The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 472 Let him go. Is this a chapter?No!

Chapter 472 Let him go, is the story over?No!
Standing at the side heard what his boss said, and echoed with a smile, "Yeah, I thought Chen Xingjun would get the full support of the deputy head of the prosecutorial headquarters, but now it seems that's not the case!"

"It's still too early to make a conclusion, Executive Bai, you continue to send someone to keep an eye out, and let me know as soon as there is any trouble!" Chen Dongji smiled and warned.

"Yes, Vice President!"


------Dividing line------

At 9 o'clock on Sunday night, Chen Daojun hugged the drowsy Mou Xianmin, and boarded the night flight back to Seoul with Wu Luomin and Kim Sooyoung.

Originally, Chen Daojun wanted to stay for one more day, but the ambitious Mou Xianmin insisted that she would return to Seoul tonight, so she could not affect her normal work tomorrow.

However, when Hong Zhiqing knew that they were going back today, she took the initiative to suggest that they have a big meal before leaving, saying that she was not very happy with the meal last night.Mou Xianmin agreed without any hesitation, which left Chen Daojun speechless. Women changed their minds so quickly that he couldn't keep up with them!
Fortunately, Chen Daojun stopped him in time, so Mou Xianmin didn't get drunk again, but Hong Zhiqing was a little dissatisfied with Chen Daojun's behavior of "protecting his wife".


Wu Luomin, who was sitting in the next seat, asked Chen Daojun in a low voice, "Boss, the flight is so late this time, I guess it will be midnight when we get home.... If I'm late for work tomorrow, can I not deduct my salary?"

"...As long as you don't arrive at noon." Chen Daojun said with a smile.

"Don't worry, boss, it won't be so late!" After receiving Chen Daojun's affirmative reply, Wu Luomin breathed a sigh of relief. His girlfriend Jin Xiuying beside him was already drunk. It is estimated that he would have to spend a lot of time taking care of her when he returned to his residence in the middle of the night. .


Until around 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, Chen Daojun drove Mou Xianmin back to his residence in Jiangnan District.Chen Daojun shook Mou Xianmin in the passenger seat and found that the other person was sleeping deeply and showed no signs of waking up.Chen Daojun sighed helplessly and had to put his luggage back to the villa first, and then carried the sleeping Mou Xianmin back to the room in a princess hug.


The next morning, after Chen Daojun woke up and finished washing, he found that Mou Xianmin, who had failed to wake up after shouting several times last night, had disappeared. Milk, and a note left by Mou Xianmin beside it.

Chen Daojun smiled and took off the note, quickly finished breakfast and drove out of the villa.In the past few days when Chen Daojun took Mo Xianmin to Jeju Island for vacation, a lot of things seemed to have happened in Seoul. He planned to go to Miracle Group to learn about the situation.


Miracle Group, Vice President’s Office.

Rachel brought in a cup of brewed coffee and handed it to Chen Daojun.

"Thank you, Rachel!" Chen Daojun took the coffee with a smile, "By the way, has anything happened these two days?"

Rachel said a little speechlessly, "Boss, it's only Monday, and you don't work on weekends. What can happen to the company?"

Seeing Chen Daojun deflated, Wu Shixian was in a good mood, and said with a smile, "There must be something, but it's not in Seoul, but in the Busan area!"

"President Ma contacted me last night, saying that their people have successfully taken down the high-level and bosses of the Wild Dog Gang in the Busan area! And they also got a lot of interesting things. It's just that he couldn't contact you last night. The phone call came to me."

"Ahem, I went to Jeju Island with Sister Xianmin in the past two days. I took the evening flight back last night. I guess my phone was turned off at that time..." Chen Daojun explained with some embarrassment.

"Boss, did you go to Jeju for vacation? Why didn't you take me with you?" Rachel on the side heard the words and said with some complaints that Chen Daojun hadn't taken him on a business trip for a long time. Received a lot of benefits, much happier than going to work!
"I'm going to Jeju Island to take wedding photos this time. I'll take you there, wouldn't it just cause trouble?" Chen Daojun gave Rachel a blank look, and Mou Xianmin almost knocked over the vinegar jar when he saw Hong Zhiqing. If Rachel also went to join in the fun, it wouldn't take long Shura field? !
"...Boss, you are spreading rumors. When did I make you mess up?" Rachel felt even more reconciled when she heard Chen Daojun say this. Is it reliable? !

"No? Then why do I remember the previous few times in Sun Country..." Chen Daojun looked at Rachel and said with a smile.

Wu Shixian on the side heard the conversation between the two trying to undermine each other, and the smile on his face never stopped.


After a while, Chen Daojun ended the bickering with Rachel, looked at Wu Shixian and said with a smile, "Apart from the wild dog gang, what else happened in Seoul?"

"It's nothing serious. Two media outlets issued an apology statement, saying that the review of the reports in the past two years was not rigorous, which caused trouble to some people and damaged their reputation." Wu Shixian said calmly.

"Certain people?...Could it be Chen Xingjun?" Chen Daojun was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized, "I thought he got the help of that Vice President Han Jiangzhi, at least he could convince KBS Or is MBC TV station helping to refute the rumors? I didn’t expect that only two tabloid newspapers came forward to clarify and apologize, which is interesting!”

"Although the prosecutorial headquarters has a lot of power, the superiors of these two TV stations are the Ministry of Culture and the Blue House. Even if Han Jiangzhi wants to help, it is not so easy to get it done!" Wu Shixian's mouth turned up, as if holding back a smile.

"President Wu, I have an idea. I don't know what you want?" Chen Daojun looked at Wu Shixian with a smile and said, "Now that we have taken down all the high-level members of the Wild Dog Gang, we want to get some information about Han Jiangzhi from them." All the scandals of the deputy chief of the prosecutorial headquarters are not difficult!"

"Didn't my cousin have a blind date with a female prosecutor recently? The other party is still related to Han Jiangzhi. We might as well be generous, negotiate with the other party, and ask for a benefit from them. This matter will be over!"

"When the time is right, we will take out the black materials of Han Jiangzhi, control the deputy chief, and serve us. If the other party resists, we can also make his black materials public, and then we will not deal with him. The people who are here will naturally take the initiative to remove Han Jiangzhi, the cancer in the prosecutor team!"

"I think my cousin's face must be very exciting, right? He once meant to marry Daewoo Group, thinking that he would be able to join forces and successfully win the management right of Shunyang Group. In the end, Daewoo Group collapsed!"

"The deputy chief of the procuratorate who wants to cling now will be in trouble in the near future, tsk tsk tsk, it really sounds like a broom star!"

"Pfft——! Hahaha, boss, you are too bad!" Rachel burst into laughter. At first, she thought that Chen Daojun couldn't bear to let Chen Xingjun go, but she didn't expect that her boss was actually Such a plan is very black-bellied!

(End of this chapter)

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