The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 428 Hong Zhiqing’s call and Xu Minying’s visit

Chapter 428 Hong Zhiqing’s call and Xu Minying’s visit
The family banquet lasted until 9 pm, Li Hairen saw that it was getting late, and offered to ask Chen Hengjun to send Cui Zhixiu home safely.Cui Zhixiu thanked Li Hairen very gratefully after hearing the words.

It's just that Chen Hengjun is still half lying on the sofa like a salted fish, and he still refuses to get up.Seeing this, Chen Daojun quickly patted Chen Hengjun's shoulder heavily, and motioned him to get up quickly with his eyes.

Chen Hengjun, who was suddenly attacked, originally wanted to complain about his younger brother, why did he suddenly "bully" him, but he noticed that Chen Runji's expression on the side was a bit unkind, so he quickly swallowed what he was about to say.Then he got up in a hurry and left the villa with Cui Zhixiu.


Mou Xianmin looked at Li Hairen beside him, and asked with a smile, "Mom, are you satisfied with this girl?!"

Li Hairen nodded with a smile, "Although this child is a bit shy, he is quite well-behaved and gets along well with Heng Jun. If Heng Jun can marry this girl in the future, I will rest assured!"

With Li Hairen's affirmation, Mou Xianmin was completely relieved.After all, he is the introducer, and Choi Ji Soo is from SBS TV station. If the parents can't pass this test, it will be embarrassing~!

Chen Runji at the side thought of Chen Hengjun's poor appearance just now, and said with some concern, "It's just that Hengjun is too lazy, I'm worried that his girl will dislike him?!"

Chen Runji's words almost made everyone laugh.Chen Hengjun's little action just now naturally failed to hide it from them.

Chen Daojun said with a smile, "I think Cui Jixiu still has a good impression of Brother Hengjun. As long as Brother Hengjun doesn't cause any trouble, there shouldn't be any big problem."

"Besides, that girl also works at SBS TV station, so Sister Xianmin can let Sister Xianmin talk about it, and if there is any trouble, we will know."

Li Hairen's eyes lit up, "Daojun is right! Xianmin, I will trouble you then!"

"Okay!" Mou Xianmin agreed with a smile. At the beginning, Mou Xianmin chose to find a blind date for Chen Hengjun on SBS TV station, maybe he had other considerations.After all, if the future sister-in-law is too strong and capable, it will inevitably affect the internal harmony of their family.


The next morning, when Chen Daojun was reviewing the case materials he had recently taken over in the law firm, he received a call from Hong Zhiqing who was far away in Xiangjiang.

"Daojun, I encountered a little trouble when I acquired the entertainment companies in Xiangjiang. These entertainment companies have a lot of background. Even though I offered a high price, these guys failed to agree to sell the company... it must be Will it affect our subsequent actions?"

Hong Zhiqing was a little helpless. She originally thought that the acquisition of Xiangjiang's entertainment company should be effortless, but she didn't realize that these entertainment companies at her doorstep were unwilling to buy it, which made her lose face in front of Chen Daojun.

Originally planned to announce the joining of CJ Entertainment by the entertainment company on the side of Yanxia Kingdom this week, but now it seems that it will probably be postponed.

Chen Daojun was not worried about this, but smiled to comfort Hong Zhiqing, "Qingqing, this is not a problem. Since the entertainment companies in Xiangjiang are not willing to sell, then we can turn our attention to the inland areas."

"There should be some entertainment companies established in the inland areas in the past two years, right? While these entertainment companies are just starting out, we only need to acquire one or two to continue implementing our plans! ...For example, Tangren Film and Television, Huayi Brothers, Their potential is quite good...!"

Following Chen Daojun's eloquence, Hong Zhiqing soon realized that her previous structure was too small. The entertainment company in Xiangjiang couldn't buy it. She could definitely consider the entertainment company in the inland area or even on Treasure Island? !She didn't believe it. In the face of "money power", all entertainment companies could withstand this temptation!
"...It's better for you to worry! Just be a hands-off shopkeeper, and you don't have to worry about these things~!" The worries in her heart were finally revealed, and Hong Zhiqing also relaxed.

But when I think of Chen Daojun, the behind-the-scenes boss sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, and her agent, who is busy in all kinds of ways, without touching the ground, a sense of gap arises in my heart~!

Chen Daojun smiled and said, "Our beauty Hong is one of the best beauties and tycoons in Hong Kong now! The assets in charge are more than 50 billion Hong Kong dollars... If you skip work, I am afraid many people will start to panic~!"

Hearing Chen Daojun making fun of herself like this, Hong Zhiqing felt helpless for a while.At the beginning, I was fooled by Chen Daojun and got out of Minsheng Bank, and wanted to make a career out of it.But as a result, more than two years have passed, and she has also successfully become the person in charge of a large company, managing assets of billions of Hong Kong dollars.

It's just that while she was successful and famous, she also lost a lot.During weekend breaks, I have to deal with work at work, and spend much less time with my father, Hong Guidong.

"...I want to wait for this busy period to finish, take a week off, and let myself relax~!" Hong Zhiqing put forward her own request. After being busy for so long, it was time for her to relax and enjoy the beauty of the holiday.

"Of course there is no problem. If you are willing to go to Jeju Island in Bangzi Country, all the expenses will be borne by me~!" Chen Daojun said very proudly.

"Really? I can't go back on my word~!" Hong Zhiqing said happily, she never thought that she would actually get a week's vacation on a whim, and Chen Daojun would bear all the expenses of going to Jeju Island. For a moment, that’s a waste~!


Not long after the call ended, the assistant Li Yanhe who was outside came in and said, "Boss, that prosecutor Xu Minying is here again. She said she has something to do with you. Do you want to see her?"

"Xu Minying wants to see me?!" Chen Daojun was a little surprised. At this time, nothing should happen!In the past, NewData Technology was hit by thunder, and the main people who fell into the trap were Chen Dongji of Shunyang Fire Insurance Company and Zhu Mengxian of Daying Group.

However, both found lending institutions and borrowed money to make up for the shortfall of misappropriating company funds.And it's been a while since the incident, and the procuratorial agency probably won't find out any clues... Could it be that she has other things to ask me for?
"Bring her here!" Chen Daojun nodded, motioning for Li Yanhe to invite her in.

"Yes, President!"


After a while, Xu Minying, who was wearing a ponytail and a white shirt, walked into the office, looked at Chen Daojun with a smile, "Senior, I'm here to disturb you again!"

"...Sister Minying, you didn't come to me for help because you encountered some trouble, right?" Chen Daojun asked casually.

"...Senior, you guessed it right! I do need your help with something!" Xu Minying's face was a little unnatural. Seeing that Chen Daojun said what was on his mind, she simply answered shamelessly.

"When our prosecutors were sorting out the information, we found that within the procuratorial agency, some prosecutors used their powers for personal gain and fraud to obtain illegal benefits. It's just that these prosecutors are so powerful that even the chief prosecutor dare not take action easily... ..."

Xu Minying briefly described the recent situation, "So this time, I want to ask the seniors for help to solve this problem for us!"

(End of this chapter)

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