The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 448 Wu Shixian’s courtesy first and then attack

Chapter 448 Wu Shixian’s courtesy first and then attack
The next day, when the female prosecutor woke up, Chen Xingjun beside her had long disappeared. However, she did not panic. Instead, she calmly got up and dressed. Then she checked her bag and found that the contents were still there. , and even more completely relaxed.As long as it is there, Chen Xingjun will not admit it, haha!

Chen Xingjun, who had already left the club, was still a little flustered. He didn't expect that he would be forced to drink alcohol by those guys and become unconscious. When he woke up, he even slept with a strange woman~!Although my brain is still a little groggy from the hangover, I still have a lot of memories from last night.

After some recollection, he quickly remembered that the woman next to him was the woman next to Han Jiangzhi, wasn't she?He drank too much and got rid of the vice president's woman? !
If Han Jiangzhi knew that he was the one who came to ask him to do something, and then slept with his woman, God knows how Han Jiangzhi would take revenge on him?He still wants Han Jiangzhi to help him get out of trouble?Isn't this a foolish dream? !
Chen Xingjun, who didn't think of a solution for a while, had no choice but to slip away first.Even if the other party comes to the door in the future, he can deny it and refuse to admit it.It's just that, being smart, he never thought that this "love affair" was just a trap carefully prepared by some people!

------Dividing line------

Shinhan Bank Headquarters.

President Yan Qiangbin and several confidants are receiving Wu Shixian, vice chairman of Miracle Group.

"President Yan, you are a busy man! The secretary in our office made two appointments before he made an appointment with you." Wu Shixian joked with a smile.

"I'm very sorry, a meeting was held at the headquarters these days, and all our subordinates were called over... President Wu, I don't know what is the purpose of your visit this time?" Yan Qiangbin asked with a smile , the attitude is quite respectful.

"Our group has plans to open new projects, and we came here this time to learn more about it." Wu Shixian said solemnly.

As a bank under Hanjin Holdings, Shinhan Bank is very familiar with Miracle Group. This is not only a big customer of Hanjin Holdings but also their benefactor!
Before the financial crisis in 97, Miracle Group was already their big customer.After the outbreak of the financial crisis, many domestic banks were on the verge of bankruptcy, and the three major banks, Woori Bank, KB Bank and Hanjin Holdings, were unable to withstand the pressure.

Chen Yudong, then chairman of Hanjin Holdings Group, sought help everywhere.But in an environment where foreign exchange is zero and companies are going bankrupt, there are very few people willing to help.

In the end, Chen Yudong approached Miracle Group. After Wu Shixian got Chen Daojun's approval, he lent the other party 2 million U.S. dollars for emergency, which allowed Hanjin Holdings to survive the most difficult moment.


"President Yan, now that the domestic economy is recovering, how is the situation in the banking industry?" Wu Shixian made subtle remarks, showing great concern.

"Oh, the current situation of the bank is too bad!" Yan Qiangbin couldn't help but sighed when he mentioned the bank's operating situation.

"In the past, our bank lent large amounts of funds to large domestic companies, allowing them to obtain profits by repaying interest. This also resulted in the subsequent bankruptcy of companies and a large number of bad debts in banks."

"In the past two years, although we have received loan assistance from the IMF, the policies issued by Cheong Wa Dae have strictly restricted the investment methods of banks."

“The total amount of loans that banks grant to enterprises must not exceed 50% of the total investment, and the approval process for enterprises to apply for loans is also much stricter!”


Listening to Yan Qiangbin's complaints, Wu Shixian had a clear understanding of the current situation in the banking industry.

In the past, banks were generous financial backers. Domestic companies had capital needs. Once the company's shares were pledged, the loans would be approved after a period of time. The companies could use the money to invest and expand operations early.

But now the situation has changed. The review of enterprises applying for loans has become more stringent, and those whose qualifications are not up to standard will not be approved. Even if they pass the review, the loan amount that can be obtained has shrunk by a large amount.

On the one hand, enterprises cannot get large loans because they cannot meet their production needs, and on the other hand, banks are lending less to others, and the money they earn has naturally shrunk significantly. Both sides are complaining.

"I remember that LG Group established a credit card company. They should also cooperate with banks, right?" Wu Shixian suddenly remembered the information he had seen before, and mentioned it casually.

"Yes, they are cooperating with Woori Bank. Those guys welcome this kind of thing in order to increase their revenue... Chairman Wu, does your Miracle Group also have plans to establish a credit card company?"

When Yan Qiangbin saw Wu Shixian suddenly mentioning the credit card, he thought he had the same plan.

"Our Miracle Group is not interested in credit cards, but we have some ideas about banks!"

Wu Shixian's answer stunned Yan Qiangbin. What did Wu Shixian mean?Want to hit the bank? ... Could it be that Miracle Group wants to acquire banks? !
Seeing Yan Qiangbin's very surprised appearance, Wu Shixian was calm and composed, as if what he said before was not a big deal.

"Most of the powerful consortiums in the beautiful country are involved in the financial industry, and banks are a key part of the financial industry that cannot be avoided."

"My boss hopes that we can win a large bank, which will be more beneficial to the future development of Miracle Group!"

As soon as Wu Shixian's voice fell, Yan Qiangbin was shocked by his thoughts, and he didn't react for a while!
As a domestic giant, Miracle Group is going to enter the banking industry? !Then...will banks like them still have a way to survive in the future?

Yan Binqiang swallowed hard, and asked nervously, "President Wu, I don't know which bank Miracle Group wants to acquire..."

"Even if our Miracle Group wants to acquire state-owned banks, Cheong Wa Dae will probably not agree. Then the only ones we can acquire are commercial banks!"

"As the largest commercial bank in the country, Shinhan Bank will naturally be our Miracle Group's first choice!"

Oh Se-hyun did not hide it. Anyway, his Chen Do-joon had sufficient funds. Even if Shinhan Bank and Hanjin Holdings Group wanted to resist their acquisitions, it would be of no avail.

As a foreign company listed in the beautiful country, as long as the original company management does not have enough shares, there is a risk of being invested and acquired by others, unless the company's top management can spend a lot of money to buy back its own company shares.


"Sure enough, Chairman Wu is eyeing our Shinhan Bank!" Yan Qiangbin felt helpless, but he also knew that even Chen Yudong, the chairman of Hanjin Holdings Group, did not hold many shares in the company. , and Miracle Group is notoriously wealthy, so... maybe the boss will change!

(End of this chapter)

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