Chapter 129 This Is the Real God of War
Thorton sat on the ground, the two large axes in his hands had already been shattered, looking at the rough man who continued to charge, Thorton's eyes were full of panic.

"Sister, sister save me!"


Liu Chuang jumped up high again and struck hard at Crocodile God Soton's throw with his axe.

At this moment, ripples appeared in the space where Thornton was, and his body disappeared instantly. However, Morgana used Devil No. [-] to teleport Thornton back directly.

Liu Chuang's attack also fell through.

At this time, there was a heavy buzzing sound from high in the sky, which almost shattered everyone's eardrums. The main guns of the five space battleships had been fully charged. Hongmang shot towards Luo Fan.

As soon as it was sprayed out, the scorching temperature felt like being burned from a long distance away. Coupled with the tens of thousands of laser cannons, it was like the end of the world.

But at this time, between the top of the Juxia and the defensive barrier, there are tens of thousands of demons squeezing this space densely.

Every demon warrior is at least a first-generation super warrior. Even if Rena, Qilin, and Chase take away one or more demons every time they attack, they cannot break out to recharge Luo Fan in a short time. arrive.

And those five world-destroying nuclear strike anti-matter laser cannons will hit Luo Fan in less than a second.

"Luo Fan, Brother Luo Fan, be careful..."

At this moment, the three women yelled at Luo Fan who was outside the defensive barrier, with panic and worry on their faces.

Luo Fan watched the five attacks coming like divine punishment, stepped on the void with his right foot, and easily stood up against the attacks of tens of thousands of laser cannons.

"Extreme berserk!"

Luo Fan shouted loudly, and his body changed instantly. His already tall body suddenly straightened up, and the swollen muscles on his body bulged. Bursts of black gas erupted from the inside of his body, squeezing away the tens of thousands of laser cannons around him. Come.

These tens of thousands of laser cannons are enough to destroy a city in an instant, but they can't even break the protective energy outside Luo Fan's body.

Luo Fan stared at the five nuclear-strike anti-matter laser cannons blasting from the sky with cold eyes, and clasped his hands together.

"Kamebo Qi... Kung Fu!"

As Luo Fan shouted the last word "Gong", the black Qi in his hands formed a wave of Qi and shot upward in an instant.


The black gas wave instantly spanned a kilometer, and hit the laser cannons of the five nuclear strike antimatter laser cannons in the sky.

When the two collided, a deafening sound erupted, and at the same time a terrifying shock wave dispersed towards the surroundings.

The nearby gluttonous fighters who were closer were instantly affected by this terrifying shock wave.

And their black battle armor, which was strong enough to defend against pistols, machine guns, and even small missiles, was instantly shattered by this shock wave.It shattered directly.

Thousands of Taotie warriors were instantly blown thousands of meters away by the shock wave. While they were still being shot backwards in the air, their black battle armor shattered. The Taotie warriors inside the battle armor were also directly smashed into pieces, and they died on the spot.

The tens of thousands of gluttonous fighters a little farther away were also thrown backwards by this shock wave for hundreds of meters. Thousands of them couldn't even stabilize their bodies, and fell directly from the flying ship under their feet, and fell directly from a high altitude.

The Taotie that fell down was naturally affected by the shock wave in the air below, and was instantly shattered into pieces by the scorching heat and powerful shock wave.

Even though their beastly bodies were infinitely close to those of a generation of super soldiers, they were shattered into pieces.


Standing on the deck of the Juxia below, Liu Chuang smiled with a worried expression.

He didn't expect it, he thought that Luo Fan couldn't block this terrifying attack, after all, this kind of attack is really too terrifying.

Even if he, the Nuoxing God of War gene sequence that has reached the third generation of super fighters, once he is directly hit by the attack wave that contains the concept of attacking the divine body, he will instantly drink hatred.

And Luo Fan actually blocked it, blocked the main artillery attack of the five space battleships of the space-level civilization.

Liu Chuang looked at Dukao next to him, and what he said came to mind,
A company of powerful soldiers can be worth millions of soldiers.

Now, what Luo Fan has done has completely fulfilled this sentence.

He alone can reach a million soldiers!
"Roge mighty, Roge mighty!"

Liu Chuang waved his god-killing ax and cheered for Luo Fan.


Suddenly, while Liu Chuang was distracted, a gluttonous warrior kicked him on the back with a sharp blade, kicking him flying when he was caught off guard.

"Master Fuck!"

Liu Chuang yelled angrily, raised his ax and dropped it, the powerful attack power directly cut the gluttonous warrior in half.

Xin Zhao looked at the five-meter-tall figure of Luo Fan who looked like a demon god in the sky, facing each other under the attack of five ways of destroying the world, he was so shocked that the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

It was hard for him to imagine how a person could have such terrifying power in his body.

This is not a human being, it is completely a god!

No, Luo Ge seems to be a god, an incomparably powerful god.

Xin Zhao thought for a moment, what would he do if he was attacked like that?
There is only one answer, instant death, or the kind of death that leaves no dross, and is destroyed in an instant until only invisible atoms remain.

At this moment, Qiangwei was stroking her slightly protruding belly, looking at Luo Fan above the sky, and said:
"Son, your father is an unparalleled hero, and he is currently protecting his family and country!"

"From now on, he will be your pride!"

"Yes! Luo Fan is indeed worthy of the pride of my future grandson." At this moment, Ducao's voice came out.

Dukao watched Luo Fan fight against tens of thousands of gluttonous warriors, demons, giant wolf warriors, and nuclear strike anti-matter laser cannons launched by five space battleships in the sky.

At this moment, his whole body was full of enthusiasm, as if he had returned to the moment of the war between the Deno Galaxy.

At that time, the Nuoxing God of War was as powerful as Luo Fan, like a god!

However, Luo Fan's defense is much stronger than that of the Noxing God of War.

At least, the former third-generation God of War, Nuoxing, could not withstand so many attacks alone.

A single God-killing weapon could seriously injure the previous generation's Nuoxing God of War.

As for Luo Fan, Ducao has already seen dozens of Shenshen Wu mixed with tens of thousands of laser cannons killing him, but this Shen Shen Wu, which can seriously injure the previous generation of Nuoxing God of War, even broke Luo Fan's defense at this moment. no.

Compared to the Nuoxing God of War, the power of the Milky Way, and the light of the sun, what Dukao saw was Luo Fan's powerful attack power, invincible defense power, lightning-fast speed, and even the black gas in his body at this moment. It seems endless.

Perfect, so perfect!
Ducao's entire face was filled with excitement. It was the first time in more than 1 years that he saw such a perfect warrior!

"God of War, this is the real God of War, and this is the god who was born to fight."

(End of this chapter)

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