Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 140 Angel’s Heart: Luo Fan, I am your guardian angel

Chapter 140 Angel’s Heart: Luo Fan, I am your guardian angel

In a forest, a beautiful female angel shuttles quickly between the trees.

This angel has short blond hair, side-length bangs, a delicate and graceful body, and a sinister swell. A pair of long legs are full of alluring curves when running.

Angel Zhixin, Hexi's direct disciple, Kaisha's holy right wing, and Angel's think tank.

Behind Zhi Xin, hundreds of Taotie followed closely behind, carrying laser guns and shooting.

Above, there are five firepower ships, with full firepower, they use energy cannons to attack Zhixin below.

"Bang... bang... bang..."

Laser cannons shot at Zhi Xin who was running forward, breaking down trees one after another.

Zhi Xin looked at her flexible movements, dodging Taotie's attacks back and forth.


Suddenly, Zhi Xin let out a soft cry, his back was hit by a laser blast, his body was blown away, and a towering tree was smashed to the ground.

Zhi Xin put her white hands on the ground, stood up quickly, and the white wings on her back shook.


Just when he was about to fly away, a mouthful of hot blood spit out from his alluring little mouth, and a look of pain appeared on his pretty little face.

Just for a moment, Zhi Xin looked aside, staring solemnly at the more than 100 gluttonous fighters who had already surrounded her, and the five fireships above.

And in front of more than 100 gluttonous fighters wearing black armor, there is another gluttonous fighter in a large white mech.

The gluttonous warrior of the pseudo void, the strength of the third generation super warrior, the demon ape, also holds a god-killing sword in his hand.

Normally, although she is Kaisha's holy right wing, she is mainly reflected in the study of the dark plane, and the fighter is not as good as the holy left wing angel Yan.

However, she still didn't take these chickens and dogs in her eyes at all, and ordinary third-generation divine bodies were no match for her.

However, after Queen Kaisa went offline, all their angels could not receive the blessing of Queen Kaisa's knowledge treasure house, and their combat power declined rapidly.

This is the networked dark plane, and the strength of all their angels mainly relies on Kesha's treasure trove of knowledge.

But even if the combat power drops rapidly, the strength is above the general three generations of gods. However, she was attacked by Karl, the god of death in the Styx galaxy, and used a void attack, which caused serious damage to the genes in her body. Time resumed. At this moment, he was seriously injured and his strength was less than ten.

Therefore, I am afraid that he is no match for these gluttonous people in front of him.

In fact, he can't even fly at this moment, which shows the severity of his injuries.

"Kill her!"

The pseudo-empty gluttonous warrior Shen Yuan waved his hand, and more than 100 gluttonous warriors switched to sharp blades and rushed towards Zhixin.

The sharp blade can break through even Zhi Xin's defense.

Seeing this, Zhi Xin let go of the hand covering his chest, and the flaming sword appeared, with a hot red light glowing on the sword. He slashed with the sword, cutting a Taotie warrior into two pieces.

The other Taotie warriors did not flinch when they saw this, and moved towards Zhi Xin to besiege him.

Zhi Xin endured the pain of serious physical injuries, even though his body skills were much worse than before, he was still extremely flexible compared to these gluttonous fighters.

The flaming sword swings the sword, and the reapers eat up their lives one by one.

As for the pseudo-void fighter, the ape god, he was not in a hurry to make a move at the moment.

Because he was afraid of death, even if Zhi Xin was seriously injured at the moment, he didn't dare to take it lightly.

The divine ape was walking among more than 100 gluttonous warriors, waiting for his subordinates to risk their lives until Zhi Xin showed his flaws, and then he could kill them with one blow.

"It's now!"

Seeing Zhi Xin kill most of the more than 100 Taotie warriors, the divine ape finally found a flaw due to his serious injuries. He quickly moved his body and came behind Zhi Xin, and slashed away with the God-killing Sword in his hand.


There was a sound of skin and flesh being pulled apart, and the white armor on Zhixin's chest was cut open by the God Killing Saber in an instant, leaving a [-] cm wound on his chest.

If so, Zhi Xin beheaded the several Taotie fighters who blocked him, and then slashed at the fake void fighter Shen Yuan with his sword.

This is Zhixin's plan, deliberately revealing flaws, trying to get seriously injured again, as long as he kills the only fake void warrior, the god ape, the remaining chickens and dogs will be much easier.

However, facing this fatal blow, the Divine Ape grabbed a Taotie warrior next to him and blocked it in front of him, while quickly retreating back.


The Taotie warrior was directly cut in half, but Zhi Xin's body trembled, and he knelt on the ground with one knee, and inserted the flaming sword into the ground to keep his body from falling.

She was seriously injured, her body was already seriously injured by Karl's Void attack, and after arriving in Huaxia, she was chased and killed by Taotie one after another, she was already exhausted.

Just now she was seriously injured again by the Divine Ape Killing God Knife, she really couldn't stand it anymore.

Shen Yuan looked at Zhi Xin, who was unable to stabilize her body, and knew that she was in a state of exhaustion at the moment, so he could definitely kill her by himself.

However, he spared his life. After all, Zhi Xin was the right wing of the sacred left wing, and his reputation was too great. He was afraid of Zhi Xin's counterattack before he died.

God Ape looked at the around 30 Taotie who had been killed by Zhixin, and sternly shouted:

"Kill, kill her for me, there will be a heavy reward."

Thirty or so Taotie warriors looked at the crumbling Zhi Xin, even though the god ape lured him with a huge reward, they still didn't dare to go forward, they were all terrified by the seriously injured Zhi Xin just now.

When they started chasing Zhi Xin, they originally had a thousand Taotie warriors, but now there were only about thirty of them left, as well as dozens of Taotie from the five fireships above.

Seeing that none of his subordinates dared to step forward, Shen Yuan raised his knife and killed a Taotie beside him, then glanced coldly, and sternly shouted:
"Whoever doesn't move will end up like this!"

Many Taotie looked at the fallen Taotie, staring at the cold eyes of the god ape, their eyes were full of fear.

Angel Zhixin who went to kill all the oil and lamps would probably die, but it is not unmoving, the god ape will definitely kill them.


Thinking of this, more than 30 Taotie warriors roared with courage, flashed their sharp blades, and killed Zhi Xin.

Zhi Xin slashed out with his sword, killing a Taotie warrior directly, and then swung his sword to block a sharp blade attack behind him.


However, the flame sword in his hand was directly shaken away.

Seeing this, the god ape shouted:

"Kill her, she is indeed exhausted."

At this moment, needless to say the god ape, many gluttons are not blind, so naturally they also saw this, and killed Zhi Xin.

Zhi Xin had a lonely look on his face, looking at the many attacks that were about to fall on him, and smiled bitterly:
"Could it be that my angel Zhixin is going to die here?"

Luo Fan, where are you?
When Sister Yan took the angelic oath, I also took the angelic oath.

Do you know who the outstanding man in my angel vows is, and do you know whose guardian angel I have become?

The tall, tall, handsome man appeared in Zhi Xin's mind.

It's you, Luo Fan, I will become your guardian angel, and I promise you for the rest of your life.

Just, goodbye in the next life.

He closed his eyes in despair.


(End of this chapter)

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