The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 405 The painting style suddenly became crooked

Chapter 405 Suddenly the style of painting is crooked...

In the ensuing chat, Lindsay Morgan became more active, and Chen Daojun could make her tremble and smile coquettishly when she told the little stories back then!

This surprised Chen Daojun. Although he had long known that Lindsay Morgan was the girl promoted by the Morgan family that James had mentioned, this level of enthusiasm really surprised him~!

"Are all women in beautiful countries so talkative? Why do I feel like I can easily push him down if I am willing~!" Chen Daojun thought secretly in his heart.


As time went by, many people saw Chen Daojun just chatting with an outstanding-looking woman, and neither party did anything else.Many people boldly stepped forward to say hello to Chen Daojun, trying to look familiar.

"Mr. Li Wenxuan, hello! I am the representative of Asahi Bank - Kazuo Ueda~! Nice to meet you~!"

A thin middle-aged man came to Chen Daojun and greeted him.

"Hello~! I don't know if Mr. Ueda is looking for me?" Chen Daojun asked with doubts.In his opinion, this guy should be from the Sun Country, and he has nothing to do with the staff of the Sun Country Bank~!

"Li Sang, we admire your investment vision and ability~! I specially want to come and get to know each other. If there is an opportunity in the future, we can also communicate more~!" Ueda Kazuo said his reasons politely, while adding his own His business card was handed over.

Chen Daojun did not refuse either. He took the other party's business card with a smile, and then said with a smile, "I am mainly active in the Asian region. If you have anything to do, you can contact George from Goldman Sachs Group. He is my agent in the beautiful country." ~!"

"Thank you very much~!" Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Ueda Kazuo nodded with a smile. He didn't expect Chen Daojun, a young man, to be so talkative, which really surprised him~!


Representatives of financial institutions were observed not far away. After seeing Kazuo Ueda successfully chatting with Chen Daojun and Chen Daojun was not unhappy at all, they followed suit and shamelessly stepped forward to greet Chen Daojun and handed over their business cards. .

"Mr. Li Wenxuan, I am Williams, the representative of the Bank of America. Nice to meet you~! If you need funds in the future, you can consider our Bank of America~!" Williams said with a smile towards Chen Daojun.

As the largest commercial bank in the United States and the second-oldest established bank in the United States, the cooperation between Pretty Country Bank and Goldman Sachs Group has a history of more than 20 years~!They are also very happy that Goldman Sachs has such an excellent investor.The stronger the investment profitability of Goldman Sachs Group, the more profitable they will be.

You know, in today's market, the bubble bursting of the Internet industry is a foregone conclusion.Countless financial institutions have suffered in the Internet industry, and some have managed to escape by clearing their positions.Some financial institutions are a little unlucky and have not been able to escape unscathed and are still struggling~!

And these institutions that have frequent business cooperation with Goldman Sachs received a "warm reminder" from Goldman Sachs in advance, which saved them from being trapped in the deep pit of the Internet quagmire~!


In addition to Pretty Country Bank, Richard, the CEO of Wells Fargo Bank, followed closely and came up to greet Chen Daojun.Representatives of Bank of New York Mellon, Capital One and many other financial institutions came to Chen Daojun one after another and greeted him.This made Chen Daojun at a loss for a while.

Seeing this, Lindsay Morgan on the side soon turned into a "good wife" and helped Chen Daojun collect the business cards from the representatives of these financial institutions one by one.


After a while, Chen Daojun finished dealing with the people who came to say hello, and returned to his seat, Chen Daojun couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "I didn't expect these guys to be so enthusiastic~! I'm a young man, how can I remember so many people? After a round , people have almost forgotten it!"

Lindsay Morgan on the side burst out laughing with a "Pfftch——" Chen Daojun, who was making some jokes now, was completely different from the serious look just now, like two people~!


Just when Chen Daojun wanted to tease Lindsay Morgan again, George, Le Yan and Yong Jingwen came over from a distance. "Chen, do you feel okay being in the spotlight?!" George raised his eyebrows at Chen Daojun and said with a smirk.

"It's not very good, I'm too busy~!" Chen Daojun complained helplessly, then Chen Daojun took the stack of business cards from Lindsay Morgan and handed them to George, "These are yours~! If they come to me for anything, I can rely on you and Le Yan to help me deal with it~!"

George smiled and stuffed a stack of business cards into his pocket, "It's easy~!"

"By the way, Chen~! Who is this beauty? Please introduce it to us~!" George asked Chen Daojun about Lindsay Morgan. Although Le Yan and Yong Jingwen on the side did not speak, they looked at her from time to time. Lindsay Morgan, eyes full of curiosity.

"She is Bruce's granddaughter, Lindsay Morgan!" Chen Daojun calmly introduced to everyone, "James and Bruce are still discussing things, and I don't think she will come here for a while~!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it is said that the Morgan family is rich in beauties, it is really groundless~!" George looked at Lindsay Morgan and praised, "If I didn't know her identity, I would have suspected that she was a supermodel , It’s really beautiful~!”

Chen Daojun smiled and patted George on the shoulder, "George, don't talk nonsense! Be careful!"

"...Chen, how do I feel? You are implying that I am fat~!" George felt aggrieved and touched his already smaller belly. Isn't stability his specialty?This belly is the proof~!


Lindsay Morgan, Le Yan and Yong Jingwen couldn't help laughing when they heard the "funny" conversation between the two~!The guests not far away were a little confused when they saw Chen Daojun and others laughing.Aren’t they Goldman Sachs good at financial investments?Is it possible that he is also good at being funny? !These people are smiling so happily, and they don’t think they are acting~!


The banquet lasted until 10 o'clock in the evening, and everyone gradually left.Before leaving, Lindsay Morgan got a pen and paper from nowhere, wrote down her contact information, and stuffed it into Chen Daojun's hand.

Then when I hugged and bid farewell to Chen Daojun, I whispered in his ear, "I've been in New York during this time, remember to come and find me~!"

Before Chen Daojun could react, the other party had already let go of him, and then left the banquet with Bruce.

After reconciling with everyone, James said with a smile, "Today's banquet is over, let's all go back~! Tomorrow is the weekend, if we have time, we can get together again~!" James' eyes fell to the side A meaningful smile appeared on Chen Daojun's body!

(End of this chapter)

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