The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 484 Xu Minying’s visit, Chen Daojun’s proposal

Chapter 484 Xu Minying’s visit, Chen Daojun’s proposal
Han Jiangzhi was silent. He didn't expect that Huang Yu'an actually asked him to go to the Blue House to find Mr. Jin. Isn't it a bit overkill?If you have to go to the president for such a matter that has not yet exploded, wouldn't it make Han Jiangzhi incompetent?

Huang Yu'an waited for a long time but didn't hear Han Jiangzhi's answer. He was a little anxious, "Hey, brother Jiang Zhi, are you still listening? Now they are ready to attack you, so don't take chances. If you wait until they master After collecting all the evidence and filing a lawsuit against you, when you go to Mr. Jin again, he may not be willing to help!"

Hearing Huang Yu'an's advice, Han Jiangzhi took a deep breath, and finally chose to obey.Just like Huang Yu'an said, this Xu Zhengji must have something to rely on for daring to confront him so blatantly. Otherwise, why should he, the chief prosecutor of the Seoul area, challenge himself, the deputy chief?

Zheng Xiangming, an old fox, hid behind the scenes and encouraged others to cause trouble. At a loss, he thought that this guy was afraid of his own strength and did not dare to act rashly. He never expected that this old guy was actually playing dirty tricks!Since Zheng Xiangming has chosen to take action, he will definitely not give up, so it is better for him to be more cautious!

Shuguang Law Firm, President's Office.

Xu Minying, who hadn't seen each other for more than half a month, came to visit again. Seeing that the other party was in a good mood, Chen Daojun laughed and said, "Sister Minying, you are in a good mood today. Did you encounter any happy things?"

"I came here specifically to say thanks this time! The information that the senior gave me before came in handy! Now we have brought two senior prosecutors from the prosecution headquarters back for interrogation. I believe it won't take long. We have more evidence and will bring the bad guys to justice!”

Xu Minying happily talked about the situation in the past two days, and even said that her father was very proud of taking away two senior prosecutors in front of the prosecutors in the headquarters, Han Jiangzhi, the tough deputy director general of the prosecutors headquarters!

Chen Daojun listened thoughtfully to Xu Minying's description, and then said with a smile, "Of the two senior prosecutors you mentioned, one is named Zhao Dongzhe? The other is named Park Taesu?"

"Yes! Senior, how did you know? These two guys are too strict with their mouths. Our people interrogated them several times and couldn't get any useful information from them! The colleagues in charge of the interrogation were under pressure It’s huge!”

Xu Minying was a little confused. We had already reached this point, so why were these two guys so stubborn?Their backer, Han Jiangzhi, could hardly save himself, let alone his two subordinates!
It's just that the two prosecutors are unwilling to cooperate now, so if they want to prosecute Han Jiangzhi and bring Han Jiangzhi down through judicial trials, I'm afraid it will be quite difficult.After all, Han Jiangzhi can completely refute that this is a slander against him based on the witnesses and related materials of the Wild Dog Gang!
According to the testimony of the witnesses of the Wild Dog Gang, Han Jiangzhi did not show up directly in their PY transaction, but asked his close subordinates to come forward to contact the other party.Zhao Dongzhe and Park Tae-soo are the main people who have contacted them in the past two years.


Chen Daojun smiled and said, "It would be abnormal if they let go and tell everything now!"

"Senior, why did you say that?" Xu Minying didn't expect Chen Daojun to say that and asked quickly.

"You want to pry open their mouths and let them testify against their boss Han Jiangzhi, but have you considered what they are worried about? Once you get the evidence, not only will you prosecute Han Jiangzhi, but the two of them will not be spared."

"And as long as they keep silent, you have nothing to do with them. Even Han Jiangzhi will try his best to rescue the two of them. If it were you, would you choose to be a 'traitor'?" Chen Daojun chuckled lightly, If you want to persuade others to cooperate honestly with your mouth, this is not eloquence, it is a dream!

Chen Daojun's analysis left Xu Minying speechless. Although she wanted to refute, Chen Daojun analyzed the facts and couldn't find any flaws to fight back.


Chen Daojun saw that the heat was almost ready, and smiled at Xu Minying, "Perhaps, you can suggest to uncle that he avoid the prosecution of Zhao Dongzhe and Park Tae-soo, as long as the two of them tell what they know and are willing to correct Han Jiangzhi. The behavior of the two people can be punished lightly, or even let go of the past, and they can also be given a safe haven."

"If they don't believe it, you can also promise that they can arrange for lawyers from Shuguang Law Firm to defend them. In this way, they will believe that you are indeed sincere to let them go and only pursue the culprit (Han Jiangzhi). I want to come With such persuasion, the two prosecutors may waver and choose to cooperate with you in correcting Han Jiangzhi!"

"This... this won't work! The two of them are Han Jiangzhi's accomplices. Although they are not the principal culprits, they have done many illegal things. We can't let them go!" Xu Minying shook her head and directly denied Chen Daojun's suggestion. proposal.

In her opinion, this kind of justice obtained through compromise obviously violates the principles of fairness and justice, and she does not approve of such "justice".

"Don't rush to draw a conclusion. You can ask your uncle first. I think he must be under a lot of pressure now. If you can't pry the mouths of the two prosecutors to get more favorable evidence, then you want to get that Han Jiangzhi If you are convicted, I am afraid that all previous efforts will be wasted!" Chen Daojun said meaningfully.

Chen Daojun's words made Xu Minying a little inexplicably nervous, how is this possible?Didn't they all get the evidence?There are even witnesses, so is there any way for this qualified Han Jiangzhi to come back against the wind? !

"Senior, do you have any basis for saying that?!" Xu Minying was still a little dubious, and then asked.

"You also said that person is the deputy chief. Not only is he higher in rank than his uncle, but he is also younger! There are so many district attorneys general who have passed the stick. Why is it that he is the only one who can become a prosecutor in the system in such a short period of time? He is the second-in-command, but the others are still standing still? Do you think there will be no one behind him to support him? "

"Once you try to bring him down, he will most likely invite his big backer to settle all the troubles for him!"

Xu Minying was silent. She came here excitedly to tell Chen Daojun that their prosecutors finally came forward to uphold justice and fight against crime!Justice may be late, but it will never be absent!

But after listening to Chen Daojun's words, she felt like she had been slapped in the face.She didn't know that her father, who had always been steady, was under so much pressure when he took over this case. She thought that as long as she had enough evidence, she could convict the criminals...

(End of this chapter)

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