The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 407 Chen Daojun painted cakes, made this bowl of chicken soup, do it well!

Chapter 407 Chen Daojun painted cakes, made this bowl of chicken soup, do it well!

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, George nodded in agreement.He'll be almost 50 in a few years.At his age, it would be too difficult for an "old man" like him to go out and work hard to start a business like a young man~!

Instead, let Leyan, the younger generation, be at the front, let him be in charge of the new investment company and develop the market, and he will help from time to time in the back. This division of tasks is very in line with his desire to fish and keep healthy~!


The three of them chatted for a while, and when the time was almost up, they got up and headed to the conference room one after another.Seeing Leyan who had arrived early, George came up and sat next to him, patted his shoulder, and said softly, "Boy, your good news is coming~! Don't let your hair fall off later~!" "

"Ah? Uncle, what are you talking about? What's the good thing?!" Le Yan was stunned, he couldn't understand what Uncle Cheap George told him again?
"You'll find out later, just remember to behave well~!" George purposely sold a lawsuit without directly disclosing the situation to him.

Although Le Yan still wanted to ask, he saw everyone from Pingguo Company entering the conference room one after another, so he had to shut up and planned to wait until the meeting was over before discussing the topic with George.


"Jobs, long time no see~! You seem to have worn down a lot~!" After the two parties arrived and sat down one after another, Chen Daojun was the first to say hello.

"...Now that the Nasdaq index has fallen like this, no matter how good our performance is, we cannot withstand the overall downward trend of the Internet industry~!" Jobs took off his glasses, pinched the bridge of his nose to refresh himself, and said Couldn't help but sigh.

During this period of time, he has seen through the capital's tendency to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages and to be ruthless!When the Internet industry was making money, these financial investment institutions waved a lot of money in their hands and greeted them enthusiastically; now, thanks to the Federal Reserve raising interest rates, a large amount of money has begun to withdraw from the stock market.

Fortunately, after Jobs took office, Pingguo turned from the wrong direction of chasing brand effects and Internet gimmicks, and returned to the route of product development and technological innovation.In the past two years, the sales of the exclusive computer operating system and computers launched by Pingguo Company have been good, and the revenue has also been rising steadily.

Although it has also been negatively affected by the bursting of the Internet bubble and investors' loss of confidence, compared to other more struggling peers, the downward trend of Pingguo's stock is smaller, which can be considered a blessing among misfortunes~!

Next door, Yahoo!'s stock worth more than 300 billion has been sold off in large quantities in two weeks. However, no one took the offer, and the stock price fell by 20% in a very short period of time!Amazon, which is slightly smaller in scale, also had more than 100 billion U.S. dollars of stock sold off ruthlessly by investment institutions~!

For Microsoft, which is even more astonishing in size, the value of the sold stocks is even more outrageous. According to incomplete statistics, nearly 1000 billion US dollars of stocks have been sold in large quantities!

Chen Daojun said with a smile, "There is an old saying in hot summer, 'No one is good for a thousand days, and no flower is red for a hundred days.' The general meaning is that most good things do not last long. It is suitable to describe the current Internet industry~!"

When Jobs heard this, he nodded with emotion, "That's true... According to the current situation, if it continues like this, it is estimated that the stock prices and market value of many companies in the Internet industry will probably be cut in half. I don't know what our Pingguo company will do in the future. How about it?!"

"I don't think so." Chen Daojun said with a smile, "If the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates, at least 60%-70% of the funds invested in the Internet industry will flow out of it and be invested in banks and U.S. bonds. In other words, Internet The scale of the industry may shrink by 60%-70% in a short period of time!"

Everyone present was completely stunned when they heard what Chen Daojun said. If the Internet crisis is really this serious, then many Internet companies in the market will not be able to survive bankruptcy, right? !Isn't the Federal Reserve afraid of driving so many Internet companies to a dead end and attracting public grievances? !

"...Chen, you called me here this time not just to tell me these things, right?!" Jobs looked at Chen Daojun for a while, but Chen Daojun's expression remained the same as usual, without any change.Jobs, who couldn't sit still, had to ask the other party's purpose.

"Jobs, our previous cooperation is considered pleasant. I am willing to extend a helping hand to Pingguo Company, and even use this opportunity to kick out all those small shareholders who love to make troubles." Seeing that Jobs couldn't sit still, Chen Daojun smiled knowingly, and talked about his plan by talking about it.

"It's just that, are you sure that you can bring Pingguo Company back to the right track and surpass Yahoo, Sun and other Internet giants with a market value of more than [-] billion?!"

Chen Daojun's question shocked Jobs a little. He originally meant that Chen Daojun, an oriental man, was more concerned with old friendships and was willing to provide him with some help for Pingguo Company because of the happy cooperation he had had. But he never thought that the other party would borrow With this Internet crisis, support him and Pingguo Company, and sit on the throne of the leader of the Internet industry in one fell swoop!

Jobs thought about it for a while, and then he answered, "It should be no problem to surpass other Internet companies. But it is not easy to surpass Microsoft. At least within one or two years, it will be difficult to achieve this goal! But I am confident that the level will be shortened." The gap between Guoguo and Microsoft!"

Hearing such pertinent words from Jobs, Chen Daojun couldn't help applauding.George and Le Yan on the side, although they didn't quite understand Chen Daojun's plan at the moment, but their eyesight and vigor were vividly reflected at this moment, and they applauded almost at the same time.

"Hearing what you said, I am even more sure that my previous plan was correct~!" Chen Daojun smiled with satisfaction, "Microsoft's current market value is indeed an insurmountable mountain. But I believe that as long as we cooperate sincerely, it will not take more than ten years With just a little effort, we can surpass Microsoft and become number one in the world!”

Jobs and several assistants were shocked when they heard Chen Daojun's remarks.None of them expected that the young man in front of them would have such great ambitions~!

You must know that the current Microsoft company has been affected by the Internet crisis, and its stock price has fallen a lot, but Zeng Jin has reached 5861.97 billion U.S. dollars, ranking first in the world, and their Pingguo company’s stock price is only less than 400 billion U.S. dollars~!

Chen Daojun looked at the unbelievable crowd in front of him, and said calmly, "Perhaps it is too illusory and unrealistic to talk about surpassing Microsoft. But 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. Who can guarantee that the future Pingguo company will definitely Will it be inferior to Microsoft?!"

"I will continue to buy shares of Pingguo Company in the past two years and kick those guys out one after another. In addition, I can also provide low-interest loan services to Pingguo Company to ensure that Pingguo Company's production and operation are not affected. The remaining It’s all up to you, Steve Jobs~!”

(End of this chapter)

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