The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 471 Is it the same as not sending an apology statement?

Chapter 471 Is it the same as not sending an apology statement?
Yang Dongzhe stroked his injured forehead and hesitated for a long time.

In the end, he still made up his mind to join the Miracle Group with Park Tae-soo!
He has now looked away. Han Jiangzhi, his boss, is a lunatic!When they are in a good mood, their subordinates can still live a good life, but when they are in a bad mood, they will torture these two subordinates, and they will be so ruthless!

Working for such a boss is such a hell of a job!It’s time to find a way out for yourself!


"Taizhu, it's not easy to join the Miracle Group. If we can't come up with anything valuable, the vice president may not even be interested in meeting us, right?" Although the decision has been made, It is not an easy matter for Miracle Group to accept their support.

"Brother Dongzhe, you have forgotten that the confidential archives of our Procuratorate Headquarters store black information about all the big shots in the country! As long as those things are there, we two prosecutors from the Procuratorate Headquarters will be of great value!"

A trace of pride flashed in Park Taishu's eyes. After following Han Jiangzhi for so many years, he was used to seeing Han Jiangzhi take out the dirty information of certain powerful and chaebol figures from the confidential archives to benefit himself!This trick seems simple, but it has repeatedly obtained a lot of benefits for Han Jiangzhi. Even opponents who are stronger than him have to succumb to him!

This method of coercing targets by using black materials and tricks is a sharp weapon to defeat competitors even for Miracle Group's big companies. They can use these things to achieve the same goal, and the cost is much less!

"Then I'm counting on you!" Seeing that Park Tae-soo was so confident, Zhao Dongzhe directly pinned all his hopes on him.


------Dividing line------

In the next two days, several media outlets that broke the news about Chen Xingjun's corrupt private life in the beautiful country and frequently participated in bank parties issued apology statements one after another, saying that they had reported a lot of false information in recent years and caused troubles for many people. Damaged the reputation of many people...

Everyone in the Chen family reacted differently when they saw the news.Chen Yongji took the newspaper with the apology statement, and excitedly went to the study on the second floor to find his father Chen Yangji, and said to his father, "Dad, look, some media have already apologized. Back then they published about Xingjun's child It's a rumor!"

Chen Yangji stopped the brush in his hand, raised his head, and took the newspaper from Chen Yongji's hand.Chen Yangji carefully read the apology statement in the newspaper through his presbyopic glasses, with a playful smile on his face, "It seems that Xingjun is enlightened! He knows how to restore his reputation from the source! Hehe..."

Chen Yongji did not understand the meaning of Chen Yangji's words, but asked eagerly, "Father, now it has been proved that Xingjun was wronged, can the previous punishment be cancelled? Let him go to Shunyang Finance Should the holding company go to work?"

Regarding Chen Yongji's proposal, Chen Yangji did not answer, but looked at Mr. Li at the side, and asked, "Which media outlets broke the news about Xingjun's misbehavior in the beautiful country?"

"... KBS, MBC, and SBS three major TV stations have reported, and there are many smaller media..." Mr. Li thought for a while, and then told the situation that he knew in detail.

This made Chen Yongji on the side suddenly feel bad. Looking at this posture, Chen Yangji didn't seem to want to forgive Chen Xingjun!
Sure enough, after hearing Mr. Li's words, Chen Yangji said calmly, "Did you hear what Mr. Li said just now? KBS, MBC, and SBS were the three major TV stations that reported Chen Xingjun's scandal. And a lot of media!"

"Now that this newspaper that can't get on the table comes forward to clarify, can it restore the reputation of our Shunyang Chen family?!" Chen Yangji threw the newspaper on the table and said in a bad tone.

In his opinion, this was just a way Chen Xingjun came up with to get out of the predicament, but he obviously overestimated his ability and underestimated the subsequent impact of that incident.

Because of Chen Xingjun's mess, the Chen family in Shunyang became a joke in the upper class of the Bangzi Kingdom overnight. Although many companies and chaebol sons and brothers also have this kind of thing, and even play more fancy, but None of them were caught by anyone with any intentions, or they just took money to settle the matter.

It's just that Chen Xingjun is a waste, he doesn't know how to avoid people's eyes and ears when he is messing around outside, and he is more concealed. He was caught by some caring people and even broke the news through the media. This completely disappointed Chen Yangji, who had always placed high hopes on Chen Xingjun, and died. The thought of handing over Shunyang Group to Chen Xingjun in the future!

Hearing what Chen Yangji said, Chen Yong basically wanted to argue a few more words, but when the words came to his lips, he didn't know where to start. In the end, he could only leave the study in silence.

He had heard from his confidant, Section Chief Jin, that Chen Xingjun already had a solution to his predicament, saying that he was able to persuade many media to change their minds and clarify that the original revelations were rumors, not facts.But the current situation obviously did not achieve the expected results.

As the person in charge of Shunyang Group, Chen Yangji saw through Chen Xingjun's tricks at a glance, and directly pointed out the "key point" of this operation. If he wanted to completely restore his reputation and turn the previous scandals into slander and rumors, he needed to persuade Only the three major TV stations in China can achieve their goals!
Among the three TV stations, KBS TV station and MBC TV station are the official TV stations of Bangzi Country, which are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture and the Blue House.Although SBS TV station is a private TV station, the current behind-the-scenes funder is the behemoth Miracle Group!

As for the other media outlets, even if they came forward to apologize and issue a statement, it would be of no use. After all, none of the three TV stations made a statement. Others would only think that this was probably because Chen Xingjun, the rich son of the Shunyang Group, wanted to whitewash himself. It's just that they can't convince the clumsy methods of the three TV stations!

Compared to Chen Yangji's vague attitude, Chen Dongji was very excited after receiving the news!He originally thought that Chen Xingjun was going to marry Zheng Youxiang, and the deputy chief of the prosecutor's headquarters would probably help to restore his reputation.

But this result is really surprising!Just one or two ordinary media newspapers issued an apology statement, which is obviously not enough!These days, the mainstream media in Bangziguo are the three big TV stations with riches and wealth. The three big TV stations KBS, MBC, and SBS have not responded at all. Who cares about the authenticity of the news published by such ordinary newspapers!

"It seems that my nephew's methods are just like that! I thought there would be a big commotion? He couldn't even convince a TV station, and he still wants to restore his reputation? Hmph—!" Chen Dongji said arrogantly.

 I coded until midnight, I got up late, sorry~╮(╯▽╰)╭

(End of this chapter)

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