The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 408 Chen Daojun's secret is about to be exposed?Chen Yangji's shock

Chapter 408 Chen Daojun's secret is about to be exposed?Chen Yangji's shock

In the end, Jobs and Chen Daojun signed a non-public cooperation agreement.With Chen Daojun's strong support, Jobs, who was in a bad mood, completely relaxed.

After all, whether it is purchasing Pingguo Company's shares to drive away those small shareholders who like to cause trouble, or providing low-interest loans to enable Pingguo Company to maintain operations or even expand production, all of them reveal Chen Daojun's strong strength~!

There are investors who are not short of money willing to "sponsor", so why not worry about the "great cause"? !Sure enough, he, Jobs, has been struggling for decades, and finally he is going to completely counterattack the hero~!


After Jobs and others left, George on the side was a little worried, "Chen, would it be too risky to do this?! Now the Internet industry has been falling. If it is really like you said, it will shrink by 60%-70%. The price of investing in Pingguo Company is really too high~!"

"I didn't say I'm going to enter the market now~!" Chen Daojun replied calmly, "From the beginning to the end, I didn't know when I would enter the market to rescue the market. things."

Anyway, the stock prices of Internet companies will plummet, and there are very few who can grit their teeth to the end and usher in a rebound~!

Investing in stocks, if you lose 10% all of a sudden, some wealthy investors can accept it; if you lose 20%, you will be smiling on the surface, but you will be MMP in your heart. I'm already in tears...

As for the person who can withstand the pressure with a 50% anger loss and hold on to the stocks he invested in and refuses to let go, there are often only two possibilities. Either he forgot that he bought this stock, or he burned too much money and panicked. No loss, I feel uncomfortable~!

According to Chen Daojun's plan, at least until the stock price of Pingguo Company has fallen by 40%, it is the moment when they start to take action.After all, it is too early to enter the market, and it is useless. Apart from becoming cannon fodder and being coerced by capital and losing money every day, there is no benefit~!


Hearing what Chen Daojun said, George immediately reacted. The emotion that Chen Daojun said just now was so exciting that he was just painting a cake!Let people like Steve Jobs not be unable to bear the pressure and give up the idea of ​​fighting~!

Le Yan on the side was also "shocked" by Chen Daojun's evil intentions. He had never seen "such a shameless person"!
"Just now, uncle said that something good will be announced later, so let me perform well... Could it be that the BOSS wants to draw a cake for me too?~!" Le Yan suddenly remembered what George had said to him before the meeting, and he felt a little confused for a moment. Not calm anymore.Now he wants to find an opportunity to escape, lest he be suddenly pua again!


"Le Yan, walk slowly~! Do you still remember what I told you before? Chen Ke said that he would set up a new investment company with an investment of [-] million US dollars, and you would be the person in charge~!" George saw Le Yan Yan wanted to run away and quickly called him to stop him.

Hearing what George said, Le Yan's plan to leave suddenly froze, and then turned around excitedly, "Really? I can be in charge of an investment company?! BOSS is willing to invest [-] million US dollars?!"

"Don't be too happy, if the follow-up investment company loses money, you will be responsible~!" Seeing the excitement on Le Yan's face, George couldn't help but beat him.

When the big opportunity of the day comes your way, don't get too excited.Because it is rare to see stuffed cakes falling from the sky these days, but the probability of being blamed is not rare~!


Bangzi country, Zhengxinzhai.

After gradually decentralizing power and handing over the daily affairs of the company to professional senior management, Chen Yangji also has more time to recuperate.

In his spare time, Chen Yangji would enjoy the scenery in the garden, or practice calligraphy in the study. Of course, he was very concerned about the situation of the Shunyang Group and its children and descendants, and told Mr. Li to do it every 2-3 Come to him to report the situation.

Today, Director Li hurried to the study on the second floor of Zhengxinzhai with a copy of the materials. Seeing Chen Yangji who was practicing calligraphy, after hesitating for a moment, Director Li decided to speak, "President, the beautiful country The branch sent back some information about Daojun~!"

"Oh? About Daojun?...Could it be that this kid has encountered some trouble?" Chen Yangji paused for a moment when he was still writing, and then raised his head in surprise, "Give it to me quickly." Say it."

Director Li then handed over the information in his hand, and then explained, "It's like this, the cadres of our beautiful country branch arrived at the New York airport at the same time as Dao Jun by coincidence. And they were in the airport hall , I was lucky enough to see someone from Goldman Sachs coming to pick me up~!”

"Goldman Sachs Group?! You mean Chen Daojun is connected with Goldman Sachs Group?!" Chen Yangji seemed to have heard a fairy tale, his face full of disbelief.

In his impression, Chen Daojun has always been an obedient and sensible boy. Although he is resourceful, he doesn't seem to be interested in running a company or financial investment. How could he have a relationship with someone from the Goldman Sachs Group? !

Before Chen Yangji could continue to ask, Director Li then threw out another big news!
"On the second day after Daojun arrived in New York, Goldman Sachs Group held a celebration banquet. James, the CEO of Goldman Sachs Group, specially introduced a young man——Li Wenxuan!"

"James publicly admitted that Goldman Sachs Group's investment has been very smooth in the past two years, and Li Wenxuan has played a big role! He also highly respects this Li Wenxuan!"

"Li Wenxuan is a young man? How is this possible?! The chairman of Miracle Group, Li Wenxuan, should be in his 40s?!" Chen Yangji widened his eyes, stunned by the news.

Although Li Wenxuan, the chairman of Miracle Group, rarely showed up, they had seen it in news reports on smart buses, so it was obviously impossible for him to be a young man!

"President, this may not be the most important thing!" Director Li gave a wry smile and continued, "The staff of the beautiful country branch asked the guests attending the meeting whether Li Wenxuan, who appeared at the Goldman Sachs Group celebration banquet, and Dao Jun looks exactly the same!...Do Jun should be Li Wenxuan!"

"Li Wenxuan and Chen Daojun are the same person?!" At this moment, Chen Yangji felt that his three views were about to collapse. How could his little grandson be the president of Li Wenxuan, a miracle group? !

After a long while, Chen Yangji gradually came back to his senses. Looking at the photo of Chen Daojun shaking hands with a foreigner and talking cordially in front of him, Chen Yangji was filled with emotion.

"I didn't expect that the one who hid the deepest was you! You even missed me!" Chen Yangji said leisurely while holding the photo.

 In the morning, the battery car broke down, so I went to catch the bus to transfer... As a result, the bus was delayed and the shuttle failed to catch up. I could only drive home with tears in my eyes before driving to work...

  I didn’t save even a dime of my small money, and I spent a lot more, T﹏T
(End of this chapter)

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