The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 429: Prosecutor’s corruption incident, Chen Daojun’s plan

Chapter 429: Prosecutor’s corruption incident, Chen Daojun’s plan

It turns out that the reason why Xu Minying came here this time is because they have a group of ambitious guys hidden in the prosecutors' team, and they may also involve Han Jiangzhi, the deputy chief of the prosecutor's office!
Chen Daojun looked at Xu Minying who looked expectant, and was speechless.Is this kind of thing that he, the person in charge of Shuguang Law Firm, can participate in?That TM is the deputy director-general of the Procuratorate!This is for no reason, why can't I think about offending this kind of person? !

Chen Daojun didn't answer directly, but asked back: "Sister Minying, how did your boss tell you about this matter?... Besides, I remember that your father is the chief prosecutor in Seoul, He didn't say anything?"

Hearing Chen Daojun mention his boss and father, Xu Minying's face darkened, and she said reluctantly, "They all said not to act rashly. This matter is very involved, and if you are not careful, many people will be implicated."

"Furthermore, the shocking scandal in Bangzi Country's procuratorate, once exposed, will definitely attract huge public opinion..."

When Chen Daojun heard this, the expression on his face became playful, "So my superior and father don't support your arbitrary actions. It's best to just sit back and watch... And you came to me for help, which is a decision you made without permission." ,Right?!"

"...Yes, but senior, isn't it what prosecutors and lawyers should do to uphold justice?" Xu Minying looked at Chen Daojun in front of her with some surprise. She thought that her senior was a very upright person, but now it seems , Chen Daojun doesn't seem to want to get involved.


Faced with Xu Minying's question, Chen Daojun did not answer directly, but asked a very realistic question.

"Sister Minying, when you are studying abroad, the teachers in the school will definitely tell you that there are some mechanisms in the judicial system to ensure fairness, such as independent courts and prosecutors, open trial procedures, and judges and lawyers. Professional ethics, etc.”

"These mechanisms can reduce the possibility of judicial corruption and political interference, thereby improving judicial fairness, and they are constantly reforming and improving to improve fairness!"

"Then why is it that even though Bangzi Country has adopted these mechanisms, unfair phenomena still occur? Even within the prosecutor system, there are such people who break the law and discipline?"

Chen Daojun's questions were like invisible sharp knives, piercing Xu Minying's heart with a strong sense of justice, making her feel very painful.She has always felt that the world is black and white, there is no such thing as gray or dark, but the cruel reality has dealt her a heavy blow, and the three views she has always believed in have been greatly impacted in the past few days.


"...It's because some people have fallen and failed to withstand the temptation of profit. We should stop them from continuing to commit crimes and bring them to justice." Xu Minying was unwilling to accept it and wanted to persuade Chen Daojun to "fight crime" with her. .

Chen Daojun shook his head helplessly, "Sister, the matter is not as simple as you think!... In the final analysis, this is an internal matter of the procuratorate. If the prosecutors themselves do not act, I, a lawyer, will rashly get involved. I'm afraid it will only bring trouble to Shuguang Law Firm~!"

"You said you want to fight against crime. If the two of us fail, Shuguang Law Firm will definitely be implicated. When the time comes, we will be targeted by those corrupt prosecutors. There are dozens of people outside who can solve problems for people and companies. None of the elite lawyers will end you have the heart?"

Since Xu Minying wants to persuade him with the righteousness of "upholding justice" and "combating evil", then Chen Daojun will follow suit and reply her with another kind of "justice" and worldly wisdom, let's see what she will do choose?


Xu Minying was silent, and she began to realize that her previous thoughts were too rash.Chen Daojun was right. If the procuratorate didn't take action against these guys, then what could these non-staff lawyers do?If you are not careful, you will only get into trouble.

"...I understand, but I won't give up! I must bring these corrupted prosecutors to justice." Xu Minying said firmly. Although Chen Daojun rejected her request, she said The desire to fight criminals has not been extinguished.

Seeing that Xu Minying is still so persistent, Chen Daojun said helplessly, "Sister Minying, if you act rashly, you will only scare the snake. It is better to wait until the procuratorate starts to take action against these guys before actively cooperating."

"Many times, temporary tolerance is not out of fear, but to make them get carried away and expose more flaws. When the time comes, we can catch them all!"

"If you act without authorization and arouse their vigilance, they will clear up evidence of their crimes in advance to protect themselves, or even kill them to save their lives!"

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, a trace of panic flashed across Xu Minying's pretty face, which had a strong sense of justice. She only focused on fulfilling her ideals and eliminating evil.But she obviously ignored that as prosecutors, these guys still dared to break the law and violate disciplines. They must be ruthless people, and there must be some big shots hidden behind them.

Isn't she just hitting a stone with a pebble to deal with them as a little prosecutor? !


After Xu Minying left, Chen Daojun mused thoughtfully and murmured, "I didn't expect that these prosecutors actually colluded with the Seoul society?... This is interesting, I have to let Ma Jiachang investigate! Baihu Society There is no action in these years, and many people don’t remember that the underground in Seoul is the White Tiger Society’s final decision!”

Chen Daojun quickly dialed Ma Jiachang's phone number. When Ma Jiachang was surprised, Chen Daojun briefly explained the situation.

"Boss, are you saying that those prosecutors have colluded with the societies in Seoul?... Could it be our White Tiger Club?... But our club has gradually transformed, and there is no need for the brothers below to get involved in this kind of thing. Huh?" Ma Jiachang was a little unbelievable, in his opinion, how could the brothers below put aside their legitimate business and hang out with those guys?

"President Ma, don't worry too much. Maybe the people who are hanging out with those guys are not the White Tiger Club, but other clubs~!" Chen Daojun calmly comforted, "As long as you find those who are hanging out with those prosecutors, Guys, control them, maybe you can get some interesting information from them!"

"Okay, boss, I'll make arrangements now!" Ma Jiachang naturally agreed to Chen Daojun's order without saying a word.


According to the situation Xu Minying described before, Chen Daojun vaguely realized that this sudden corruption of the prosecutor was probably the plot of a certain Bangziguo film and television drama.If I follow the vine, maybe I can catch some people.

"Behind these corrupt prosecutors is probably a deputy prosecutor general? Those guys must have some top-secret information, right?" Chen Daojun showed a meaningful smile. These are good things that money can't buy. Ah~!

 I’ve been watching Korean dramas and movies recently, and there’s a movie called “King of Kings 2017” that’s pretty good. Tea Egg wants to incorporate interesting plots into it~! O(∩_∩)O haha~
(End of this chapter)

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