The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 494 The News Revealed by George

Chapter 494 The News Revealed by George

Ding Sanshi's words quickly gave rise to new ideas among his subordinates. Compared with the situation of domestic Internet game companies, big and small, the game industry in Bangzi Country next door has become somewhat of a "group of heroes vying for supremacy in the world." .

Since the Nexon Game Entertainment Company of Bangzi Kingdom developed the Internet game "Kingdom of Wind", the appearance of this graphic MUD game suddenly made the whole game vivid, changed the public's perception of the game, and since then unveiled the Bangzi Kingdom. The curtain of China's online game development.

In the past two years, Nexon Game Entertainment Company has adapted and reproduced many handheld games from Nintendo and even SNK into computer games. With the strong IP effect of the games themselves, a large number of fans and players have paid for the games. Nexon Game Entertainment Company Made a huge profit.

Seeing Nexon's development of the Internet game market, it makes other thoughtful colleagues envious of this, and they have invested in and established their own game companies, vowing to get a piece of the big cake in the Internet game field!

For example, the release of "Paradise" developed by South Korea's NCsoft company in 1998 raised the level of Bangzi Country's online games to a new level.An MMORPG game set in the medieval century, the graphics were quite exquisite among games at the time.

In the game, players can create characters such as royals, dragon knights, illusionists, elves, etc., and can freely allocate their own attribute points. The extremely free PK gameplay has attracted a large number of players, and "Paradise" has become a popular game in one fell swoop. Bangziguo national-level online game!

The success of "Lineage" also stimulated a large number of "juniors" who are still immersed in research and development. Among them is WEMADE, a company that later developed the classic game "Legend", and developed "Miracle MU", a game that has been recognized by many official authorities. Webzen Company selected as "Best Online Game" by the organization...


It is indeed much easier and cheaper to import Internet games from Bangziguo, obtain the agency rights of the games, and then Chineseize them for public beta testing than directly buying game companies or recruiting teams to develop games themselves.This is indeed the best choice for them who want to improve the company's performance and revenue in a short period of time!
"Xiao Li, then you have to go to Bangzi Country and talk to those game companies to see if you can get a potential game agent as soon as possible." Ding Sanshi told his subordinates his latest decision.

"Okay, Mr. Ding!" Xiao Li nodded solemnly.

------Dividing line------

Chen Daojun, who was resting in the Imperial Hotel, suddenly received an overseas call from the beautiful country.

"Chen, I have good news for you! The box office of "Spider-Man 2" released before has exceeded 7 million U.S. dollars! Many experts have predicted that the box office of this "Spider-Man 2" movie will also exceed 8 million U.S. dollars. Dollars!" George said excitedly.

When Chen Daojun made these two movies, he spent less than 5 million U.S. dollars. Now the box office alone has reached 16 billion U.S. dollars. With the high box office of these two movies, Chen Daojun successfully popularized the IP of "Spiderman" , becoming the most popular movie series of 2000.

And Chen Daojun also has Bandai Company, a large factory that specializes in producing animation and movie peripheral toys. He can take advantage of the high popularity of the "Spider-Man" series of movies to mass-produce Spider-Man series of toys and ruthlessly produce them. Satisfy the expectations of a wave of fans (referred to as: cutting leeks)!


"Perel at Marvel can't sit still! According to your previous suggestion, they have reorganized the story of "Iron Man" and plan to make it into a movie based on the formula of "Spider-Man". A popular IP, it will be convenient to make the second and third "Iron Man" in the future!" George said with some emotion.

"This guy reacts quickly enough!" Chen Daojun was stunned for a moment, and then said jokingly, "Since they have this idea, let them go ahead and do it! If they mess up, I want to send them to In prison, the rest of my life can be considered settled..."

As one of the few comic book heroes that Marvel has and is very popular, it is obviously unsatisfactory to pull out the story of Iron Man and make just one movie. The logic and main line of the story must be modified and perfected. , so that we can better take on the story of the next movie.

Hearing Chen Daojun's cold "witty" words, George couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Chen, I found out that you have become more and more humorous since you got married!"

Chen Daojun smiled and did not explain more on this issue. Instead, he smiled and asked about the progress of the Hanjin Holding Group's share acquisition.

George replied with a smile, "That boy Leyan has acquired 36% of the shares of Hanjin Holding Group! Now you are the largest shareholder of Hanjin Holding Group. As for the shares of Hanjin Holding Group that are circulating in the market There are still less than 7%, and most of the rest are held by some retail investors, and it is more cumbersome to buy.”

"That's good. It seems it's time to officially start the acquisition of Hanjin Holdings Group! George, please ask someone to help contact you and hire an intermediary agency to assist in the merger and acquisition activities according to the process of the beautiful country." Chen Daojun nodded. Head, the decision was made quickly.


"By the way, Chen, if you are free recently, you might want to come to this beautiful country. I heard that the vice president's son has fallen in love with Lindsay Morgan and is pursuing her!" George thought of what he had heard before. I couldn't help but tell the gossip news that came to me.

"Oh...? The vice president's son? Good guy, isn't his term of office about to end? This year seems to be holding a new presidential election..." Chen Daojun was a little dumbfounded, "What's the situation with the Morgan family? They Could it be a change of mind? Didn't that guy Bruce say anything?"

George paused for a while, and then said, "Maybe he has some scruples? That vice president is a bit weird. He (Albert Gore) participated in this year's presidential election~! I heard that the current approval rate is very high... "

"If you put it this way, it seems that the Morgan family is trying to sell for a price and try to establish a relationship with the future 'President of the Beautiful Country'?!" Chen Daojun's tone gradually turned cold and he said with a sneer.

If Chen Daojun remembers correctly, it should be Bush Jr. who is competing with Albert Gore!It's just that Albert Gore, who was born as a commoner, obviously overestimated his own strength, and seriously underestimated the strength of his rival Bush Jr.!
"It seems like this at the moment... But I'm afraid this old guy Bruce has greatly underestimated your strength, so he has this idea?" George said with a smile. Chen Daojun himself is low-key and has done a good job of keeping secrets.Except for a very few people in the Goldman Sachs Group, no one knows that Chen Daojun, a senior partner of the Goldman Sachs Group, is worth hundreds of billions of dollars, making him one of the richest people in the world!

If Bruce doesn't make the right decision this time, I'm afraid the old fox will pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon!

(End of this chapter)

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