The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 403 Ding!Gold Medal Investment Advisor "Li Wenxuan" is online!

Chapter 403 Ding——!Gold medal investment consultant "Li Wenxuan" is online~!

"Once Iron Man is a success, we can continue to

"What about the funds and the film company? There are less than 5000 million left in the company's accounts..." Perel asked with some embarrassment. In his opinion, these two problems are the big hurdles they can't get around Son!

"I will invest an additional US$1.5 million, but I will take away 3/4 of the box office and peripheral share of the subsequent "Iron Man" movie!" Chen Daojun said calmly.

Perel frowned, looked at Stan Lee and other company officials, and after finding that they had no other opinions, Perel didn't say anything more.After all, he is no longer the top leader of the company, and the young man in front of him holds most of the company's shares~!


On the way to Goldman Sachs Group, Chen Daojun sighed, and then said firmly, "I now understand why this Marvel company is holding the golden egg. As a result, the company's operating conditions are getting worse and worse... They lack Chang Yuan's Intend and a leader with good judgment!”

"Chen, do you want to change the CEO of Marvel?" George quickly heard the implication of Chen Daojun, "This is easy, I will ask the group's human resources department to find a suitable candidate when I get back~!"

"The candidates we need to find this time have some special requirements. The other party needs to be familiar with the heroes of Marvel Corporation. Only in this way can they play a role in the process of adapting comics to movies~!" Chen Daojun thought of the key point , quickly reminded.

"Do we need to add this condition? I'm afraid it's not easy to find qualified personnel~!" For this temporary request made by Chen Daojun, George felt a little difficult. Familiar with the characters of comic book heroes, this is no less than nitpicking~!

"Uncle, actually there is still a compromise~! If we really can't find anyone who meets the conditions, we can look for two people who meet the conditions~! The president only needs to have professional analysis and judgment skills. As for the vice president , we can choose the right candidate within Marvel~!"

"There should be no one who is more familiar with those comic hero characters than the staff in Marvel!" Seeing that George was in trouble, Le Yan, who was listening to the conversation between the two, smiled and helped him~!

"If one doesn't work, find two?! Le Yan, thank you for coming up with such a method~! Hehe, Chen, this shouldn't violate your conditions, right?!" If Chen Daojun doesn't object, George plans to directly borrow the advantage. My nephew Leyan came up with a solution.

"...It doesn't matter. Anyway, it doesn't make much difference if there is one more or one less~!" Chen Daojun was a little helpless. He didn't expect that Le Yan, an honest boy with big eyebrows and big eyes after not seeing him for a while, would actually become cunning~!

Sensing Chen Daojun looking at him, Leyan smiled shamelessly, without any stage fright.This makes Chen Daojun’s evaluation of Leyan one more thing: he has become thicker-skinned~!


In the evening, George brought the three of them to the banquet.What surprised Chen Daojun was that the old guy James seemed to call a lot of people. Although they arrived more than ten minutes earlier, there seemed to be no longer a few elderly "successful people" in the venue. They all have one feature in common, they're all a bit older.

"George, did James mention who was called to this dinner party?" Chen Daojun patted George's shoulder lightly and asked softly.

"The old man arranged it. I only know that some friends in the circle were called, and who they called... I don't know!" George shook his head and continued, "However, I still know a few guys. !"

"The few over there are representatives of Pretty Country Bank, the leader is Williams, the couple on the right, the man is Richard, the CEO of Wells Fargo Bank, and the two Asians over there should be from Asahi Bank. The background of the Sun Kingdom, but I am not familiar with them..."

George once again played out the characteristics of his broad friendship and introduced people he knew to Chen Daojun.

"Hey, Citibank, Merrill Lynch... those colleagues who have a normal or even hostile relationship with Goldman Sachs, didn't James invite any of them?" Chen Daojun secretly muttered in his heart.


As the convener of this banquet, James walked slowly from a nearby room in a well-fitting suit.Seeing that Chen Daojun and the others had arrived, he immediately stepped forward to greet them.

"Chen, welcome to come, let's go, I'll take you to meet my old friends~!" James stepped forward to give Chen Daojun a hug, and said with a smile.

Seeing James inviting him so enthusiastically, Chen Daojun frowned a little. He was usually used to keeping a low profile, but now he was suddenly asked to show off his cards and show his awesome identity and strength. He was really uncomfortable for a while.Moreover, is it really appropriate to expose yourself at this time? !
Seeing Chen Daojun hesitating, James was puzzled for a while, and then reacted, "Don't be nervous, you are our senior partner Li Wenxuan (Chen Daojun's former vest), and I will take you to meet~!"

Chen Daojun didn't refuse when he saw this. Anyway, he had made a cursory observation just now. This banquet should be an internal party that refused to allow outside media reporters to enter. His vest was exposed several times, so there was no big problem.


Especially when James led Chen Daojun onto the high platform he was heading for, everyone in the hall was attracted.Many people are curious, why is James, a big boss in the financial circle, accompanied by a young Asian man with black hair?It seems like I’ve never seen it before~!

"Everyone, thank you for coming~! Today's banquet, to be precise, is the celebration of our Goldman Sachs Group, because from last year to the beginning of this year, our Goldman Sachs Group has obtained more than 300 billion US dollars through investing in multiple projects profits~!" James held the microphone full of enthusiasm, and told everyone the reason for holding this banquet today~!

When everyone in the audience heard James say this, they clapped and cheered in unison, and many people even showed expressions of surprise, envy, joy, etc.~!You know, they are not only partners of Goldman Sachs Group, but a large number of them are also clients of Goldman Sachs Group. They have handled a lot of investment business with Goldman Sachs Group.

Now that Goldman Sachs has made so much profit, the projects they invest in will definitely get more profits~!

After the applause faded away, James continued, "Through this banquet, I would like to introduce Li Wenxuan, a senior partner and top investment advisor of our Goldman Sachs Group! Our Goldman Sachs Group has achieved such good results in the past two years. No investment consultant Li Wenxuan~!"

Hearing James' grand introduction, the others quickly reacted and gave warm applause.Many thoughtful agency representatives quickly turned their attention to Chen Daojun's young and somewhat exaggerated face~!

(End of this chapter)

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