The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 457 Chen Xingjun's marriage partner is unexpectedly

Chapter 457 Chen Xingjun's marriage partner is actually...

Shunyang Department Store, President's Office.

Chen Huarong was in a bad mood when he heard Executive Ren's report, "According to this, Dad is planning to hand over the soon-to-be-integrated Shunyang Financial Holding Company to Chen Dongji's management?"

"...Yes, if there are no accidents, Vice President Chen Dongji should take over. After all, the company he managed before was also related to finance, and it is relatively easy to get started with the business of financial holding companies." Executive Ren was silent For a moment, he said in embarrassment.

"I knew, Dad has always been so eccentric!" Chen Huarong was very unwilling, "Obviously I am also his child, but all I got was the leftovers of Shunyang Department Store, Shunyang Hotel and Shunyang Supermarket and a lot of debts."

"The two of them (Chen Yongji and Chen Dongji) can get more companies, and the turnover and reserve funds are much better!" Chen Huarong was very annoyed, but there was nothing he could do, after all, the decision-making power of the group was still Chen Yangji. In the hands of the old president, no matter how dissatisfied she was, she could only stare blankly.


Looking at the picture of his boss, Executive Ren couldn't help reminding, "President,... In fact, Shunyang Financial Holding Company will really be handed over to Vice President Chen Dongji for operation and management in the future, and we can also work in the financial company. Arrange your own people..."

"I heard that President Chen Yongji wants to nominate Chen Xingjun to serve in this Shunyang Financial Holding Company..."

Executive Ren's words made Chen Huarong realize in an instant that Chen Yongji could nominate Chen Xingjun, the exiled son, to Shunyang Finance, and of course she could also arrange for her cronies to work in Financial Holdings.

"But our department store does not have talents in the financial industry. If we want to recommend our own people, there is no one to use!" Chen Huarong was a little helpless. He thought he had thought of a way to get a piece of the pie, but it turned out that there was an available talent. nothing!

Seeing that Chen Huarong was silent again, Executive Ren sighed lightly, and then said, "President, why don't you contact Miracle Group. That Vice President Wu Shixian may be able to help us!"

"Wu Shixian?... Yes, the Miracle Group is now so large, there must be financial talents!" Chen Huarong nodded repeatedly, and then dialed Wu Shixian's office number.


Looking at the appearance of his own president, Executive Ren felt a little entangled. Over the years, Chen Huarong was able to develop Shunyang Department Store to where it is today. Most of the credit behind this is because they cooperated with Miracle Group and received a lot of help.

Even if the chairman’s husband Cui Changji became the mayor of Seoul, it was because of the great efforts of Miracle Group behind it!

But their "bundle" with Miracle Group is getting deeper and deeper, and they are almost becoming vassals of Miracle Group.Although they got more help from the Miracle Group, this situation is not all good. If there is any change in the future, their Shunyang Group and even the entire Shunyang Distribution Group may also be affected!
------Dividing line------

As the sun set, Chen Xingjun returned to Zhengxinzhai with his tired body. When he saw Li Biyu and his mother Sun Zhenglai, who had been waiting for a long time, he could only cheer up and say hello to them.

"Xingjun, go and wash up, and I'll take you to meet that girl later!" Sun Zhenglai, who was at the side, saw his son Chen Xingjun came back, and hurriedly stepped forward to tell him.Li Biyu looked at the actions of his daughter-in-law and eldest grandson in front of him, and didn't say anything else.


When the three of them came to a high-end restaurant to meet people as agreed, Chen Xingjun was stunned!

In the private room of the restaurant, among the three people who had already arrived and were waiting here, he knew two of them!One is Han Jiangzhi, the deputy chief of the Procuratorate Headquarters, and the other is Zheng Youxiang, who had an affair with him!
"It can't be such a coincidence, right? The blind date would be this woman?!" Chen Xingjun never imagined that the blind date arranged by his grandma would be this scheming woman? !

When the other three saw Li Biyu, Sun Zhenglai, and Chen Xingjun coming, they also stood up politely to greet them.Han Jiangzhi, who was originally invincible, behaved humbly and politely, while Zheng Youxiang, who was on the side, seemed to be a lady of every family, very reserved.

This satisfied Li Biyu and Sun Zhenglai, two women from the Chen family in Shunyang.

"President Han, the procuratorial headquarters is busy, so I didn't expect you to come here in person." Sun Zhenglai said with some emotion. When someone introduced someone a few days ago, she still didn't take it seriously.

After all, Zheng Youxiang is just the daughter of the president of a small business. For her Xingjun, the eldest grandson of Shunyang Group is obviously not qualified.However, the introducer also mentioned in a mysterious manner that Zheng Youxiang also had a very powerful cousin, the deputy chief who was the second-in-command of the Procuratorate Headquarters - Han Jiangzhi!

This made Sun Zhenglai very happy. With the "bonus" of this relative, the identity of this girl named Zheng Youxiang was immediately raised!Although compared with the daughters of those big chaebol families, it is still a lot inferior.

But the situation of their family Xingjun is not much better. As a divorced "marginal man" who was suppressed by Chen Yangji and exiled to a construction company for training, how could the daughters of other big chaebols like him?

Looking at Han Jiangzhi and Zheng Youxiang who were pretending to be acquainted for the first time, Chen Xingjun also quickly realized that he acted together.During the meal time of more than an hour, the six of them got along very happily.

As time passed, Han Jiangzhi glanced at Chen Xingjun, and said meaningfully, "We were so busy chatting, but we forgot that we should give them young people some opportunities to communicate."

"How about we let Xingjun and our Yuxiang go out and get to know each other?"

Han Jiangzhi's proposal was quickly agreed to by Li Biyu and Sun Zhenglai.When Sun Zhenglai saw that his son had no reaction, he pinched Chen Xingjun hard under the table and said, "Xingjun, please go out with Miss Zheng for a walk. We will ask the driver to take us back later!" "


Bite the bullet and brought Zheng Youxiang outside, Chen Xingjun saw that there was no one else around, turned around and looked at Zheng Youxiang, and asked in a somewhat unkind tone, "Didn't I already promise you? Come here now, you guys What do you want to do?"

Zheng Youxiang looked at the somewhat angry Chen Xingjun and chuckled, "Aren't we helping you?...Brother Jiang Zhi has helped you get some of the media. They are willing to issue a statement to apologize. You can collect it in two days." News has arrived.”

"Besides, as the eldest grandson of the Chen family, in your current situation, no chaebol daughter is willing to marry you, right?" Zheng Youxiang said arrogantly, "I'd like to come to meet you on a blind date, and I'll bring brother Jiang Zhi along with me." , it's enough to give you face, don't be ignorant of good and bad!"

 In the past two days, I have been preparing materials for professional title review, but I was told that there are 120 credit hours that have not been taken... I am working on studying credit hours all night + online exams... I estimate that I will not finish it until tomorrow night...~~o(>_< )o ~~
  I'm done with work next week, I should have more time to code words, sorry, everyone~! ::>_<::
(End of this chapter)

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