The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 449 The Cunning Yan Qiangbin, Yin Xuanyou's Choice

Chapter 449 The Cunning Yan Qiangbin, Yin Xuanyou's Choice
"Because Miracle Group is not good at running banks, if it successfully acquires Shinhan Bank in the future, we still hope to have experts like President Yan to continue to manage the bank." Wu Shixian looked at Yan Qiangbin meaningfully, showing no intention of soliciting goodwill. The slightest bit of cover-up.

"...Chairman Wu, are you really sure you will acquire our New Asia Bank?" Yan Qiangbin was a little moved. If the superior unit of his bank were changed from Hanjin Holdings to Miracle Group, then their future life would be more comfortable!

The rapid development of the Miracle Group in recent years is obvious to all, especially after the Miracle Group annexed most of the Yuetian Group, it has completely surpassed the Shunyang Group and the Daying Group in terms of scale and volume.

The Miracle Group, which has formed a one-stop chain of food and beverage production, sales, and transportation, has almost monopolized 70% of the domestic retail industry. Reached 12600 billion RMB (approximately [-] billion won), crushing all the chaebols in China!


"It's just 200 billion U.S. dollars. To our Miracle Group, it's not an astronomical figure. It's still achievable." Wu Shixian acted extremely calmly, as if the 200 billion U.S. dollars were not U.S. dollars but Korean won.

"...If Miracle Group can complete the acquisition, I am willing to serve President Wu!" After thinking about it for a while, Yan Qiangbin finally accepted Wu Shixian's offer.

Yan Qiangbin's answer made Wu Shixian very satisfied, "President Yan, I wish us a happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"


After Wu Shixian left, several of Yan Qiangbin's close subordinates couldn't help but ask, "President, can Miracle Group really spend so much money to acquire Hanjin Holdings? That Chairman Chen is not a simple person! "

"Then let's see whether this Chairman Wu is more clever, or our Chairman Chen can turn the tide!" Yan Qiangbin chuckled, and did not take the concerns of his subordinates to heart. For him, Shinhan Bank's superiors Whether it is Hanjin Holdings or Miracle Group, it has no impact.

Anyway, he Yan will not suffer any losses!But under the current situation, it is obviously more promising to follow Miracle Group!
Of course, he did not completely side with the Miracle Group because he was old and mature. He left himself a retreat. If the Miracle Group could not acquire Shinhan Bank, then the private agreement between him and Wu Shixian would not count.

------Dividing line------

Shuguang Law Firm, President's Office.

Not long after Chen Daojun arrived at the office, the assistant outside led Yin Xuanyou over.In more than three years, this teenager who almost dropped out of school because his father was unemployed and the family restaurant was on the verge of bankruptcy, has successfully entered the second grade of high school, and his academic performance has always been among the best.

"Xuanyou, school is not on holiday yet, right? Why did you suddenly go back to the law firm?" Chen Daojun looked at Yin Xuanyou in front of him and asked curiously.

"... all the school courses have been completed, and my grades are very good in every subject....President, I want to skip a grade and apply for the university directly!" Yin Xuanyou hesitated for a while, but finally summoned up the courage to send himself The idea was spoken.

"Skip a grade directly and apply for college? Are you sure?" Chen Daojun was a little surprised. In his opinion, although this Yin Xuanyou is very talented in learning, he is also very hardworking.But now, his parents are still alive, and their jobs are very stable. There is no problem that he has to work hard to earn money to support the family!

Yin Xuan nodded and said firmly, "I have learned all the knowledge in high school on my own, and I have mastered all the knowledge taught by teachers at school. I want to go to university to learn more new knowledge!"

Chen Daojun looked at the other party's expectant appearance, stepped forward, patted his head and said with a smile, "Of course, that's fine. Which university does Xuanyou want to go to?"

"Seoul University, majoring in law... I want to be a prosecutor so that I can repay the president!" Yin Xuanyou did not hide his thoughts. In the past few years in the law firm, he deeply understood the relationship between prosecutors and The unique charm and bright prospects of the two professions of lawyers.

It's just that there are a large number of lawyers in the law firm now, and they are all very capable. Even if he is successful in his studies and becomes a lawyer, he may not be able to solve Chen Daojun's problems and return his favor.On the contrary, prosecutors who are more difficult to get hired can help their president in other ways.

When Chen Daojun heard what Yin Xuanyou said, Chen Daojun was a little relieved, "I'm not crooked! This kid is still as grateful as in the original drama!"

"Then get ready. If you fail to pass the later college academic ability test, remember to come to me!" Chen Daojun patted his shoulder and whispered.

"Thank you, President, I won't let you down!" Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Yin Xuanyou bowed respectfully towards Chen Daojun.


Not long after Yin Xuanyou left, Wu Luomin walked in with a document, recalling Yin Xuanyou who he saw outside just now, couldn't help asking, "Boss, why did this little guy Yin Xuanyou come here suddenly? Do you want to come to the law firm to report in the summer vacation?"

"No, that little guy is going to skip a grade to go to university. His goal is very high. He wants to be admitted to the law major of Seoul University, and then graduate to become a prosecutor!" Chen Daojun replied with a smile, although the other party's choice and his The arrangement is not consistent, but it is also an excellent choice.

"I thought he would choose to become a lawyer after graduation after he had been in the law firm for so long. I didn't expect this little guy to choose to be a prosecutor! He's really clever! With your boss backing him, he wants to come to this little guy as a prosecutor The promotion and salary increase will be very smooth!"

Wu Luomin is a little envious. Although Shuguang Law Firm is very prosperous now, it is because of the backing of Chen Daojun and even the Miracle Group, so it can have its current position in just a few years.Even the procuratorial organs are very afraid of their Shuguang Law Firm and have a headache.

Shuguang Law Firm has now recruited more than 60 elite lawyers, and has established branches in Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Daejeon and other cities in the country. It can be said to be the largest law firm in the country!
Of course, under normal circumstances, the remuneration and prospects of prosecutors with many rights are far higher than those of ordinary lawyers.


"Lawyer Wu, look at what you said. The salary of the director of the prosecutor's headquarters is not as high as yours!" Chen Daojun looked speechlessly at Wu Luomin, who was saying "sour words" in front of him, and couldn't help but complain.

"That's what I said, boss, don't take it seriously, hahaha!" Wu Luomin rubbed his hands together and smiled awkwardly, "By the way, that Ms. Jin Xiuzhu seems to have a new plan after talking with you before. They want to invest in Jeju Island..."

(End of this chapter)

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