Chapter 485

In the following two days, Bangzi Country's prosecutorial system released heavy news. Deputy Chief Han Jiangzhi was formally prosecuted by the Seoul Prosecutor's Office for multiple crimes including colluding with associations to violate laws and disciplines, leaking secrets, and accepting bribes...However, Han Jiangzhi had disappeared a day ago, and the court could not summon him normally.

The news caused an uproar!Everyone was shocked by the news. He was the second-in-command at the Procuratorate Headquarters. Why did it suddenly happen? !In their view, this is tantamount to internal strife within the prosecutors. How the Seoul Prosecutor's Office could be so "sophisticated" in prosecuting its own boss is puzzling!

Two days ago, Han Kang-sik came to the Blue House and tried to seek help from Mr. Kim.However, Han Jiangzhi had been waiting for a long time, and Mr. Jin did not lend a helping hand to save him. Instead, he asked his secretary to send Han Jiangzhi away directly.

"Mr. Jin is very grateful for your help at the beginning, so in just a few years, he promoted you from a small minister to the deputy minister of the prosecutor's headquarters. It's just that your matter this time is inside the prosecutor's office. In addition, Director Zheng Xiangming also submitted a written report, and your problem is too big, and Mr. Jin has no way to suppress the matter."

"In addition, Mr. Jin asked me to tell you that if nothing can be done, Vice President Han can go overseas to avoid the limelight. It might not be a safe solution!" The secretary said meaningfully.


Such a result hit Han Jiangzhi hard. He never expected that the big backer he and Huang Yu'an had always thought of would suddenly choose to stand by at this moment. This... This is simply crossing the river and tearing down the bridge!He and Huang Yu'an blocked his own future, stood in line ahead of time, fought against competitors for this Mr. Jin, and helped him ascend to the supreme throne.

Now that something happened to me and I was targeted by others, this Mr. Jin turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, and let himself run away?Is it because I am afraid that after I am prosecuted and interrogated, I will also explain his affairs?Hmph, you're really TM thoughtful!

The biggest reaction to this explosive news was the family of Chen Yongji.Chen Xingjun, who had just completed the wedding with Zheng Youxiang, was thinking that with the help of Han Jiangzhi, he would soon be able to restore his reputation and return to the core power level of the Shunyang Group.

As a result, it took only a few days, and Han Jiangzhi, who was regarded as a big backer by himself, just fell down like this? !

This is even more outrageous than Western fairy tales!How could the deputy head of the Prosecutor's Headquarters, who is so powerful, be prosecuted by the Seoul Prosecutor's Office?And the most terrible thing is that Han Jiangzhi is nowhere to be found now, Wanyue is missing!In the eyes of a caring person, isn't this just absconding in fear of crime? !

Good guy, you are not looking for a big backer to marry yourself, but you were cheated into marriage again? !Such a fucking result made Chen Xingjun a little hard to accept!

Chen Xingjun suppressed the anger in his heart and asked Zheng Youxiang, "What's the situation with Han Jiangzhi? Isn't he the deputy chief of the prosecutor's office? How could he be prosecuted by the prosecutor's office in Seoul? He's still missing now?! Didn't we agree at the beginning?" , will you convince KBS and MBC to restore my reputation?!"

Zheng Youxiang frowned, and replied in a bad tone, "I only found out today that Han Jiangzhi didn't contact me before!"

(Note: Bangziguo has 15 days of paid leave for getting married. Zheng Youxiang has not returned to work these days and has no knowledge of what is happening at the prosecutor's headquarters.)
Hearing what Zheng Youxiang said, Chen Xingjun wanted to question him on the spot, or even fall out with him.But he soon realized another thing, that is, although Han Jiangzhi was prosecuted, Zheng Youxiang was not implicated. She was still a female prosecutor at the prosecution headquarters!

In the end, Chen Xingjun suppressed his anger and did not have a quarrel with Zheng Youxiang. Now that Han Jiangzhi is missing, he may have gotten the news and ran away. It is useless for the Seoul Prosecutor's Office to prosecute him.


Chen Yongji was also very angry at Han Jiangzhi's "thunderstorm". He originally thought that he could get a chance to rise again soon by virtue of his in-law relationship with Han Jiangzhi, but it turned out to be counterproductive!

In less than a week, Han Jiangzhi encountered this kind of thing, and according to this posture, even if Han Jiangzhi disappeared, in order to reduce the impression and maintain its own image, the Procuratorate Headquarters will most likely go to the post of Deputy Chief Han Jiangzhi, and there is still A wanted warrant may be issued for him.

Without this foreign aid, how can he, Chen Yongji, defeat Chen Dongji, who is already the vice chairman of the group?Wanting to regain the position of vice president, or even inherit the management rights of Shunyang Group, isn't it just a daydream? !

As the "introducer" who connected Chen Xingjun and Zheng Youxiang, Sun Zhenglai was feeling remorseful at the moment. She thought that Zheng Youxiang, a female prosecutor, had a cousin of the deputy chief who was quite good and could help Chen Xing Jun and Chen Yongji father and son.But now, luckily, before he can help, Han Jiangzhi, the deputy chief, has something to do first!


Chen Daojun took Wu Luomin to the Seoul Prosecutor's Office and brought out Zhao Dongzhe and Park Taishu.

Just like what Chen Daojun described before, Xu Zhengji chose the former among the choices between focusing on attacking Han Jiangzhi and letting go of those accomplices, or whether to wipe out all the personnel.

It was this choice that made Zhao Dongzhe and Park Tae-soo's attitudes loose, but the two were still a little skeptical about it, and they dared not believe it easily, for fear that once they revealed what they knew, the prosecutors would If the official repents temporarily, then their end will be miserable!
Xu Zhengji saw that he had been unable to pry their mouths open, and he was under more and more pressure. In the end, he still held the mentality of "a dead horse is a living horse doctor", and asked Xu Minying to contact Chen Daojun, and asked the lawyers from the firm to come to the prosecutor's office. The two prosecutors did defense and bond.

After hearing Chen Daojun's promise and "hint", Park Tae-soo's attitude quickly changed significantly, and he cooperated very well with the prosecutor in charge of the interrogation.Zhao Dongzhe heard that Park Tae-soo had spoken, and after thinking for a while, he also truthfully explained the information he had.


Due to the cooperation of the two and their willingness to testify against Han Jiangzhi in court, Xu Zhengji quickly reported the progress to Zheng Xiangming, and at the same time filed a lawsuit in the Seoul court, accusing Han Jiangzhi of leaking secrets, violating laws and regulations, accepting bribes... and many other crimes.

It's just that Han Jiangzhi seemed to have gotten the news in advance. Before they came to arrest him, this guy had already slipped away. This made Xu Zhengji very aggrieved, as if he had punched the air. The carefully prepared "big meal" was of no use at all. Didn't make it!

(End of this chapter)

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