The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 406 The Different Choices of Jobs and Bezos

Chapter 406 The Different Choices of Jobs and Bezos
The next morning, Chen Daojun woke up and found that he was being used as a pillow by Yong Jingwen again, hugging him tightly.How could Chen Daojun be willing to accept such "unequal" treatment?He reacted quickly, almost without hesitation for a moment, and immediately launched a counterattack.


An hour later, the cell phone ringing nearby suddenly rang, and the two people who were still fighting stopped the idea of ​​competing.

Chen Daojun got up and connected the phone, and a familiar voice came from the phone, "Chen, Pingguo Company has given an answer. Jobs is attending a meeting here in New York this morning. In the afternoon, there is no arrangement. You can come to our Goldman Sachs The group will meet with you~!"

"Jobs happens to be in New York? What a coincidence~!" Chen Daojun couldn't help but smile with joy when he heard the unexpected news.

When selling the shares of Pingguo Company last year, Jobs did not fall out with Chen Daojun, but expressed his understanding of Chen Daojun's actions, and also hoped that he and Chen Daojun would have opportunities to cooperate in the future~!

Chen Daojun was very surprised by Jobs' open-mindedness, which also gave Chen Daojun a new idea.He planned to communicate with Job Stone in advance, give him encouragement and help, so that Pingguo Company can get rid of the impact of the Internet bubble burst as soon as possible~!

In Chen Daojun's impression, although the bursting of the Internet bubble will last for two years, the Internet industry, which has been reborn from the cocoon after that, will gradually recover. In just a few years, it will return to its original prosperity and even reach an even more brilliant stage. Moment~!


"How about Bezos?" Chen Daojun remembered another Internet company that was very promising at the time - Amazon.

"...This, I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you~!" George explained with some embarrassment, "In the past six months, this Bezos has been ruthless by the shareholders of several companies such as Citibank, Merrill Lynch, and Lehman Brothers." It was a ruthless tease."

"He was still brooding over our sale of Amazon's stock and rejected our proposal~!"

"Hehe, this guy is really upright and selfish as always~!" Chen Daojun couldn't help laughing.

After Chen Daojun and Bezos got acquainted, Chen Daojun gradually realized that this Internet tycoon who will become the richest man in the world in the future is not so perfect in character~!

As an investor, Chen Daojun brought a large amount of capital investment when Amazon was first launched, which can be regarded as a timely help.After the company's listed market value soared, it was understandable for Chen Daojun to sell the shares he held, after all, there were other investors.Investment institutions are doing the same ~!

However, Bezos felt that Chen Daojun's behavior of selling shares was tantamount to ushering in a wolf into the house, letting in three ambitious shareholders at once, restricting his proposals from time to time, seriously hindering the development of the company~!

And the culprit of all this is Chen Daojun, the original major shareholder. If he hadn't sold the company's shares to these three institutions, how could he have encountered such a thing? !


"Since he rejected our offer, let him suffer more~!" Chen Daojun replied calmly, "Anyway, their financial situation can last for another year, and when he runs out of money in his account, there will be no waste. Once you wake up, you will bow your head and face reality~!"

Jobs is an old driver who has turned against the wind~!From the success of starting a business to losing the company, to starting a new business, returning to the old company, and leading the old company to rise again... the mentality is as stable as an old dog, and the waves are calm~!

Bezos, who only fights against the wind and relies on painting cakes all the time, has obviously not been "beaten by society". The company has no money to humbly find someone to invest in and sponsor the pain, so he is so "willful", and many things follow his own. Like to do it!

George also agrees with Chen Daojun's decision very much. They are white knights who go to discuss cooperation and help these hard-hit Internet companies "stand up" again. They can completely ignore the unscrupulous guys!


After hanging up the phone, looking at Yong Jingwen who was looking at him angrily, Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Why, do you still want to take revenge? You still exercise regularly, and your physical fitness is so low... Tsk tsk tsk..."

Hearing Chen Daojun tease her like this, Yong Jingwen, who was already unwilling, stood up to fight back again, and the war that had been suspended started again...

------Dividing line------

In the afternoon, Chen Daojun and Yong Jingwen came to the Goldman Sachs Group ahead of schedule, and half an hour before the agreed time, Chen Daojun went to George's office to chat.

It's just that George, with his venomous eyes, quickly saw the scratch marks on Chen Daojun's neck that were not completely covered, and asked with a smile, "Chen, did you sleep well last night? Why are you still injured?!"

Chen Daojun quickly touched the newly added scar this morning in the direction George pointed, and replied with a smile, "I was scratched by a disobedient kitten, and I didn't say yes, it's okay."

When Yong Jingwen heard Chen Daojun's explanation, her expression was a little strange, and then she quickly regained her composure.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, as an old driver, George couldn't understand the tricks, and suddenly realized, "Oh... so it is! It seems that the height of this cat must be 170, otherwise Is that enough?!"

"Hahaha...!" George's sudden teasing made Chen Daojun laugh out loud, and Yong Jingwen beside her felt like she was dying in an instant, wishing there was a crack in the ground to get in now!


After chatting for a while, Chen Daojun changed the subject and talked about Leyan's arrangement, "Leyan's performance in the past two years has been quite good. I plan to set up a financial investment company with a capital injection of 2 million U.S. dollars. I'll take care of it~!"

George was a little happy. He didn't expect that Chen Daojun would be so generous and give Leyan such a chance. If Leyan grasped it, his career would skyrocket~!

But after calming down, George became a little worried again, "Chen, is this decision a bit hasty? Although Le Yan has grown up a lot, let him take charge of an investment company worth hundreds of millions of dollars. The risk is too great!"

Although it is a good thing to be reused by Chen Daojun, being in charge of an investment company alone is not as easy as imagined.

Once the investment fails and a large amount of money is lost, even if Chen Daojun will not reprimand him, the importance in Chen Daojun's heart will definitely be greatly reduced in the future!


Chen Daojun said with a smile, "Hasn't Le Yan already practiced and studied in Goldman Sachs Group for several years? It's time to give him a chance to show his talents! If he is afraid of failure and dare not try, then what is the future?!"

"And he still has your uncle? Backed by Goldman Sachs, he can solve many problems~!" Chen Daojun began to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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