The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 474 A Special "Gift"

Chapter 474 A Special "Gift"

In the end, Wu Shixian agreed to Park Tae-soo's request and provided him with asylum.At the same time, he also promised him that there would be no accidents for his friend Cui Dou-il, and the White Tiger Club would release him in two days.

After thinking for a moment, Park Tae-soo rejected Wu Se-hyun's offer.Now Cui Dou-il has become a thorn in Han Jiang-sik's side. Once he is released, he will definitely be targeted by Han Jiang-sik. At that time, Cui Dou-il will probably be tortured and even evaporated by Han Jiang-sik. It is better to let him continue at the White Tiger Club. Stay here, at least in terms of safety.


After Park Tae-soo left, Chen Dao-joon smiled at Wu Shi-hyun, "Didn't we still think about what we would do if Han Jiang-sik was disobedient? Well, this guy is a good backup candidate. After we get Han Jiang-sik out of the way, we can get rid of him." Help it to the designated position, so that we can have our own nail in the prosecutor's headquarters!"

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Wu Shixian thought for a while, and found that the feasibility of this was very high, and they hardly had to take any risks, it was quite a clever move!

"By the way, I heard from Park Tae-soo just now that the prosecutor's headquarters seemed to be afraid of Han Jiang-sik's influence, so they suspended the investigation of him. Boss, should we take this opportunity to give him to..." Wu Shixian thought of Park Tae-soo before Speaking of things, he opened his mouth and suggested.

"You can try it, even if you can't take him down, it's good to be disgusted! He dared to threaten our Miracle Group. I really don't know where this guy has the guts! The last one who dared to threaten us so blatantly should be Xin Father and son? The grass on the grave is a few feet high?!" Chen Daojun replied with a smile.

Since Han Jiangzhi wanted to support Chen Xingjun, he naturally had a conflict of interest with them!And a few years ago, Chen Yongji, Chen Xingjun and his son plotted against him in the Bundang area development project, Chen Daojun never forgot!At the beginning, he had no idea about Shunyang Group at all. Under his hint, Chen Runji publicly expressed his support for Chen Yongji to inherit Shunyang Group.

But the uncle Chen Yongji's style of doing things is not very authentic!During the financial turmoil, Chen Runji and himself donated hundreds of millions of US dollars to help the family. Did they wipe Chen Yongji's ass?The acquisition of Han Dao Steel lost so much money that it almost brought down Shunyang Group.As a result, it didn't take long for this guy to miss the industry under his name, and wanted to take away the land in the Bundang area from him at a low price for development and construction.

Using the words "ungrateful" and "mean and ungrateful" to describe this cheap uncle Chen Yongji couldn't be more appropriate!


A day later, the White Tiger Club quickly sorted out all the materials they had obtained, and handed over a copy of the materials to Chen Daojun, the behind-the-scenes boss.

After seeing these shocking information in the information, Chen Daojun quickly had an idea.

Chen Daojun quickly dialed a familiar phone number and heard a familiar female voice from the opposite side. Chen Daojun smiled and said, "I'm Chen Daojun, is Minying school girl free these two days? I have a special gift 'I want to give it to you."

Xu Minying, who was working in the unit, was stunned for a moment. Senior Chen Daojun had a gift for her?What's happening here? !Could it be that Senior Chen has a crush on him?Want to confess to yourself? ! ...Shouldn't it be like this?Doesn't Senior Chen have a fiancée?And I heard that we are going to get married next month...

Xu Minying swept the messy thoughts in her mind into the corner, and then replied nervously, "If the senior is free, we can meet at the coffee shop where we used to meet at 6 o'clock in the evening."

"See you then!" Chen Daojun said with a smile.


After hanging up the phone, Chen Daojun called Wu Shixian again and asked him to tell Park Tae-soo that the Prosecutor's Headquarters may continue to carry out internal investigations recently, and the target is Han Jiangzhi.At the critical moment, Park Tae-soo can cooperate with the staff of the Prosecutor's Headquarters to stab Han Jiang-sik in the back, and use Han Jiang-sik as a stepping stone to be promoted to a higher position!

When Wu Shixian heard Chen Daojun's arrangement, although he was a little puzzled, he readily agreed.

------Dividing line------

Inside a coffee shop in Gangnam District.

Chen Daojun ordered a sandwich and coffee, and then picked up the computer to check all the materials that he hadn't read today.Unknowingly, the sky gradually darkened.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, Chen, who was wearing a women's suit, sat down in front of Chen Daojun with a bag on his back.Xu Minying said slightly apologetically, "Sorry, I'm late! The prosecutor's office has accumulated a lot of materials in the past two days, so I forgot the time..."

Chen Daojun looked up at Xu Minying, and said with a smile, "It's good that people are here, have you had dinner yet? How about ordering an extra sandwich?"

"Well, yes!" Seeing that Chen Daojun didn't care, Xu Minying secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Chen Daojun called the waiter and ordered two more cups of coffee and a sandwich.


"By the way, the senior said on the phone before, what gift do you have for me?" Xu Minying said with some uncertainty.

Hearing this, Chen Daojun turned around and took out a document bag from the briefcase beside him and handed it to Xu Minying, "That's right, there is a gift for you. It's just that this gift is a bit special, so don't give it up after reading it later." Surprised!"

Xu Minying took the file bag curiously, and checked the information inside.In just a few minutes, her originally curious expression turned into one of horror. She had no idea that the 'gift' Chen Daojun gave her would be this!
"Senior, how did you get this thing?!" Xu Minying hurriedly asked, the document in her hand was the evidence that the Procuratorate Headquarters had been looking for, and it was the ironclad evidence that would drag Vice Chief Han Jiangzhi off his throne!
Such a deadly thing must be hidden in an extremely subtle manner. How did Chen Daojun, the head of the law firm, obtain this information?How much did it cost? !
Chen Daojun still had a smile on his face, but Chen Daojun didn't answer Xu Minying's question, but changed the subject, "Didn't the school girl say that after studying law for so many years, becoming a prosecutor is to maintain the justice in my heart?" What? Now that this information has been handed over to you, the senior is very curious about how you will uphold justice?!"

Xu Minying took a deep breath and replied firmly, "I will hand over this information to the prosecutor's headquarters! That person (Han Jiangzhi) will definitely be punished by law!"

Hearing this, Chen Daojun couldn't help shaking his head, "Your thinking is still so naive. It's just that if you do this, I'm afraid you'll startle the snake before the information is handed over to the Chief Prosecutor! He can become the deputy chief, of course he has his own reasons." Ability, how could it be so easy to overthrow?"

"Sister Minying, you might as well give this information to your uncle when you go back, and listen to his opinion!" Chen Daojun reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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