Chapter 404 Lindsay Morgan
The reason why James introduced "Li Wenxuan" this time is not only to introduce Chen Daojun's contacts, but also to show off and frighten other financial institutions~!

Especially the group of people in the audience were very surprised when they saw Chen Daojun's ridiculously young face. Even in a country as powerful as the beautiful country, young heroes and geniuses emerge in endlessly, and they can understand.

However, the experts and experts in financial investment that they had come into contact with before were all middle-aged or even elderly people. After all, young people "have no hair on their lips and can't do things well"~!They invested tens of millions of dollars, and some wealthy people even invested hundreds of millions of dollars~!

With such a huge amount of funds, if a young man is allowed to trade and lose everything in minutes, they will be relieved~!

Like Chen Daojun, who is too young and can thrive in a deep industry such as financial investment, and even received praise from James, he definitely has a lot of skills~!

Some far-sighted people present quickly realized a problem. If this "Li Wenxuan" is really as powerful as James described, wouldn't it mean that their Goldman Sachs Group will have a very strong position for a long time to come? Investment profitability? !

After all, with ability + youth, when the double buffs are superimposed, the effect is not as simple as 1+1=2~!


Chen Daojun on the stage felt the fiery eyes of the people below, and his expression was a little stiff. He had never experienced this kind of scene that attracted so much attention.Rao is a man of two lives, and his mental age is almost 40 years old. At this moment, Chen Daojun is still a little nervous and excited.

"Chen, come with me~ I'll take you to meet the members of the Morgan family now~!" James patted Chen Daojun on the shoulder and whispered beside him.

Chen Daojun nodded slightly, and then followed James down the high platform.After walking for a short distance, James took Chen Daojun to a hidden room. There were several guests attending the banquet, including Bruce, an old acquaintance.

"Bruce, I brought Chen here as agreed~!" James stepped forward and greeted him with a smile.

The few people around Bruce were particularly surprised. Although Bruce, the patriarch, had told them before that Chen Daojun, the investment brickman of Goldman Sachs Group, was very young, but they all thought that Chen Daojun would be a young man in his early 30s.

It wasn't until they saw Chen Daojun's face that they knew that this "young" was really young~!They looked like they were in their early 20s, maybe not as old as their children!

Bruce coughed lightly, interrupted the stunned crowd, and then introduced Chen Daojun to everyone.In addition to the two middle-aged people, a tall blonde beauty came forward to say hello to Chen Daojun.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lindsay Morgan~!"

"Hello~!" Chen Daojun calmly stepped forward to shake hands with the other party. At the same time, he carefully looked at Lindsay Morgan in front of him. She was wearing a light brown dress. She was very tall, with delicate facial features and long wavy hair. ...I have confirmed her eyes, she is the type of sexy lady~!


Then Bruce and James seemed to have important things to discuss, so Lindsay Morgan and Chen Daojun were asked to chat and hang out outside.Lindsay Morgan did not object to this, and left the room with Chen Daojun still smiling.

As the focus of attention at the banquet just now, when Chen Daojun reappeared at the banquet, the representatives of those financial institutions quickly noticed Chen Daojun...and the tall beauty beside him.

This made many celebrities who wanted to come forward to say hello a little embarrassed. According to their previous plan, they wanted to wait for "Li Wenxuan" to come off the stage, and then they would go up and strike up a conversation.But it seems that someone has already arrived first.This made them a little dissatisfied. Which bitch moved so fast? !


"Chen, I heard from Grandpa Bruce that you are only 21 years old this year?...Did you come out early and join the Goldman Sachs Group?" Lindsay Morgan asked curiously. In order to persuade this granddaughter, Bruce focused on It tells the "legendary story" of Chen Daojun.

Under Bruce's exaggeration, Chen Daojun is almost becoming a financial genius that has been rarely seen in the beautiful country for decades or even hundreds of years~!

Chen Daojun replied with a smile, "Yes, I am only 21 years old this year~! As for joining the Goldman Sachs Group, it seems to be in 95~!"

Lindsay Morgan was even more surprised by Chen Daojun's words. In other words, at the age of 15, the person in front of him was spotted by Goldman Sachs and joined Goldman Sachs?This is the top investment bank in the world~!Their selection of members is high but very strict~!

"Then... when Goldman Sachs invested in the Internet industry in 97, was it you who initiated it?" Lindsay Morgan asked the last doubt in her mind. That was when Bruce mentioned that Goldman Sachs had made early arrangements to invest in the Internet industry. , James, an old friend, did not call him immediately, causing him to miss the best investment time~!

Morgan Bank started investing in Internet companies nearly a year late, and its income was much less than that of Goldman Sachs Group.Combined with James's speech on stage just now, at least tens of billions of dollars in revenue have been lost~!No wonder Grandpa Bruce is so gloomy!


"Yes, after we ended our investment in several countries in Asia, James asked us what projects worth investing in next. I will be optimistic about the Internet and the decision to invest. Good luck, James is very interested in investing in the Internet The company is also very interested." Chen Daojun's tone was very relaxed, as if what he was talking about was not important.


Lindsay Morgan on the side was quite shocked, "The young man in front of me seems to be younger than me, but his investment ability and vision are so vicious, even better than what Grandpa Bruce described~!... This Is that why grandpa told me to take him down?!"

Lindsay Morgan couldn't help but look at Chen Daojun's handsome and young face again. He was taller than her, and wearing a suit, he looked more like an aristocrat with extraordinary bearing~!I have to say that Chen Daojun's appearance is still very good~!

"Grandpa's request... doesn't seem to be a bad thing~! I should have earned it~!" Lindsay Morgan was still somewhat resistant to Bruce's proposal, but after meeting Chen Daojun and chatting with him for a while, she gradually Realized that the little man in front of him was not only handsome, but also very capable.

If he can be taken down, won't he have an extra support that can make money for nothing? !Moreover, her status in the family may also rise because of Chen Daojun~!

(End of this chapter)

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