Super God: More children, more blessings, Qilin fell in love at the beginning

Chapter 154 Angel Leng: Luo Fan, stop comforting me, I’m dead

Chapter 154 Angel Leng: Luo Fan, stop comforting me, I’m dead

Each of these male angels can be a god when they reach ancient civilization.

But now, more than a dozen Tianzha held divine swords and slashed towards Luo Fan!

"Be careful! They are all 3-year-old male angel scum. They are very strong and have extremely rich combat experience!"

Leng saw this scene, even if she faced the siege of more than a dozen powerful scumbags, she was not an opponent, so she quickly reminded her.

"Jumping Clown!"

Luo Fan hugged the angel coldly, glanced at the dozen or so scumbags with disdain, and a golden light erupted from his body.

"Bang... bang... bang... bang... bang..."

The cold golden light shook all around indiscriminately, and more than a dozen divine swords were instantly shattered by the golden energy. Then a dozen male angels were also shocked and exploded, forming streaks of blood mist in the air.


Leng in his arms took a breath of air and looked at Luo Fan in disbelief.

She knew that Luo Fan was very strong, very strong, but she never expected him to be so strong.

Just standing there without moving for a moment, the golden stellar energy erupting with him killed more than a dozen powerful men Tian Zha.

She had seen such a scene some time ago.

That was the day Queen Kaisha went offline, in the sacred domain, as long as those demons approached Queen Kaisa within a radius of more than one kilometer, they would be directly stabbed to death by An Suyin one after another.

But that was Queen Keisha, one of the most powerful people in the known universe, and the move that directly shocked the male scum in front of Luo Fan was similar to Queen Kesha's move.

Seeing this scene, Nuoning's face was full of fear.

She thought that Luo Fan was very strong, otherwise he wouldn't kick her casually and seriously hurt her.

But unexpectedly, it was so strong that the golden glow that erupted randomly killed more than a dozen powerful male angels.

Fuck, it’s too strong, too scary.

Therefore, Nuoning quickly opened the wormhole and his body disappeared directly on the spot.

"Can you escape?"

Luo Fan murmured, and grabbed the void in front of him with his big hand.

The hand sank directly into the void and disappeared.

In the wormhole, Nuoning fled quickly. In a moment, she had escaped at least a hundred miles.

Thinking that he should be safe at such a long distance, Nuoning breathed a sigh of relief, the fear on his face disappeared, replaced by viciousness, and he said to himself:
"Luo Fan, right? When I get Kesha's treasure house of knowledge, I will definitely make your life worse than death, and tear you to pieces... ah..."

Nuo Ning suddenly yelled in pain, and then wrenched his hands vigorously.

There, at her neck, a big hand suddenly appeared, tightly grasping her throat.

Then, his big hands grabbed Nuoning's neck and took her directly out of the wormhole.

On the rooftop of a tall building, looking coldly at Nuoning who was tightly held by Luo Fan's big hand, he asked:
"She... didn't she open the wormhole and escape? Why did you grab her and bring her back?"

At this time, Leng looked at this scene with shock in his heart.

Moreover, now she is no longer addressing Nuo Ning as a master, but her.

For Leng Ruoshuang, who has clear grievances and grievances, the moment Nuoning attacked her comrades in arms, the moment Nuoning betrayed the angel, he was no longer her master, but the traitor of the angel.

"Ho ho... ho ho..."

Nuoning's face turned red. She knew that Luo Fan in front of her would definitely kill her. The only chance now was that her apprentice was cold.

So, Nuo Ning turned into an acting school in an instant, looked pitifully, looked at Nuo Ning in pain, and prayed:
"Leng, Master is wrong. Master should not betray Angel. Please let him let me go."

Leng just looked at Nuo Ning indifferently, expressionless.

Looking at Nuoning's expressionless face, Nuoning continued to pray:
"Cold, Master is really wrong. Queen Keisha is offline now, and I am so powerful, I can definitely help Angel get through this difficulty. Please let him let me go, Master is so painful."

However, Leng was not moved at all by Nuoning's request, and a cold voice came out:

"You traitor to the angel, you have the nerve to say this, and you deserve to die."

"Furthermore, you said that the angel gene in my body was completely destroyed, and I will soon die. Why didn't you mention the relationship between master and disciple when you attacked me just now?"

Hearing the cold questioning, Nuo Ning's face was ashen. She knew this apprentice and was very righteous in her heart. Since she said so, she would never intercede for her, so she laughed a few times and said:
" can die, anyway, your angel gene has been completely destroyed by me before, so I'm content to have you on my back today."

"Furthermore, I have passed the entire defense line of Angel Civilization to Hua Ye. You will then wait for Hua Ye's attack and kill!"

"Pfft!" Leng heard this and was so worried about the angel's safety that he spat out a mouthful of blood again and said angrily through gritted teeth:

"You traitor, a lackey who is worse than a beast!"

"Haha...haha..." Nuoning looked at the angel spouting blood coldly, knowing that she was going to die soon, and laughed loudly:
"Haha, you are going to die right now, and I want to watch you die with my own eyes."

After saying that, he stared at Luo Fan provocatively and said:

"How about it? Even though you killed me, seeing the beautiful Angel Leng, the righteous Angel Leng, and the Angel Leng who helped China resist gluttony die in front of you, isn't it heartbreaking and powerless?"

"Haha...haha..." Luo Fan suddenly laughed twice, and a cold voice came out:

"It seems that it is right to let you live a little longer, to let you watch the cold and not die, and to let you die disappointed."

After saying that, Luo Fan threw Nuoning directly to the ground, and used the Heaven Punishment Void Engine to shoot out a golden light to imprison her in the dark plane, sealing off all her power.

Then he hugged Leng gently and said:

"Your master wants you to die so much, I'll cure you now and let her die in pain, okay?"


There are question marks all over Leng's face, not knowing why.

She thought Luo Fan was acting with her, asking her to pretend that she was cured and then kill Nuoning.

However, she couldn't hold on any longer, so Leng had no choice but to say apologetically:
"Sorry, I can't play this scene with you, because... because I'm going to die soon."

When Luo Fan heard this, he pinched his straight nose and said:

"What kind of drama are you acting? Do you think I am an actor? I can really heal your injuries and keep you alive."

"What? Can you really heal my injury?" Leng asked happily after hearing this.

However, just after finishing speaking, Leng became sad again and said:

"Don't comfort me. The angel gene in my body has been completely destroyed and collapsed by Nuoning. Even if Queen Kesha comes online now, she can't heal my injuries."

Having said this, Leng stretched out his white hand to touch Luo Fan's face, and said:

"Yan really has a good eye. I found you such an excellent male god. Not only is he powerful, but he is also righteous in his heart, and he is also... handsome!"

(End of this chapter)

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