The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 410 Google wins the lawsuit, and the Daying Group has an accident

Chapter 410 Google wins the lawsuit, and the Daying Group has an accident

Beautiful country, California, inside an Internet company with a colorful Google logo.

Chen Daojun and Yong Jingwen were led to the conference room by their assistants. After a while, Larry Page and Sergey, the two heads of Google, heard the names of the visitors, put down their work and hurried over meeting room.

"Boss, why did you come here all of a sudden?!" Sergey was very surprised. Before the company had a big event or trouble, he always contacted George and Leyan of Goldman Sachs Group. Chen Daojun, the big boss behind the scenes, hardly Come forward.

"The verdict on the sky-high fine issued by the San Francisco District Court is about to come out. I'm coming over to take a look!" Chen Daojun explained casually, "If you lose the case, you two guys and the staff of the R&D department will receive this year's bonus. Don’t count on it~!”

"...Boss, you won't be so cruel, right?!" Larry Page wanted to cry, but he knew that Chen Daojun, the big boss, came over suddenly, and nothing good would happen. He didn't expect to be so cruel. , once they lose the lawsuit, their bonus for the whole year will be GG~!

"Ahem, Boss, didn't you say before that the lawyers you hired are the most professional in the entire beautiful country? If they lose the lawsuit, it can only show that their strength is not enough~! We are innocent~!" Shell Gai opened his mouth and forcibly threw the pot away, trying to direct the problem to the question of the lawyer's reliability.

Chen Daojun rolled his eyes at him and continued, "Whether they are professional or not is one thing. Whether you have any brains in doing things is another question~! When the search engine was originally designed, why didn't the engine secretly track the characteristics of users' online habits? Hiding it and letting others get hold of it so easily?!"

"It's a shame you came from Stanford University! I'm afraid the school's face will be lost by you~!"

Chen Daojun's words directly broke the defense of the two of them, and the words of his own boss are really touching~!Leaving aside the facts and talking about the status quo, we are not the ones who engage in this kind of show operation, and how is Yahoo doing?This kind of thing is not uncommon!

Why just prosecute and punish them?Isn't this bullying honest people? !It's really bad luck for people, drinking cold water will also clog your teeth~!

I think at the beginning, they were envious of the group of seniors who entered the Internet industry one by one, became prosperous, and were worth millions or tens of millions of dollars, so they spent more than a year of hard work to develop their own products. , successfully obtained the first fund from the young investor Chen Daojun!
But in the end, before the two brothers started their business, they were fined with sky-high fees halfway, and their funds almost ran out!If it wasn't for the support of Chen Daojun, the big boss behind the scenes, I'm afraid the two of them would have gone bankrupt and begged, right? !


Seeing the two future Internet tycoons in front of him being scolded by him like little friends who made mistakes, Chen Daojun thought with some evil in his heart, "If there is a camera now, this scene can be recorded." It’s perfect~! When it is dug out more than 10 years later, it will definitely be a classic collection~!”

"Okay, in the future, you have to eat a pit to gain your wisdom. Don't make it too public, lest someone who is interested will find fault." Chen Daojun adjusted his tone when he saw that the heat was almost ready, and continued, "The latest judgment of the court will come down this afternoon. Give me a little bit of courage! Even if you really lose the lawsuit, then work hard to make money, and earn back 5 times or 10 times the money you lost this time~!"

"Okay, BOSS!" Hearing that Chen Daojun did not blame the two of them anymore, but encouraged them in disguise, this made the depressed Larry Page and Sergey feel much better.


An hour and a half later, the lawyer in charge of the lawsuit called. "Everyone, this lawsuit went very smoothly. We won the second-instance verdict. We don't have to fulfill the sky-high fines issued by San Francisco before~!"

After receiving the call, Sergey changed his previous depressed mood and became happy. This time, not only the funds were saved, but the annual bonuses of them and the staff of the R&D department were also saved~!This is really God’s blessing~!


On the way back, Chen Daojun also received a call from George, who learned the news that he had won the lawsuit.Yong Jingwen on the side was a little puzzled, "Boss, isn't this a good thing? Why don't you look very happy?!"

Hearing this, Chen Daojun reached out and rubbed her head, and explained, "There is no need to pay the sky-high fine of 2250 million U.S. dollars. But there are still more than 900 million lawyers' fees to be paid~! The lawyer's fees in the beautiful country But it's very expensive~!"

"Oh my God~! The lawyer's fees are so much? Isn't this a money grab?!" Yong Jingwen was a little stunned. The lawyer's fees were almost half of the sky-high compensation fee. The lawsuit was said to be won, but it seemed that it was only Half the battle won? !

When Chen Daojun saw Yong Jingwen, who was a little distracted, he hugged her slender waist and smiled, "Lawyers have always been a high-paying industry. If you win a lawsuit, in addition to the regular fees, you will also be charged about 20% of the amount involved in the lawsuit." Extra commission, so does our Shuguang Law Firm~!"

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Yong Jingwen reacted.While I was patronizing, I lamented that the fees charged by lawyers in beautiful countries are high, but the charging standards of Shuguang Law Firm don’t seem to be much lower~!


Just as the two returned to the hotel and were about to go to the restaurant to enjoy delicious food, Chen Daojun's cell phone rang suddenly.

"Boss, I'm Wu Shixian. There has been a change in the Daying Group, and the battle for the succession rights of the four brothers of the Zhu family has started ahead of time~!" Wu Shixian's voice came from the phone.

It turned out that half a month ago, Zhu Mengjiu, in order to completely take charge of Daying Motors, completely drove Daying Motors' vice president Zhu Shiyong (Zhu Yirong's cousin) out of Daying Motors on charges of corruption and misappropriation of public funds.

Taking advantage of the time when Zhu Mengxian went abroad to attend the meeting this week, he held an extraordinary shareholders meeting with brothers Zhu Menggen and Zhu Mengyu, removed Zhu Mengxian from the position of vice president of the group, and nominated himself as the new vice president of the group.

And Zhu Yirong, the old chairman of the Daying Group, has been in the hospital for observation for more than a month due to his poor health, and he doesn't know about it yet.

Zhu Meng, who was overseas, knew that his old nest was taken over by his second brother, and he didn't care about other things, so he hurriedly called Feidihui Bangziguo from overseas.In order to regain his position as vice president, Zhu Mengxian contacted Wu Shixian immediately, hoping to get help from him.


It's just that Zhu Mengjiu, who has united with Zhu Menggen and Zhu Mengyu and indirectly controlled nearly half of Daying Group's subsidiaries, has become the real talker of the group.It is not an easy task to pull him down!

"President Wu, do you think we need to help this ally who can't even defend his hometown?" Chen Daojun did not answer, but asked Wu Shixian for his advice.

(End of this chapter)

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