Chapter 139 He Xi: Please help me...

Great Gorge!
Everyone was cleaning up the corpses of the demons on the Juxia. Tens of thousands of dead and injured demon corpses dyed the Juxia red.

Fortunately, at sea, it was easier to clean up. Throw these demon corpses directly into the sea and turn them into food for many fishes.

And Luo Fan, as the hero of this battle, did not participate in the work of cleaning up the Juxia, so he became free.

Luo Fan's eyes glowed with white light as he looked at his empty hands.

Although there seems to be nothing, under Luo Fan's enhanced clairvoyance eyes, he can see the millions of sacred atoms in his hands.

The battle between Kesha and Morgana took place in the outer space of the Blue Star, and Kesha was used by Karl to use a large clock to transport the surrounding space to the vicinity of the Emerald Star. When the Emerald Star exploded into countless sacred atoms, Kesha's body was actually equivalent to being in the Blue Star. The extraterrestrial space has turned into countless countless billions of sacred atoms.

And Luo Fan, who knew all this earlier, snatched the millions of Kaisha's sacred atoms in his hand in an instant.

Countless other sacred atoms were dispersed to every corner of the known universe by Karl using the big clock.

As for why Luo Fan wanted to snatch the sacred atom, it was because he had a plan, a plan to develop it.

After Kesha was exploded by the Emerald Star, she turned into countless divine atoms.

In fact, every sacred atom has Kesha's mark on it. As long as he finds Angel Zhixin, the angel's new generation think tank, and lets her transfer a lot of angel knowledge to him, he can use his void engine to cultivate it. These millions of divine atoms.

In the end, successfully train Kesha and take her down.

Moreover, Luo Fan also knew that although Kaisha's body had been transformed into countless sacred atoms, her soul was preserved by the treasure house of knowledge.

However, Kesha's current soul body should be in another dimension, and maybe she is looking at him in another dimension. This is also very possible.

"Luo Fan, are you there?"!
Suddenly, He Xi's voice sounded over the communication line.

"Naixi, what's the matter?" Luo Fan asked.

"Can you not call me Naixi?" Hexi's somewhat unhappy voice sounded.

"No, Naixi sounds very good, don't you think?"

"I feel like I want to kick it in."

Luo Fan didn't answer, and lay on the grand master's chair basking in the sun.

After a long time, He Xi's voice sounded again:

"Do I need to trouble you with something? Of course, I will compensate you."

Luo Fan tapped the armrest with his fingers and said:

"It's no trouble at all. What's our relationship? If you have something to say, just tell me and we'll avoid compensation."

"What's the relationship?" He Xi's voice was a little surprised, and then he said again:

"Well, don't make it sound like we have a good relationship."

"We have a good relationship. Once we are born and second times we are acquainted. You see, this is the second time you have approached me. We are very familiar."

Hexi: "..."

"I won't argue with you, let's get back to the subject. My personal disciple, Kesha's right-wing bodyguard Zhi Xin, was plotted by that pervert Karl in the Styx Galaxy. Now she has been seriously injured and came to your China. Please save her. .”

"What a big deal, I'll go rescue you right now, but... all of our Blue Star's current wireless communications and most of the wired communications have been destroyed by Morgana using Demon One. Now we rely on roaring to communicate in combat, and I can't find Zhi." Where is your heart?”

In fact, as a time traveler, Luo Fan naturally knows where Zhi Xin is at the moment, but saying this is in line with normal logic, and it can also allow He Xi to meet some conditions.

Sure enough, He Xi's beautiful voice sounded again:

"With your ability, you should be able to find Zhi Xin soon, and Zhi Xin is the think tank of the angel. After saving her, she can give you Huaxia technical guidance, and give you a lot of angelic sacred codes, so that your dark The plane system is rapidly becoming stronger."

"I think this is what you need at the moment. Your strength is really amazing. You are simply an anomaly. You can be so powerful without any blessing from the dark plane. Even Queen Keisha does not have a treasure trove of knowledge and With the blessing of the arsenal, I’m afraid I’m no match for you.”

"So, if your dark plane becomes stronger quickly, it will also help your strength, and Zhi Xin is the person you need most right now."

Luo Fan thought about it after hearing the words, and felt that what He Xi said was very correct.

"That, Luo Fan..." At this time, Ye Hexi's voice was a little hesitant, wanting to speak.

When Luo Fan heard this, he said calmly: "Just say what you want to say, don't makes me anxious."

"Okay, um...thank you, thank you for saving Zhixin."

"You're welcome, we're all our own people." Luo Fan was slightly shocked and replied calmly.

Indeed, in his opinion, Zhi Xin is one of his own.

After all, Ah Zhui is his woman now, so this angel is his own.

Moreover, in Luo Fan's opinion, in his estimation, Angel Yan's angel oath partner in Fraser at this moment should not be Ge Xiaolun, perhaps, it may be himself.

Because, as Kesha’s favorite angel, Angel Yan will naturally find the best male god for her.

In the original book, Ge Xiaolun's Shenhe gene galaxy power, combined with the top research and creation of the Super Seminary and Angel Civilization, grew up to be the supreme god of the known universe.

Therefore, Kaisha married Yan to Ge Xiaolun.Even though Ge Xiaolun's character is very cowardly, not brave at all, and even became a deserter, even after becoming a third-generation god body, he will fall because of Qiangwei's departure. Eat big meals and drink beer.

He even went on a blind date with a woman.In this way, is he worthy of the help given to him by the angel, and is he worthy of Huaxia giving him almost all the resources?

If it weren't for the sarcasm of the blind date girl, Ge Xiaolun would have been depraved for a few more years.

But even for such a cowardly Ge Xiaolun, the broad-minded Kaisha still matched Yan to Ge Xiaolun, because he will grow up to be the supreme god, able to lead the angels to the future after her Kaisha goes offline.

And now, with Luo Fan's intervention, he turned the tide in the Battle of Tianhe, saved the Juxia in the Battle of Juxia, and has always been brave and righteous...

Although, there is a shortcoming, some color...

However, Luo Fan is confident that Kesha will change her mind and match Yan to him, and Yan also likes a male god like him.

After all, Yan is known as the perfect warrior, the god of war, and has always been brave. It is impossible for him to like the cowardly Ge Xiaolun. Instead, he will fall in love with him, the brave and righteous god on earth.

Therefore, Luo Fan reckoned that Yan would become his guardian angel, and Yan is now temporarily acting as the King of Angels, the Heavenly Blade King, so Luo Fan and Angel are of course a family.

Thinking of the guardian angel, Luo Fan remembered that when Angel Yan swore the angel oath, Angel Zhixin swore the angel oath together.

In the original work, the target is Xin Zhao and becomes Xin Zhao's guardian angel.

I just don’t know whose guardian angel Zhi Xin, the angel’s think tank, will become now with his intervention.

(End of this chapter)

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