The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 451 Some people have a good life, but others give a lot of money!

Chapter 451 Some people have a good life, but others give a lot of money!

Xiangjiang, Starlight Investment Company.

The general manager, Hong Zhiqing, was in a very good mood. According to her agreement with Chen Daojun, after the CJ entertainment business was settled, she could go to the next-door country, Jeju Island, to enjoy the vacation, and Chen Daojun would pay for all the expenses incurred during the vacation.

It's just that when she was thinking about the beautiful vacation, the subordinate came in with the documents, "Mr. Hong, this is the latest information we got, and there seems to be some movement in Europe!"

“Last year, after fierce competition with South Korea’s Vodafone, Hans’s Mannesmann Company finally acquired Orange in the form of HK$1130 billion in cash and stock. This also caused Vodafone to lose its position as Europe’s number one telecommunications company. Excellent opportunity for operators!”

"Recent news has come that Vodafone's top management is very dissatisfied with this result. They are already raising funds to take down Mannesmann and take back Orange. Action is expected to be launched within the next month or two. "The subordinate briefly described the news he heard.

"This is interesting. Last year, Vodafone and Mannesmann competed for the ownership of Orange, and they fought hard. In the end, the winner was Hutchison Whampoa's Lijiacheng! ... From the second half of last year to now, Hutchison Whampoa's Lijiacheng Huangpu’s stock price has increased more than 2 times, right?”

Hong Zhiqing was very surprised. She thought that last year's "Orange War" should have come to an end, but she didn't expect that Vodafone would have to fight for a second time? !But this may be good news for them!

"Isn't that right? Mannesmann relied on his quick response to buy Orange for a sky-high price of 328 billion euros. It's crazy that Vodafone can swallow this breath!" The subordinate said with some emotion, this Hutchison Huangpu's Lijiacheng was really lucky. With the money he originally invested, he sold the company a few years later and made dozens of times the profit!

"By the way, I heard that in order to completely win over Mannesmann this time, Vodafone has contacted the Goldman Sachs Group in the beautiful country. It seems that it wants to get support from the Goldman Sachs Group."

"Goldman Sachs Group?...They are quite visionary! Now the bubble in the Internet industry has completely burst. Many international investment institutions have suffered a lot of losses due to the collapse of the Nasdaq index. Only a few investment institutions have not Shocked."

Regarding the situation of Goldman Sachs Group, Hong Zhiqing had heard Chen Daojun mention it, and Goldman Sachs Group had also held a high-profile celebration banquet before, announcing that they had made a huge amount of wealth in the past two years.It is also reasonable that Vodafone will choose to seek cooperation from Goldman Sachs Group.

"If Goldman Sachs is willing to support Vodafone, I am afraid that Mannesmann will not escape the fate of being acquired... Li Ka-shing will probably make a lot of money from the Mannesmann shares he holds. Fortunately, we have The shares held by Hutchison Whampoa have not been sold, and they can still get a share of the pie!"

Hong Zhiqing felt a little emotional, some people's luck is really boundless!Last year, I earned 1180 billion Hong Kong dollars. This time I am afraid that I can earn tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars. The money I can earn in two years exceeds the lifetime income of 99% of the rich in Hong Kong!

------Dividing line------

Seoul Procuratorate Headquarters, Office of the Deputy Chief.

Yang Dongzhe looked at Han Jiangzhi in front of him with some embarrassment, hesitated for a while, and opened his mouth to argue, "Mr. Han, I encountered a little trouble with the matter you explained before." Several media were hinted by the senior management of Miracle Group at the beginning, which made them wantonly Reported the Chen Xingjun scandal. "

"Now I want them to change their words, or even clarify and apologize. They are even more afraid of being retaliated by Miracle Group!"

"Axiba, these guys are so afraid of the Miracle Group, aren't they afraid of offending our prosecutorial headquarters?" Han Jiangzhi was a little annoyed by this, after all, he took advantage of it, if the matter can't be settled now, if it gets out, where will Han Jiangzhi's face be put? ?How will we lead the team in the future? !
Park Tae-soo, a close subordinate on the side, suggested, "General Manager Han, given the current situation, as long as we can convince Oh Se-hyun, the vice president of Miracle Group, this matter can be solved."

"...According to the inside information I got, it is said that Chen Xingjun wanted to marry into the Doosan Group, and the marriage partner was the girlfriend of the vice president. That's why Chen Xingjun was treated so badly!"

"...Oh, this kid, you are really daring!" Yang Dongzhe heard his colleague tell the tricks inside, and suddenly realized that Chen Xingjun is really brave, he dared to hit the girlfriend of the vice president of the Miracle Group idea?

If Wu Shixian doesn't react at all, or is even indifferent to Chen Xingjun's poaching behavior, then there really is something wrong!

Han Jiangzhi didn't expect that Chen Xingjun, the son of the Shunyang Group, would be targeted by the Shunyang Group because of this kind of thing. It's not easy to settle it now!

"...Dongzhe, invite Wu Shixian, the vice president of Miracle Group, for me." Han Jiangzhi thought for a while and finally decided to communicate with the other party in person. He thought that with his status as the deputy chief of the Procuratorate Headquarters, the other party would be more likely to sell it. A bit of face.

"Yes, I'll do it now!" Yang Dongzhe nodded, turned and left the office.

"Park Tae-soo, investigate for me. What's going on with this Miracle Group recently?" Han Jiangzhi hesitated for a moment, then directed to Park Tae-soo in front of him.

"... Miracle Group's security is very strict. It will be very difficult to investigate them..." Park Taishu was a little embarrassed. With the pediatric investigation methods of their prosecutor, they would definitely be discovered by the other party's security personnel.

"..." Han Jiangzhi was stunned for a while, then opened the drawer in front of him, took out a wad of money and threw it to Park Taishu, "Then find a professional private detective to cooperate with our investigation!"



A construction site under construction owned by Shunyang Construction.

As the sun set, Chen Xingjun took off his work uniform and helmet a little tiredly, put on his own clothes, and prepared to leave the unit and go back to relax.

But just after leaving the company's gate, the phone rang suddenly.Looking at the unfamiliar mobile phone number on the screen, Chen Xingjun hesitated for a moment and still connected the phone.

"Hi, I'm Chen Xingjun, who are you?"

"After three days of separation, you don't know who I am anymore? ... This is too sad!" A strange female voice came from the phone.

Hearing what the other party said, Chen Xingjun was a little confused. He followed Section Chief Jin to bars and KTVs every day. God knows which woman came to him?Could it be that some money-worshiping girl wanted to get benefits from him?
"Who are you? What do you want?" Chen Xingjun lowered his tone and said indifferently.

"What do I want? Don't you, the young master of Shunyang Group, give me an explanation? Otherwise, if I tell Director Han the matter, he will definitely be willing to uphold justice for me." Seeing that Chen Xingjun did not take the bait, the other party also No more beating around the bush, just make your identity clear!
(End of this chapter)

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