Chapter 458 The Helpless Chen Yudong
Chen Xingjun was silent. Although he was unwilling to do so, was what the other party said not the truth?The dirty stuff he had done in the past was already known to everyone. It was obviously impossible for him to marry the rich man's daughter and obtain a powerful Yue family as a foreign aid.

"If you and I get married, can Vice President Han Jiangzhi deal with Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong for me?" Chen Xingjun asked directly without covering up.

On Chen Yongji's side, because he had been exposed to a lot of dirty information before, and Chen Yongji had disappointed Chen Yangji because of the results of a series of previous affairs, he had lost Chen Yangji's trust and importance.

The current situation is very clear. If Chen Xingjun wants to win the management right of Shunyang Group, he can only restore his reputation first and end his fate of being exiled.Then, the second uncle, Chen Dongji, was pulled down, and at the same time, he had to suppress his aunt, Chen Huarong.

"As long as I marry you and we become husband and wife, Brother Jiang Zhi will naturally support you fully and help you defeat other competitors and win the management rights of Miracle Group." Zheng Youxiang replied with a smile.

Even if Chen Xingjun didn't mention these demands, Zheng Youxiang would take the initiative to raise them with Han Jiangzhi. After all, the biggest purpose of her marrying into Shunyang Chen's family was to win the management right of Shunyang Group and become the leader of the top chaebol. Han Jiangzhi can also profit a lot.


Chen Xingjun stared at Zheng Youxiang for a while, then asked, " long will it take for the media to issue a statement to clarify?"

"At the latest next Monday, they will issue a statement...but you offended the Miracle Group. Even if Brother Jiang Zhi came out, their vice president Wu Shixian didn't give much face. So you want to make everyone who released the news It is impossible for the media to release a statement to clarify."

"...I understand that the current Miracle Group is in full swing, even the Blue House does not dare to provoke it easily, and Vice President Han Jiangzhi can't rashly offend the Miracle Group for me alone."

Chen Xingjun smiled softly, looked at Zheng Youxiang and stretched out his hand, "Then wish us a happy cooperation!"

Zheng Youxiang was stunned for a moment, then shook hands with the other party with a smile, "Happy cooperation!"

------Dividing line------

Hanjin Holding Group headquarters meeting room.

Chen Yu, the chairman of Hanjin Holdings Group, had a very ugly face at this time, "President Wu, do you want to buy Shinhan Bank, a subsidiary of our Hanjin Holdings Group?"

"Yes! With the collapse of the Internet industry, the future development direction must revolve around the financial industry."

"To be honest with Chairman Chen, my boss proposed that Miracle Group needs to acquire a large commercial bank in Asia. With a bank, Miracle Group's ability to resist risks can be greatly improved and many new projects can be opened."

"President Wu, I am afraid I must disappoint you! Our Shinhan Bank is as important to Hanjin Holdings Group as Hanjin Shipping is to Miracle Group. If we lose Shinhan Bank, our Hanjin Holdings Group The market value is likely to be cut in half!”

Chen Yudong also didn't expect that the Miracle Group, which had clearly cooperated with Hanjin Holdings Group many times and had a good relationship, would suddenly change its mind and take action against them!You must know that the reason why Hanjin Holdings Group was able to go public in the United States and achieve good performance is all due to the two holding companies of Shinhan Bank and Choheung Bank!
Without Shinhan Bank, Choheung Bank alone would certainly not be able to support the current share price of Hanjin Holdings Group.When the stock price plummets, how will the fate of Hanjin Holdings Group be better?

Faced with Chen Yudong's stern rejection, Wu Shixian's expression remained unchanged and he remained calm and calm, "We will naturally not make it difficult for Chairman Chen, nor will we cause Hanjin Holdings Group to suffer other losses."

"Our Miracle Group has asked friends from the Goldman Sachs Group to purchase the shares of Han Jin Holdings Group! Thinking about it, we should have already purchased quite a few of them. Maybe after a while, President Chen will become my colleague Wu. It’s also unknown!”

Wu Shixian's words were like a thunderbolt, which directly caught Chen Yudong and several senior officials of Hanjin Holding Group by surprise.

"President Wu, are you joking?" Chen Yudong swallowed. You must know that due to the gradual improvement of the performance of the two banks, the Hanjin Holding Group's stock market in the beautiful country has risen a lot, and its market value It has exceeded 200 billion US dollars!
If Miracle Group wants to acquire it, can it afford so much money?

Wu Shixian said confidently, "It's only 100-200 billion US dollars, we Miracle Group can still get it out."

"Thanks to the vigorous development of the beautiful country's stock market in recent years, our Miracle Group's overseas investment has achieved good results."


Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Chen Yudong, who originally wanted to reject Wu Shixian's solicitation, was silent, and returned a mere 100-200 billion US dollars?This TM is US dollars, not Korean won!How did this Wu Shixian manage to be so calm? !

You must know that the foreign exchange reserves of the entire Bangzi country do not have so many US dollars!

"...Wait a minute, could it be that Goldman Sachs Group supports Miracle Group's acquisition of Hanjin Holdings Group?" Chen Yudong quickly thought of one thing based on past information about Miracle Group: Behind Miracle Group, Goldman Sachs Group, one of the financial giants on Wall Street in the beautiful country.

Over the years, Goldman Sachs Group has invested in the world, but it has gained a lot.If there is their instruction and a large amount of financial support, the success rate of Miracle Group's acquisition of their Hanjin Holding Group will be greatly improved.


After Chen Yudong thought for a moment, he sighed quietly and said in a sour tone, "Since President Wu has made full preparations, let's wait and see! I hope the final result will not disappoint President Wu!"

"Hahaha! Let's wait and see!" Wu Shixian replied with a big smile.Chen Yudong's reaction was within his expectations. Even though the Han Jin Holdings Group had two banks as subsidiaries, the financial turmoil in 97 caused a large number of companies and large enterprises to go bankrupt.

Banks have also seen large-scale bad debts and bad debts. Even in the past three years, it is still unknown whether banks can fill all these holes. They want to raise funds to repurchase shares of Hanjin Holdings Group to increase Equity held by oneself?
Don’t be ridiculous, that’s more than 200 billion U.S. dollars, not Korean won!Even Daying Group and Shunyang Group have difficulty raising US$10 billion. How much money can Hanjin Holdings Group get to buy back shares?

It is a blessing in misfortune that Hanjin Holding Group, which has too many bad debts, can survive the financial turmoil. How can it spend so much money to buy back shares? !


After Wu Shixian left with his assistant, the senior executives of Hanjin Holdings Group were a little reluctant, "President, this Miracle Group is too arrogant! Now they are all targeting us! It's really too much!"

"Yeah, this simply ignores us!" Another group executive was equally indignant.Other executives were also filled with righteous indignation and condemned Miracle Group one after another.


"So? Do you have any good ideas? Or can you raise 20 billion U.S. dollars for me? Or even 30 billion U.S. dollars to buy back shares?" Chen Yudong looked at the public relations people in front of him who were sitting and talking without back pain. A very real question was asked directly.

"..." The conference room was silent, and no one answered.

(End of this chapter)

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