Chapter 492: Terrible Ding Sanshi
"What? Do you think there is something wrong with my approach?" Chen Yangji looked at his second son, Chen Dongji, who spoke out against him, and his face became serious.

Seeing that Chen Yangji was so dissatisfied with Chen Dongji who interrupted him, Chen Huarong couldn't help gloating. After all, his father was notoriously bad-tempered and stubborn.Chen Dongji dared to oppose Chen Yangji's wishes face to face, he was asking for trouble!

"Don't dare, just hand over 15% of the shares to Daojun Shunyang Medical at once, it would be unfair, after all, you are more than one grandson..." Chen Dongji saw that something was wrong, so he hurriedly tried to pull Chen Yongji Go into the water with Chen Xingjun.

However, Chen Yongji and Chen Xingjun, father and son who had been on guard for a long time, did not say anything, as if this matter had nothing to do with them.

Chen Yangji turned to look at Chen Yongji, and asked, "Yongji, do you have any objections?"

"No, whoever Dad is willing to hand over the shares to is your own business, and has nothing to do with us juniors!" Chen Yongji acted very Buddhist, as if other things had nothing to do with him.

Hearing what Chen Yongji said, Chen Yangji nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Chen Dongji indifferently, "Did you hear what Brother Ni said? It has nothing to do with you, an old man, who I want to give the shares to! Is it up to you to point fingers?!"

Facing Chen Yangji's reprimand, Chen Dongji could only stand aside and keep silent. He knew that Chen Yangji had been upset by his hastily speaking, and if he continued to contradict him, there would definitely be more serious consequences.


Chen Daojun looked at this subtle scene, and the smile on his face still did not dissipate, "Grandpa, please leave these shares to sister Xianmin for management! My two companies and law firm are busy with a lot of things every day Now, let Sister Xianmin share the burden for me!"

Chen Daojun's words made everyone in the Chen family present very envious. This is 15% of Shunyang Medical's shares!Why was it handed over to Mou Xianmin so lightly? !Although Chen Daojun and Mou Xianmin are officially married, but... they, the elders, have not given part of their shares to their women/husbands!
Chen Yangji was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, "You boy, you want to be lazy and find such a high-sounding reason~! Forget it, these shares are handed over to you, and you decide what you want to do with them!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Yangji turned around and left, and Director Li also left the banquet hall after seeing this.

------Dividing line------

Unconsciously, more than two months passed, and the time came to early July 2000.

Chen Daojun took two assistants, Rachel and Yong Jingwen, to the neighboring Yanxia Kingdom to learn about the recent work progress of the Yanxia Kingdom Miracle Group.

Imperial Capital Yanxia Kingdom Miracle Group Building, meeting room on the top floor.

Li Taiyong, the chairman of Yanxia Miracle Group, is leading a group of group executives to report to Chen Daojun and others.

"In the past two years, our Miracle Group has been deeply involved in the real estate industry and department store retail industry. Currently, we have more than 200 commercial plazas in first-tier cities and provincial capitals in Yanxia. The shopping malls established by Tesco Department Store have opened in 160 cities and have 274 shopping malls. Center, firmly occupying 27% of Yanxia Kingdom's retail market share!"

"Last year's revenue exceeded 450 billion RMB, and the net profit reached 96 billion, an increase of 12% compared to last year!"

"In terms of electronic product sales, the mobile phones (PHS) and MPmanF10 we obtained from Hanjin Shipping have shipped 630 million units and 30 units respectively!"

"In addition, the policy adjustment of the Yanxia Kingdom has begun to vigorously support the development of innovative enterprises and high-end industries. Our technology companies under the Yanxia Miracle Group have already occupied more than 7% of the domestic Internet communication market share."

"I heard that Mr. Ma (Brother Ma) of a technology company is acquiring domestic Internet game companies recently, intending to further occupy the game market and expand the game R&D team..."


Hearing Li Taiyong's report on the development of many businesses under the group one by one, Chen Daojun nodded with satisfaction, "Sure enough, President Li is taking care of Yanxia Kingdom, so I can save a lot of worry!"

"By the way, speaking of technology companies, how is NetEase, another Internet company from Pengcheng, doing recently? I heard the news before that their boss Ding Sanshi went to the beautiful country to list the company last month? "Chen Daojun couldn't help asking, thinking of a future Internet technology giant who had previously invested in Pengcheng.

"NetEase? That surname Dingtou is very strong! Knowing that the market of Internet companies is sluggish and the Internet bubble has burst, they still have to go to the beautiful country to go public. In less than a month, I heard that the stock price has fallen to 30%." %, and it's still falling!"

Li Bin, the director of the personnel department, sighed and couldn't help but complain. It was he who took people to Pengcheng to invest in NetEase with Chen Daojun and recruit Xiao Ma.

In just three short years, Ding Sanshi, as an old-timer, is not doing well as expected, while Xiao Ma, a rising star, is relying on Yanxia Miracle Group and Bangzi Country's Nexon Game Entertainment Company to continue to develop in the field of Internet games. Expanding the territory, he has the appearance of being the boss of Internet games in Yanxia Kingdom!I have to say that everyone’s choices are different, and their final achievements are also completely different.

"Is that so?" Hearing what Li Bin said, Chen Daojun couldn't help muttering, "I didn't expect that the meeting with Ding Sanshi and some hints back then could not change this guy!"


Last month, the smug Ding Sanshi took a group of company executives to the beautiful country and successfully listed NetEase on Nasdaq. The issue price was US$15.5 and the listing market value was nearly US$5 million. As the founder, Ding Sanshi is worth It also skyrocketed from a few million RMB to a top rich man with several RMB!
This kind of blessing made him realize the joy of a company's listing that can create wealth in a very short period of time, and the wealth will increase dramatically.It's just that the duration of this happy feeling is too short!In less than a week, under the impact of the bursting of the global Internet economic bubble, NetEase's stock price continued to fall without the support of outstanding performance and excellent products.


Pengcheng, NetEase's general manager's office.

Looking at the company's stock price falling every day, Ding Sanshi was in an extremely bad mood!He originally thought that the bursting of the bubble in the Internet industry was just some people spreading rumors, talking about companies with poor performance and no products.But after NetEase went public, he suddenly discovered a serious problem!

Where is the bubble burst in the Internet industry? !What's so special is that the entire industry has suffered a tsunami!As long as there is no company that is close to the Internet, no one will be spared!Their Netease company chose to go public at this time, it was purely a grasshopper crashing into the wheel-the rhythm of smashing bones!
(End of this chapter)

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