Chapter 128 Warm-up is over, it’s my turn

"Howl, blast out the main cannons of your five space battleships and attack Luo Fan."

"Then what do you, the King of Demons, do?" Xihou asked.

"Don't talk nonsense, just do what I say!"

"Okay!" Haishi roared, and directly ordered:
"Five space battleships launched nuclear strikes and anti-matter laser cannons, killing Luo Fan on the spot!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the white-armored Taotie next to him said:

"King Howling, it seems that even a nuclear strike and an anti-matter laser cannon can't destroy Luo Fan."


King Howl kicked the white-armored Taotie away with one kick, saying:

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

Of course he knew that the nuclear strike and antimatter laser cannon could not destroy Luo Fan. The scene of Luo Fan fighting against a nuclear strike and antimatter laser cannon in the Battle of Tianhe had already penetrated into his brain.

However, he could also see that when Luo Fan fought against the last two nuclear strike anti-matter laser cannons, his own magical power was not enough. In the end, he relied on Rena's support to barely resist.

But now, they have five nuclear strike antimatter laser cannons, enough to seriously injure Luo Fan.

Even if Luo Fan has become stronger these days and can withstand it, he cannot become stronger so quickly. In the end, he will not have enough magical power and will be seriously injured directly.

And Lena is on the splint of the Juxia, and she has her own demons to deal with, so Lena can't support Luo Fan.

Therefore, Shan Howl felt that Luo Fan was dead.

Thinking of being able to kill a powerful god like Luo Fan soon, Ji Howl felt excited and laughed happily.


At this time, the main guns of the five space battleships in the sky glowed with hot golden light.

Naturally, Luo Fan also saw this scene, and he immediately guessed that Taotie was planning to use five nuclear strikes and antimatter laser cannons to bombard him together.

What a generous act, I think so highly of him.

However, Luo Fan was not afraid at all and directly mobilized the ultimate violent Kamigawa gene in his body.

The people on the Juxia below also saw the golden lights on the main guns of the five space battleships.

The power of a nuclear strike anti-matter laser cannon is enough to destroy a city.

And the five nuclear strike antimatter laser cannons are so powerful, it is hard to imagine how terrifying it is.

At this moment, even Rena's expression changed and she said to Qilin:

"Qi Lin, send me up quickly, I will recharge Luo Fan, the last two nuclear strikes and anti-matter laser cannons drained him dry, even though Luo Fan's strength has increased a lot during this time, he can't stop these five. "

"Okay." Qilin directly picked up Reina and flew high into the sky.

However, just as they took off, a large ax suddenly appeared from the sky and headed towards Qilin.

"God-killing martial arts?"

Qilin sensed the sharpness contained in it, and the God-killing Spear presented by Luo Fan appeared in her hand and swept past.

Sweeping the attack away, Qilin was about to fly upward when thousands of demons suddenly appeared in the sky, surrounding the air above.


Qilin is now a third-generation god body. Although she doesn't have her own powerful dark plane system, her strength is far from comparable to these demons.

With a wave of the god-killing spear, a generation of demons fell from the sky.

And Reina also fired out a series of nuclear strike anti-matter laser cannons, and with one shot, demons were knocked down one by one.

The angel Ah Zhui also flew beside Qilin, the flaming sword in his hand erupted into a golden light, and a demon was killed with one blow of the sword.

Xin Zhao adhered to Luo Fan's words at this moment and did not jump around, but standing on the ground, he could not attack the demon warrior in the sky.

At this time, Zhao Xin saw the huge crocodile that had just thrown the big ax and stood up to kill him.

He recognized who this was. He had appeared in a street for a while when he was first released. But at that time, Crocodile God Thorton had just broken out of the seal and had no strength. A generation of gluttonous warriors could easily deal with him.

Thinking of Crocodile Thornton's weak strength, Xin Zhao rushed towards Crocodile Thornton, the spear in his hand had been taken away by Luo Fan, so he punched him hard in the chest.

Xin Zhao is confident that now that he is a second-generation super soldier, it will be easy to deal with Thornton, who is not as powerful as this generation.

However, when Crocodile God Sawton saw Xin Zhao rushing towards him, he rarely used a big ax to cut him, but stood directly on the spot and let Xin Zhao's fist hit his chest.


There was a loud bang, the sound of a giant hammer hitting the steel plate.

However, Xin Zhao was dumbfounded. Under his full punch, Thornton did not move at all.

Looking up at the tall Thornton, he happened to see the teasing in the other's small eyes.

What happened, I was careless, I got out of the way.

Xin Zhao knew in an instant that he would never be able to beat the opponent, so he used his extremely fast speed to leave.

However, Thorton has a third-generation peak beast body, and is also a perfect warrior with a combination of speed, defense, and attack power. His huge crocodile claws directly stretched out and easily pinched one of Xin Zhao's thighs.

Then, holding the opponent's ankle, he slammed it hard on the ground.


"Crack, click..."

Xin Zhao's body was directly smashed to the ground, and there was a sound of bone shattering at the same time.

It was obvious that Xin Zhao had been seriously injured in just one blow.

However, Thornton continued to strike with his bow from left to right.

bang... bang... bang...

A few loud noises came out, and Xin Zhao's body limply lay on the ground, bleeding from all seven orifices.

"Bah, crispy skin!"

Thornton spat disdainfully and let go of Xin Zhao's ankle.

"Faith... Lord!"

At this time, Liu Chuang's roar sounded.

Thornton looked around and saw a rough man holding a black ax, rushing toward him quickly.

Seeing this, Thorton appeared two large axes in his hands, and rushed towards Liu Chuang as well.

When he got close, Thorton quickly slashed at Liu Chuang with the big ax in his right hand.

Seeing this, Liu Chuang held the god-killing ax in his hand and slashed at the big axe.


There was a crisp sound of steel, and the two of them were evenly matched.

Thornton was also shocked. He didn't expect that the rough man in front of him was not inferior to him in strength, and his attack power was even more powerful.

Then, another big ax cut towards Liu Chuang.

Seeing this, Liu Chuang increased his strength again and slashed with his axe.


With a click, there was a gap in the big ax in Thornton's hand. At the same time, Thornton felt a huge force coming from the opponent's axe, knocking him back more than ten meters.

"Whoa, whoa, how many blows!"

Thornton's face was full of panic, and he secretly thought something was wrong, and he just wanted to turn around and run away.He saw the other party coming to kill him again.

Liu Chuang just knocked Thornton away, his legs jumped violently, his body jumped high in an instant, and then he smashed towards Thornton.

At the same time, the god-killing ax in his hand was slashed down hard!
"My mother!"

Thornton yelled and used all his strength to block the big ax above his head.


A loud bang sounded, and Thornton was directly chopped off by Liu Chuang for tens of meters with an axe.

(End of this chapter)

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