The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 473 Park Tae-soo's Request

Chapter 473 Park Tae-soo's Request
"Ahem, Boss, since you have said that, of course I have no objection! It's just that this Han Jiangzhi will really help us? After some contact before, I feel that this guy is not easy to deal with!"

Wu Shixian is a little puzzled. In his opinion, the current Miracle Group is already the largest enterprise in Bangzi Country. Even Mr. Jin from the Blue House dare not have any opinions on the Miracle Group. During the financial turmoil in the [-]s, and even in the subsequent development projects in the Bundang area, great efforts were made!
The economic stability and recovery in the Seoul area, their Miracle Group is definitely the top contributor!
"Because domestic prosecutors have quite a lot of authority, you still remember my uncle who is now the mayor of Seoul—Cui Changji?"

Chen Daojun held the coffee and said calmly, "He was born a commoner, and the reason why he was able to marry into the Chen family was because his grandfather took a fancy to his identity as a prosecutor. Because Cui Changji was in the prosecutor's office, he was able to find out a lot of internal information that was prohibited from being disseminated to the outside world. This was a great help to the Shunyang Group at that time."

"It is precisely because of Cui Changji's tip-off that Shunyang Group was able to take action in advance and take advantage of it!"


Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Wu Shixian nodded in agreement, but he soon realized another problem, "But this Han Jiangzhi obviously does not seem to be someone who can be easily controlled and obeyed. We want him to work for us. , it’s very difficult.”

Just when Chen Daojun was about to speak, the assistant outside knocked on the door and walked in, "Vice President, a prosecutor who claims to be Park Tae-soo is downstairs. He said he wants to see you and has something important to do. Negotiate with you.”

Wu Shixian was a little hesitant. He had some impression of Park Taishu. He seemed to be the subordinate Han Jiangzhi had with him when he came last time. But this guy suddenly came to visit alone this time, and he wanted to interview him. What would happen?
Chen Daojun said calmly, "Since I want to meet, let's meet and chat, and see what the other party's plan is. Maybe there will be some surprises!"


When Park Tae-soo came to Wu Shixian's office, seeing the three people in front of him staring at him in unison, his heart pounded.He took a deep breath and said to Wu Shixian, "President Wu, please forgive me for taking the liberty to visit this time. I brought a document, I think you will be interested."

Wu Shixian took the material and took a rough look at it, and then found that it was the black information of Park Rongyi and the brothers of Doosan Group, including the black information about the third brother Park Rongsheng embezzling public funds to raise secret funds. The witness who broke the news was Park Rongsheng's A former subordinate.

Wu Shixian, who was originally smiling, gradually disappeared. He originally meant that the situation at Doosan Group should be stable.After all, after receiving his own support, his father-in-law Park Yong-yi successfully became the new chairman of Doosan Group in the first two years.

But looking at the information in front of me, my father-in-law Park Rong Ao was in a bad situation!If he hadn't seen this information sent by Park Tae-soo, he would never have thought that Doosan Group, which has been inherited for hundreds of years, would also have brothers fighting against each other and killing each other!
Wu Shixian calmed down, looked at Park Tae-soo in front of him, and said in a solemn tone, "This document is very good. If there is anything that Prosecutor Park wants to ask me, why don't you tell me?"

Hearing Wu Shixian's answer, Park Taishu breathed a long sigh of relief, and then said firmly, "As long as Chairman Wu is satisfied with this information. This visit... I hope to get the support of Miracle Group!"

"Get the support of Miracle Group?" Wu Shixian was a little surprised. Chen Daojun on the side was also a little confused when he heard this. From this guy's tone, it seemed that he wanted to defect to Miracle Group?Isn't he Han Jiangzhi's confidant?Why is it that he is suddenly about to "rebel"?

Wu Shixian exchanged glances with Chen Daojun without leaving any trace. After understanding what Chen Daojun meant, Wu Shixian smiled and asked, "Prosecutor Park, what you said is a bit confusing. Why do we need a miracle for no reason? Does the group support you?”

"Can't Vice President Han Jiangzhi solve the trouble for you?"

Faced with Oh Se-hyun's inquiry, Park Tae-soo did not hide the slightest and directly expressed his true thoughts, "The situation of Deputy Chief Han Kang-sik is not good. The internal investigation by the prosecutor's headquarters seems to be continuing. And he and the Wild Dog Gang Now that the Wild Dog Gang has been wiped out and all the leaders have disappeared collectively, there may be big troubles in the future!"

"...and in recent years, Vice President Han Jiangzhi has become more and more exaggerated and his temper has become worse and worse. I also tried to persuade him to pay attention, but he couldn't listen at all. When he is in a bad mood, he will only use us as excuses. His subordinates worked hard to vent their anger, and other colleagues and I were beaten a lot..."

Although Park Taishu has guessed that the destruction of the Wild Dog Gang was probably the work of the White Tiger Club, the relationship between the White Tiger Club and the Miracle Group is very close, and he does not want to talk too much now to affect his defection plan.

Now he just wants to get the protection of Miracle Group to avoid any accidents to Han Jiangzhi in the future, and he, Han Jiangzhi's close subordinate, will also suffer misfortune!

Seeing Park Tae-soo uttering his intentions so straightforwardly, Chen Daojun was a little surprised. Is this prosecutor named Park Tae-soo planning to give up standing on the same front with Han Jiangzhi and come to join their Miracle Group? !

"This kid is a bit of a thief!" Chen Daojun gave an evaluation to Park Taishu who came to seek refuge, but he was not disgusted with this kind of prosecutor who took the initiative to "send him to the door", regardless of whether his purpose was what he said. Likewise, as long as Miracle Group is strong enough, no matter how hard the other party tries, it won't be able to make any waves, and in the end they can only work for Miracle Group honestly!
Wu Shixian stared at Park Tae-soo for a while, and asked with a smile, "You are so sure, will our Miracle Group be willing to protect you? ... If Han Jiangzhi knows that you want to betray him, you will end up miserable, right? "

Hearing what Wu Shixian said, Park Taishu's heart trembled, "Is it possible that Wu Shixian doesn't want to take him in and wants to complain to Han Jiangzhi? It shouldn't be possible? Didn't Han Jiangzhi threaten him before?"

Park Tae-soo forcibly stabilized his mind, forced himself to calm down, looked at Wu Shixian, and said in a firm tone, "There is an old saying in Yanxia that goes, 'A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a good minister chooses a master to serve'. I have a clear conscience for Han Jiangzhi, the boss. It’s just that he wants to go his own way, and I have to think about my own future.”

(End of this chapter)

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