The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 409: Director Li’s little plan, Chen Daojun plans to go to California

Chapter 409: Director Li’s little plan, Chen Daojun plans to go to California
"President, what should we do now? Are we going to contact Dao Jun and ask him to come back?" Office Director Li on the side asked. In his opinion, Chen Yangji, the old president of his family, has no regard for the person who deceived him. People never have a good face.Chen Daojun has touched Chen Yangji’s taboo point this time~!

But there is one thing to say, if the news from the beautiful country branch is true, then Chen Daojun, the third generation young man of the Chen family, is too powerful, right? !Compared with what Chen Daojun has achieved, what the three elders Chen Yongji, Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong have done is just like playing house~!

Chen Yangji raised his head, a deep look flashed through his reading glasses, "There is no need to alert the snake, just as usual, let him come to Zhengxinzhai when he comes back~! Let the people from the beautiful country branch continue to record Daojun's Whereabouts, keep reporting to me if anything happens!”

"...As for Yongji, Dongji and Hua Rong, we can't reveal this news. Do you understand?"

"Yes, President!" Chen Yangji's order surprised Chief Li, but he quickly realized that it was probably because Chen Daojun was too good, which made Chen Yangji, the old president, love talents~ !Thinking again of Chen Yongji, Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong who have average abilities but are top-notch in intrigues and internal strife, Bao Qi, the old chairman, will directly skip his children and hand over the Shunyang Group to his grandson Chen Daojun to inherit!


After Mr. Li left Zhengxinzhai, he began to make up his own calculations.He followed Chen Yangji and served as the assistant to the president for more than ten years~!Although this position seems to be under one person and over ten thousand people, in the end it is just a subordinate. Not only Chen Yangji can command him, but even Chen Yongji, Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong don't take him too seriously!
Chairman Chen Yangji is now over 70 years old. How could Assistant Director Li not know about his physical condition?Moreover, Li Hengcai is already 50 years old. If it hadn't been for Chen Yangji's reassignment, perhaps he would have been transferred from the important position of assistant to the president because of his age!
Maybe 2-3 years later, the chairman of Shunyang Group will already be someone else?And he, the assistant of the old president, knows so many secrets of Shunyang Group, it may not be so easy for him to retire safely in the future!He also had to arrange a retreat for himself in advance!

Chen Yongji, who was originally of mediocre ability but not bad for him, was a good choice, but this guy was really useless, and with that unworthy son Chen Xingjun on the table, he forcibly played a good card to pieces.The position of vice president was taken away by Chen Dongji, not to mention how incompetent he is~!

Although Chen Dongji gained power, he didn't have a good attitude towards him as the president's assistant. This was also the reason why he never stood in line.Now he knows that Chen Daojun is the most hidden person in the Chen family. He is powerful and controls a larger company, which gives him new ideas!
Chen Daojun was very polite to him as the president's assistant before, and even called him uncle all the time.Before real estate prices soared, Chen Daojun also suggested to him to buy real estate at a low price in Gangnam District and Bundang District, which made him a small profit.

And according to his investigation and analysis, Chen Daojun also has a very special "advantage", that is, he likes to be a hands-off shopkeeper, and he doesn't like to take care of things~!

Now it is just the companies and enterprises that Chen Daojun has superficially mastered, such as Nexon Game Entertainment Company, Disneyland, SM Entertainment Company, and the Miracle Group. If you don't participate, you are only dealing with the affairs of Shuguang Law Firm on weekdays.

It is precisely because Chen Daojun has been tinkering with the affairs of the law firm that no one else would have thought that this little guy who seems to be indifferent to the world has quietly become a big shot that others can't match~!

And if he defected to Chen Daojun, he could become a powerful figure in the group like Wu Shixian, the vice president of Miracle Group, instead of just an assistant to the president~!Such a possibility makes people excited just thinking about it~!
------Dividing line------

Beautiful country, Four Seasons Hotel.

"Boss, I don't understand why we still need to go to California? Haven't our tasks been completed?" Yong Jingwen, who was packing her luggage in the room, was a little confused.

"Because there is an Internet company I invested in - Google. But it hasn't been listed yet!" Chen Daojun smiled mysteriously and revealed a little secret.

"Boss, do you still have an investment in Internet companies? Aren't you saying that the market situation of Internet companies is very bad now? Yesterday, you said it yourself at the meeting!" Yong Jingwen was completely dumbfounded. Is her boss having trouble with his brain?
Why do I quietly invest in Internet companies while talking about the bad Internet market? This is because I have made too much money, and I must lose some money to feel at ease? !She really can't understand the operations of rich people!

"The reason why the Internet bubble burst is because these Internet companies themselves have no performance and operating income, but one of them went public to collect money and treat investors and investment institutions as leeks. In the end, the stock price continued to skyrocket, and the performance was poor. , the revenue is pitifully small. Once the policy changes, of course it will collapse quickly~!"

Chen Daojun explained with a smile, "Internet companies that are not listed are another routine~! Since there are no images and hype from external investment institutions, they don't need to care too much about the company's performance, they just need to do their jobs well. Just make a plan and expand the business. It’s just that we don’t have more funds to accelerate development~!”

Yong Jingwen nodded as if she had realized something. Under Chen Daojun's explanation, the originally jerky and difficult financial and Internet knowledge became simple and easy to understand.It seems that listed and non-listed Internet companies will have completely different endings in this Internet crisis~!

Of course, Chen Daojun didn't tell Yong Jingwen that the reason why he went to California was to see the latest judgment of Google!
It turns out that on August 1998, 8, Larry Page and Sergey officially established Google in Mountain View, California, a beautiful country.In the same year, they also invented the Google PageRank patent, which can be described as smooth sailing.

Until 1999, a disaster happened suddenly and directly stunned Larry Page and Sergey. It turned out that the San Francisco District Court issued a fine of up to 2250 million US dollars to Google for the Google search engine secretly tracking users' surfing habits. ticket.How could the two bullies get so much money?I can only ask Chen Daojun for help.

After Chen Daojun received the news, he quickly asked George and Leyan to help find a lawyer so that they could win the lawsuit as much as possible.It's just that Chen Daojun obviously underestimated the efficiency of the progress bar of the beautiful country's lawsuit, and dragged it on for more than a year before the result was worthy of the ink stain!

(End of this chapter)

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