Chapter 450

"Oh, really? That woman wants to invest in Jeju Island?" Chen Dojun was a little surprised. He originally thought that this Kim Soo-joo was more like the agent promoted by Daewoo Group Chairman Kim Woo-jung. After completing the aftermath of Daewoo Group, Daewoo would be All the properties of the group were taken over.Unexpectedly, the other party actually changed his mind and invested in other fields because of his proposal.

"Yes, I have to say that Ms. Kim's vision is quite unique! Due to the Jeju Island comprehensive development plan formulated by Cheong Wa Dae in the past few years, and in order to restore the economy in the past two years, Cheong Wa Dae encouraged people to consume, Tourism, Jeju Island has almost become the second largest tourist destination in our country!”

Wu Luomin was a little emotional. During the previous weekend vacation, he took his girlfriend to Jeju Island for vacation, and found that the prosperity there was no less than the bustling street market in Seoul, and a large number of tourists came here for vacation to enjoy the beautiful scenery here. , For example: Seongsan Ilchulbong, Coral Island, Hallasan National Park, Columnar Joint Belt.

Some tourism development companies that responded quickly even developed many entertainment projects such as submarines, diving, snorkeling, mountain climbing, and bicycle tours before others could react, attracting a large number of tourists who came to Jeju Island for vacation to experience it. .


Seeing Wu Luomin say this, Chen Daojun also became interested.Hong Zhiqing had told him before that she would come to Jeju Island for vacation once the entertainment company in Yanxia Kingdom was settled, and Chen Daojun, the host, would reimburse all her vacation expenses.

"Lawyer Wu, if you don't have any plans this weekend, why don't you follow me to Jeju Island for two days? An important partner is going to Jeju Island this weekend!" Chen Daojun thought about it for a while, and finally decided to just send this guy Wu Luomin to Jeju Island. Just bring it along as a guide!

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Wu Luomin did not agree directly, but smiled and said, "Boss, can I take my girlfriend with me to Jeju Island?"

"...Okay, I'll reimburse the travel expenses!" Chen Daojun said helplessly, this guy really knows how to take advantage of the opportunity~!

"Hey hey, thank you so much!"

------Dividing line------

The imperial capital of Yanxia Kingdom, the headquarters of Miracle Group.

Li Taiyong, who is thinner than before, is listening to the report of his subordinates.

"President, the Ma Qingyang you asked me to pay attention to is in a bad situation." The subordinate held the documents in his hand, suppressed a smile, and continued, "He resigned from the public office last year and recruited 18 people to form a formed a small team, returned to Lin’an, and developed an Ali Baba website there.”

"In October last year and January this year, this Mr. Ma received investment from a number of international investment institutions by virtue of his sharp tongue, totaling 10 million U.S. dollars."

"It's just that his luck was really bad. He spent more than half of the 2500 million US dollars raised. When he was planning to use the remaining funds to promote their Ali Baba website, it happened to catch up with the beautiful country in March. The Nasdaq index fell one after another, and the stock prices of Internet industry giants collectively plunged..."

"...Ahem, according to our investigation, the remaining funds of their company should be less than 200 million US dollars now. As for their Ali Baba website, it is still running at a loss..."

"Pfft! Are you sure this is the Ma Qingyang? Isn't it a weird thing with a horn bump?" Li Taiyong, who was drinking tea, was amused by someone's "funny" experience. This is not like the extraordinary potential his boss said A big shot?It's clearly a bad luck!

Internet giants have been making money from 1995 to 1999 by relying on various ideas, routines, and tricks.And this guy only entered this industry in the second half of 1999. After spending the first pot of gold he earned through hard work, he was preparing to expand the scale and then go public. However, when the Internet bubble began to burst, he crashed on the spot... …

"Ahem, at first we thought we had made a mistake, so we specially sent someone to Lin'an to check it out carefully. According to your description, President, there is only him and no one else!" The subordinate said with some embarrassment.

"President, the Ali Baba website is probably obsolete now, do we really want to invest in them?... I think their website may not be as reliable as the online shopping platform of Tesco Department Store!"

"...I'll think about it again, you go down first." Li Taiyong waved his hand helplessly, signaling the other party to leave first.

After his subordinates left, Li Taiyong couldn't help but complain, "Does this kind of 'unlucky guy' really need to invest? Did the boss make a mistake?"

Li Taiyong is very entangled at the moment, could it be that Chen Daojun came up with a name, maybe it wasn't Ma Qingyang, but Feng Qingyang?Lin Qingyang?
After all, a person who can achieve great success may not be outstanding in appearance or ability, but how can someone who is so unlucky have a chance of success? !
In the end, Li Taiyong decided to call Chen Daojun to confirm to avoid misunderstandings and jokes.


"Boss, there is something new about the man called you who you let me follow. In the second half of last year and the beginning of this year, the Ali Baba website he founded received a total investment of 2500 million US dollars, but now the beautiful country Internet companies are starting to go downhill, and the financing that his Ali Baba website got will be almost spent.”

"Is this unlucky guy named Ma Qingyang really the person you are looking for?" Li Taiyong confided his doubts. Although his boss is good at discovering talents, this time he looks at people with a somewhat unflattering eye!

"Unlucky guy? Hahaha, you're right, he is an unlucky guy!" Hearing Li Taiyong comment on Ma Qingyang, Chen Daojun couldn't help but laugh out loud, "It's just that President Li, one-time success or failure is not enough to judge a hero, many The big winner in the end didn’t always have smooth sailing when he was young!”

"The biggest specialty of our Miracle Group is that we are good at finding talents, especially when those talents are at a low point. We only need to pay a small price to reap unimaginably rich returns in the future!"

If he had no memory of his previous life, he would definitely not believe that such an unlucky guy would counterattack all the way in the following years. In the end, the latecomers would come out on top, defeating all the seniors and big bosses, and the company he founded would not only be successful It went to the beautiful country to go public. At its peak, the market value reached 8600 billion US dollars!

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Li Taiyong murmured, "Really? Then this Ma Qingyang is almost 40 years old. It sounds ridiculous..."


 Another Ma Ge appeared on the stage, his nickname is Feng Qingyang. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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