The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 493 Ding Sanshi's Quick Wisdom!

Chapter 493 Ding Sanshi's Quick Wisdom!

"Mr. Ding, if it continues to fall like this, our stock price listed on Nasdaq will probably fall to the bottom!" The confidant subordinate couldn't help but said that Ding Sanshi was very confident at the beginning, and felt that his NetEase company was thousands of dollars. Well, Wanhao, I will definitely not follow in the footsteps of those junk Internet companies.

But the reality is that NetEase is at the mid-to-lower level in the entire Internet industry. Microsoft and Cisco, the leading brothers, and Amazon and Yahoo, the rising stars, are all much stronger than NetEase, but they have not been able to compete in the Internet industry. Protect yourself from this Internet crisis.


Ding Sanshi was silent for a long time, and then struggled to spit out an idea through his teeth, "Do you think that if we increase our revenue by several million dollars, will it stimulate a rebound in the stock price?"

The subordinate was stunned for a moment, and then said solemnly to Ding Sanshi, "Mr. Ding, I don't support you doing this! Once the incident happens, we will definitely be investigated by the NASDAQ exchange, and even be suspended!" "

"And don't forget, the company has another shareholder. If he finds out, I'm afraid..."

The subordinate's words were like a pot of cold water that directly extinguished his small thoughts, but now that the Internet industry is in a downturn and the stock price has plummeted, it is a foregone conclusion, and he is powerless to recover.

"Then what do you want me to do? With the current situation, if we don't find a way, our NetEase stock is likely to plummet by more than 50%, or even 60%! 70%!" Ding Sanshi said with some annoyance, if this world If there is a regret medicine on the market, he will definitely buy one and travel back to more than 2 months ago, and beat himself up hard!
Why was I so stubborn back then, why did I have to go public at this stall? !I went there so late, I didn’t get any dividends from the Internet industry in the beautiful country, and the stock just plummeted at the beginning, except for the first day, it never rose!It has never risen!

The subordinate looked at Ding Sanshi with an ugly face, and finally said hesitantly, "How about, Mr. Ding, can you contact that Mr. Chen? If that Mr. Chen is willing to help, maybe we can get out of the predicament..."

"What do you mean?" Ding Sanshi's face was a little displeased. It's not that he hadn't thought about the idea proposed by this subordinate, but Chen Daojun had "bad intentions" for his NetEase company at the beginning, and even wanted to acquire Juda part of the shares and become the majority shareholder of the company.

If you suddenly ask Chen Daojun for help now, you will most likely be tricked and robbed by the other party!If the other party proposes to acquire more company shares, how should he respond?


Seeing Ding Sanshi's appearance, the subordinate couldn't help but sighed, and had no choice but to retreat, "Mr. Ding, since this method doesn't work, we might as well refer to Miracle Technology Company next door and enter the game industry, shall we?"

"I heard from the gossip that in the past two years, under the leadership of Xiao Ma, the Miracle Technology Company has achieved a revenue of more than 3000 million RMB for two consecutive years! And the net profit has reached at least 50%!"

Ding Sanshi became dissatisfied when he heard his subordinate say this.As the pioneer and big brother of Pengcheng's Internet industry, he is now overtaken by the younger brother, Xiao Ma!Hearing that the other party is making money, with an annual revenue of tens of millions, this is even more uncomfortable than killing him!
"Do you think it's so easy to develop games? The reason Miracle Technology can launch so many popular Internet games in such a short period of time is because none of those games were independently developed by them!" Ding Sanshi said enviously, This little brother obviously started later than him, but he really knows how to hug his thighs!

"The Nexon game entertainment company in Bangzi Kingdom next door has authorized the copyright of all the games under the company in Yanxia Kingdom to Yanxia Miracle Group! Their Miracle Technology Company just localized those games!"

The Miracle Technology Company led by Xiao Ma is not very powerful, but because it is the "son" of Miracle Group, it has access to various resources.

Yanxia Miracle Group wants people to give people, money to give money, and even the company's key projects such as game development. The new game they developed was released and launched, making money!
This is ridiculous. Even though Ding Sanshi has been starting a business for so many years, he has never seen an Internet company that makes money so easily!


Hearing what Ding Sanshi said, his subordinates were a little reluctant, and then said bravely, "How about we also acquire a game company and then use a backdoor to enter the game industry? In this case, we can use the existing game development team and games. Start a new profitable project!”

Ding Sanshi was stunned, he never thought that his subordinate would be enlightened, and he could come up with such a brilliant "saucy operation"!
After a while, Ding Sanshi asked, "If you are asked to preside over the acquisition of a game company, how sure are you of getting it done? How long will it take to develop our own game products?!"

The subordinates did not expect Ding Sanshi to turn around so quickly. After thinking for a while, he said with some embarrassment, "If we want to open up a market in the field of Internet games, then the game companies we need to acquire must reach a certain level in scale. If we have enough funds, Under the circumstances, it can be done in one month if it is fast, and it will not exceed two months if it is slow."

"... If the funds are not enough, is there anything else you can do?" Ding Sanshi said helplessly.

Even though NetEase is listed on Nasdaq now, with a market value of hundreds of millions of dollars, but the liquidity on their company's books is only a few million. It is probably a "smart woman" who wants to acquire a larger game company. It's hard to cook without rice" Ah!

"Mr. Ding..., you are making things so difficult for me! How can I sell the company without real money?!" The subordinate said with tears in his eyes. This is not asking him to find a way to acquire the company. What the hell is asking him to do? He went to the door to be beaten!
"...Then what if, like Miracle Technology Company, it finds a game development company from Bangziguo to act as an agent for a certain game? Can you take down the agent's copyright?!" Ding Sanshi suddenly had an idea when he thought about Brother Xiao Ma. Got a new idea!

According to the current conversion ratio between RMB and Korean won, a few million RMB is still a lot of money in Bangzi country, and the purchasing power in Bangzi country should also be quite good.

Moreover, Bangziguo’s game research and development started earlier than in China, and its R&D capabilities are even better than those domestic cats and dogs. They can go to Bangziguo to import a popular game, and then, like Miracle Technology, localize the game and release it as a new game. , Bang Bang money!
(End of this chapter)

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