

"Ah?! You want me to be responsible?!" Yong Jingwen was shocked by Chen Daojun's words. In this kind of thing, she is the one who suffers, okay?How could Chen Daojun have the nerve to say that she should be responsible? !
Chen Daojun smiled and said, "You don't want to? Who is holding me and refusing to let go, and groping around?"

"You...!" At this moment, Yong Jingwen felt that her fist was hardened, and the villain Chen Daojun's operation of complaining first made her very angry~!Angry, she picked up a pillow and threw it at Chen Daojun, but the other party caught it easily.


After the two played and laughed for a while, Chen Daojun called the customer service number at the front desk and asked them to prepare some breakfast and deliver it to the room.

------Dividing line------

At 9 o'clock in the morning, George and Leyan arrived at the hotel, and the four of them set off for Marvel together.

In the conference room, Chen Daojun looked at the old acquaintance Perel in front of him, and the white-haired old man in his impression - Stan Lee and several senior executives of Marvel Corporation, and took the lead in saying, "For the current situation of Marvel , what are your plans?"

Perel glanced at Stan Lee beside him, and then said his original plan, "Boss, the success of the "Spider-Man" movie has shown us a new profit model, which is to convert the previous Adapting the stories of the heroes of Marvel’s characters into movie scripts, and putting them on the big screen, the box office will definitely be a big hit~!”

"We intend to make Thor and the Hulk the first batch of Marvel heroes to be brought to the big screen~!"

Chen Daojun didn't object when he heard the words, but looked at the others, "Do you all think so?" But Stan Lee and several company officials present had spent several minutes, but still did not raise any contrary opinions.

This made Chen Daojun a little disappointed. No wonder Marvel will continue to go downhill. It really is that there is no reliable foresight and long-term plan. In the previous life, it is estimated that the stud filming of "Iron Man" was successful, and it is probably a blind cat. Rats~!

"The reason why "Spider-Man" was successful was because I spent a huge amount of money to find a reliable film production company. In order to open up the Asian market, I also specially filmed an animation of the same name as "Spider-Man". The warm-up was played in many countries in Asia in advance. This made the box office of "Spider-Man" in Asia quite good."

"And there is a toy company in the Kingdom of the Sun that I invested in and acquired - Bandai. Taking advantage of the popularity of the "Spider-Man" movie, I can sell a wave of peripheral toys and make another fortune~!"

Seeing Chen Daojun's eloquent talk, Perel and Stan Lee felt a lot more embarrassed. They originally thought that as long as they copied Chen Daojun's operation, they could make money and reverse the bad situation of Marvel that was on the verge of bankruptcy.

They never expected that a young man like Chen Daojun would have so many ideas and details, which really put them to shame~ He has lived so long, and yet no young man has considered it thoughtfully and comprehensively~!


"Compared to Thor and the Hulk, I am actually more optimistic about Iron Man, the Marvel hero! From a playboy to a savior hero, he can stand shoulder to shoulder with a mortal body! The character setting and plot of Iron Man are obviously more interesting. Selling points and gimmicks~!" Chen Daojun quickly expressed his opinion.

You know, most of the people who will go to the cinema to buy tickets to watch are young people, some middle-aged people and children.The characters of Hulk and Thor are obviously impossible to satisfy the vast majority of audiences, so I am afraid that the box office will not have too high results~! "

After listening to Chen Daojun's analysis, Perel suddenly realized, no wonder people like Chen Daojun can succeed~!Look at their level of professionalism, and then look at them, it's like a group of laymen messing around, low comparison!

"Our Marvel's first comic-adapted movie must be an instant hit and a complete hit, so that the subsequent comic-adapted movie will go smoothly~! Adapt "Iron Man" and put it on the big screen, This is our first big Marvel movie~!" Chen Daojun said passionately.

(End of this chapter)

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